
Power of Standardizing Your Daily Activities for Health, Happiness, and Success

Standardizing your daily activities can provide numerous benefits for your mental, physical, and emotional health. By standardizing your daily activities, you can reduce decision fatigue, improve efficiency, and minimize stress. With a set of routines, you can accomplish tasks more quickly and efficiently, increasing your productivity and saving time.

Your life will be more meaningful and structured if you organize your daily routines, activities, diets, clothes, exercises, and habits. They can provide your mind with the freedom to explore matters that are deeper and more substantial than the countless decisions that you have to make on a daily basis.

In this article, we will explore into the power of standardizing your daily routines and how you can incorporate these practices into your daily life.

What is Standardization?

Standardization is the process of creating consistent procedures and processes that can be repeated over and over again. In the context of daily activities, standardization means creating a consistent routine that you can follow each day. This daily routine can include everything from your morning prayer, meditation timings, mantra chanting styles, yoga exercise routine, buying patterns, and the way you communicate with your team members.  

The Benefits of Standardizing Daily Activities

Standardizing your daily activities can provide numerous benefits for your mental, physical, and emotional health.… Read more..

Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark. - Sri Amit Ray

Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark. – Sri Amit Ray

How to cultivate champion mindset? Here, we discussed the five mindsets of a champion to light the spark within. Timing is the key to championships. If you want to be at the top, you need to understand the value of time. 

“Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.” – Sri Amit Ray

Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark. - Sri Amit Ray

If you want to achieve success in any area of your life, you need a champion mindset. The right mindset, right energy, and right timing are the three rules that can give you success.

Right moment with right energy

The ability to synchronize actions in reference to external elements is what we mean when we talk about timing. It is the combination of your ability to make decisions, coordinate your physical and mental movements, and respond quickly that allows them to be in the right place, at the right moment, with the right energy.Read More »Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark. – Sri Amit Ray

While the dawn is still in the dark, God whispers new promises. Listen to those whispers and manifest your dreams. – Sri Amit Ray

To make your dreams come true, make it a habit to get up early and listen to God’s whispers. The god tries to communicate its plan in the early morning hours; simply tune your inner ear.

It will help you to develop your inner vision and inner strength, which are essential for playing your higher roles in life. Inner strength is what gives you the strength to overcome any obstacle and keep going to fulfil your goals.

“While the dawn is still in the dark, God whispers new promises. Listen to those whispers and manifest your dreams.” – Sri Amit Ray

While the dawn is still in the dark, God whispers new promises. Listen to those whispers and manifest your dreams. - Sri Amit Ray

Ideal time to getting up

A good time to get up is between the hours of 3:30 AM and 5 AM in the morning. If you want to do deep meditation you should get up early in the morning. Children should be encouraged into waking up between the hours of 5 and 5.30 in the morning.Read More »While the dawn is still in the dark, God whispers new promises. Listen to those whispers and manifest your dreams. – Sri Amit Ray

How to Rediscover Your True Self and Transform the Darkness into Light

How to Rediscover Your True Self and Transform the Darkness into Light

Rediscover Your True Self – Transform the Darkness into Light

You are, inherently, whole and pure. Stress, strain, conflict, and other hurtful experiences may have covered your naturally intact core, but you can recover it.  You can work from your inner resources and uncover your true Self and you can transform your darkness into light. Dr. Amit Ray here explains the power of Cosmic Self meditation for higher alignment with the pure Cosmic Self for happy and fulfilling life.  

Rediscover Your True Self  Transform the Darkness into Light by Sri Amit Ray

Power of Self-completing:

Self-completing means finding the light within and thereby aligning with the cosmic light. Meditation on cosmic Self, is the best way to align with the cosmos. Individual self is incomplete without its deep connection with the cosmic Self.  Our Cosmic Self meditation techniques aim to reunify the individual with cosmos.  Fulfillment comes when you free yourself from the artifices and regain original naturalness.

Once you rediscover your simplest and purest Self, your operations within the material world become effortless. You become harmonize with the cosmos. 

“Individual self is incomplete without its deep connection with the cosmic Self.  Cosmic Self meditation techniques aim to reunify the individual with cosmos.” — Amit Ray

Union with the cosmic Self

Union with the cosmic Self is not reserved for an elite of spiritual seekers. You don’t need to renounce the worldly life and isolating into unnecessary complexity. Self-completion lies right in front of your nose. The attitude with which you carry out your activities in daily life can turn anything from serving tea to sweeping the yard, into an act of fulfillment. Recognizing the presence of cosmic Self in everything, and operating in consciousness with this realization, is the essence of our cosmic Self meditation. You will realize that you are complete as you experience  the present moment. Who Am I meditation is a special seven step technique to realize the cosmic Self. 

Connecting the Energy Points with the Cosmos

The internal meditation process requires a firing process, which consists of moving vital energy through the human energetic metabolism. You energy points are distributed across the body some are blocked and some are open. There are 114 energy points and 72000 energy channels in human body.  There are energy points under the soles of the feet, in the palms of the hands, and at the crown of the head. They serve to expel old vital energy, and absorb fresh refined energy into the body.  A human being is healthy when pure vital energy runs fluidly through all energetic structures. Vital energy flow supplies the body and its organs with balanced sun and moon energies. “As within, so without” applies to everything, because everything is informed by the same underlying Truth.

“Life is not a discrete phenomena. It is a part of an intelligent cosmic field.
It is a cosmic dance.” — Amit Ray

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Five Greatest Shiva Mantras to Chant and Meditate

The five most powerful mantras of Lord Shiva are discussed here. These are to sing the glory of Lord Shiva – the supreme consciousness. Shiva – the supreme consciousness can be accessed in many ways. Shiva is the God as well as the purest vibration of the soul. With these vibrations of the five mantra you can tune with the ultimate power and truth. You can select any one of these mantra and chant according to your convenience. There is not much rules or restrictions for chanting these mantra. Only these mantra should be chanted for peace and the benefit of the humanity and the world. 

Five Greatest Shiva Mantras

It is said that a devotee who sings it with full devotion after taking bath and wearing clean clothes, and worship  Shiva – the divine cosmic truth and beauty with Flowers, Rice, Fruits, Bel leaves, Sandalwood,  etc…and most importantly, a pure heart, Shiva blesses them with immense strength, wealth and light and they get through all problems and  removes the obstacles of life. You can chant these mantras or you can do meditation on those mantras.

1. Shiva Main Mantra

ॐ नमः शिवाय॥
Om Namah Shivaya॥

Meaning of the Om Namah Shivaya Mantra:

Om namah Shivaya is one of the most beloved mantra of Lord Shiva.… Read more..

How Your Belief and Intelligence Can Bring You Success

How Your Belief and Intelligence Can Bring You Success

It is often said that belief is the death of intelligence. Sri Amit Ray explains how belief and intelligence can work together for success. He says why you need to transcend your limiting belief systems and develop strong self-belief by reprogramming your subconscious mind. He discussed how you can change your point of view in order to change your core negative beliefs.

Beliefs Intelligence and Success

Nature of Beliefs:

Generally, belief means an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.  For example, we never ponder whether or not the sun will rise. We simply assume the sun will rise.  Self-belief or self-confidence are thought to be the way that you feel about your skills, abilities, looks and behaviors.

Types of Beliefs:

There are two types of beliefs; positive beliefs and negative beliefs. Positive beliefs are the beliefs that gives you energy, motivation and happiness for short term as well as for long term. Self-belief is an example of positive belief. Negative beliefs are the beliefs that drags you down and makes you dependent on something other than your self. Blind faiths are the examples of negative belief. 

Beliefs are driven by very human hopes and dreams and fears. Your beliefs can be a prison system you’ve created for yourself. But the door is not locked. You can come out of that. It never was and you can get escape from your limiting ideas about reality any time you want to open that door. 

Power of Self-Beliefs and Self-Confidence:

What is important is developing belief in yourself.  Self-belief makes you confident, relax, creative and think clearly. Test and experience your own beliefs again and again.  If you believe in yourself, you’ll feel motivated to take positive action and you will remain motivated for longer periods of time. You won’t be upset by mistakes or setbacks. If you believe that you can or you can’t, you’re right. If you don’t think it’s possible forget about success, you can’t even get started.  The only thing standing between you and your success is your inner story – that continuously telling you as to why you can’t achieve it.  

Intelligence and Blind Beliefs:

Intelligence is necessary in life but intelligence alone is not enough to be a successful person.  Self belief and positive-mindset are essential elements of success.  Blind faith, while still practiced, is not a practical approach to resolving the problems of modern life.  In fact blind faith is detrimental to life. It gives a very narrow view of problems and issues. When your beliefs meet reality, reality wins every time if they’re not in sync. Researchers observed that there is a negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief.  Blind belief system often actively deny evidence to fit what they already believe. 

Belief and Intelligence and Success:

Success in life depends on how to meet the challenges in the world of emotions or how we become more creative, how we identify and solve real life problems or how we make better decisions.  The people who achieved great success in life mastered a few fundamental and universal truths better than anyone else. They can easily separate the signal from the noise. Truth must be earned by each individual. It can’t be bought or cheated or even learned without personal dedication and hard work. If you want to get good at anything you have to learn to see your strengths and  weaknesses accurately. If you don’t start with the truth you can’t possibly get anything else right. 

Humans are fear driven animals. We constantly imagine terrible tragedies in order to try to react ahead of them. But the problem is that you spend your whole life reacting to imaginary events instead of the one real one. That is the path to suffering and pain. Positive mindset is the path of success and happiness.

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