Daily Teachings

Sri Amit Ray Teachings on Sanjivani Vidya and Urja Vidya for Immunity and Spirituality

How Sanjivani Vidya and Ayurveda can Boost your Immunity and Spirituality

Mystery Ayurveda and Sanjivani Vidya

Sri Amit Ray talks about Sanjivani Vidya, Urja Vidya  and Ayurveda to enhance your immunity, healing power and spirituality.  The eleven key immunity chakras and eleven key healing herbs are discussed. This article is for the students, who have attended the Ray 114 Chakra meditation course


Sanjivani Vidya and Urja Vidya for Immunity and Spirituality Amit Ray Teachings

Sanjivani Vidya gives huge spiritual energy for deep meditation. Sanjivani Vidya is vital for getting up early in the morning especially at 3:45 AM and for deep  ishvara pranidhana – realizing the supreme truth.  Urja Vidya is necessary for developing concentration, patience, mental clarity, and creativity.  Both of them are associated with immunity and mental strength. 

Ayurved and Sanjivani Vidya

In ancient oral tradition of Ray Ayurveda, there are seven protocols to improve your immunity, health and spirituality. These seven Ayurveda protocols are the seven ways to study the herbs, human body system, the 114 chakras and 72000 nadis, and the diseases.  Among these seven Ayurveda protocols, the following three protocols are very important for immunity, health and healing. 

The first one is the traditional vata-pitta-kapha protocol (Dhatu Vidya). The other two vital protocols are Sanjivani pathway protocol (Sanjivani Vidya), and the Urja pathway protocol (Urja Vidya). Today, I will discuss mainly the Sanjivani pathway protocol and the Urja pathway protocols, which are studied to improve immunity in inline with the 114 chakras in human body.Read More »How Sanjivani Vidya and Ayurveda can Boost your Immunity and Spirituality

Leadership Blind Spots Sri Amit Ray Teachings

Overcoming the Blind Spots: Leadership from Inner Being

Leadership from the Inner Being: Overcoming the Blind Spots

Sri Amit Ray explains the concept of overcoming leadership blind spots from within. He also describes how to overcome the blind spots in leadership and decision-making processes.

Leadership begins with a simple human gesture, which is to inspire others. To inspire others, you must feel integrated, harmonious, and whole. Temperamant is the key discipline of leadership. When you are disconnected from your inner being, you don’t feel solid and whole within yourself. When you are connected to your inner being, you feel integrated, harmonious, and whole.

Here, by inner dimensions I mean inner strength, inner vision – the expanded consciousness beyond the small ego which considers him or her self separate from the rest.  On the Physical body level we have emotional blockages. When you are connected with your Inner Being, you feel integrated, harmonious and whole.

Blind spots in leadership refer to areas where leaders may lack awareness or insight into their own behavior, biases, or the impact of their actions on others. These blind spots can hinder effective leadership and lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities for growth and development.

When you operate from your Inner Being you can overcome the mundane emotional blockages that drags you down. Through leadership chakra meditations, mindfulness and positive mindset we can get connection with our Inner Being. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King are the examples of leadership from Inner Being.

Leadership from Inner Being By Sri Amit Ray

Authentic Leadership and Inner Dimensions:

We can consistently inspire others when we are authentic – authentic to ourselves and authentic to others. Authenticity is the single most important principle of leadership. Authenticity comes from our deeper inner dimensions. It comes from our core values, principles, and life experiences.

To be a good leader you must be authentic to your current state of development as well as to your potential state of development.  In cryptography, authenticity means messages that received by A are actually sent by B – there is no noise, error or loss of information. In leadership, authenticity means what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. There should not be any  contradiction, confusion or doubt. Today’s best leaders are authentic leaders. They are connected with their inner being, which guides them in their daily actions and enables them to earn the trust of their subordinates, peers, and shareholders. Read More »Overcoming the Blind Spots: Leadership from Inner Being

Impact of Om Chanting Om Meditation on Brain and Heart - Amit Ray

Heart Rate Variability with Om Meditation and Chanting

Stress Relief and Heart Rate Variability with Om Meditation

Sri Amit Ray explains how Om meditation and Om chanting is related to heart rate variability and stress relief.

Your heart rate is constantly changing to meet various requirements of your body and mind. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures how your heart rate varies over time. Generally, heart rate variability increases during relaxation and recovering activities and decreases during stress and anxiety. HRV reflects the changes in the interval between heartbeats (R wave) over time. HRV is NOT the same as plain old heart rate (HR). It’s not the “beats per minute” number most of us are familiar with.

Broadly speaking there are seven types of Om meditation. The impact of these meditations on stress level varies from person to person. HRV measurement just after different Om meditations can help you to assess the impact of your personalized meditation techniques on stress relief.  The key for effective Om chanting is activating the Vayapini Nadi and the Kurma Nadi.  Our studies strongly suggests that Vayapini Om chanting increases HRV and may be linked to the activation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex regions of the brain.

Stress Relief and Heart Rate Variability with Om Meditation By Dr Amit Ray

Stress Relief and Heart Rate Variability with Om Meditation

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How Om Chanting Can Help You to Discover the Kingdom of God Within You

How Om Chanting Can Help You to Discover the Kingdom of God Within You

Om Chanting for Discovering the Kingdom of God Within You

Sri Amit Ray talks about accessing the kingdom of God that is within you, in the light of Om chanting and Om meditation. 

The kingdom of God is a metaphor – metaphor of transformation into more creative, more conscious, more caring, loving and fulfilling life with the fellow beings. It talks about the higher inner dimensions of human soul. It is about discovering the inner treasures like: inner strength, adaptability, acceptability, resilience, forgiveness, and caring power that is within us.  Om chanting and Om meditation has tremendous power to activate these inner powers. Om chanting has several benefits and it is an art – a systematic step by step process.

Om Chanting for Discovering The Kingdom of God Within You by Amit Ray

True kingdom is the deep feelings of love with the wholeness or fullness of the world. This kingdom was meant not to be taught, but to be self-discovered.  It is about realizing and unfolding our best inner qualities for the service of the humanity and the environment where we live.  The essence of the kingdom is transformation that would happen inside us and within the world where we live. Rather than being imposed from the outside, it all about remaking ourselves for betterment from the inside. God will bring heaven to earth only when our love for all beings are complete and genuine. 

Om meditations can make you more focused, caring, strong, and decisive. It can give you strong inner strength, which inspire people to follow you because you will become more courageous, confident, clear minded, big hearted, and big thinker. By practicing Om chanting, you will be able to face the  tough questions and challenges of life more smoothly and efficiently. The seven dimensions of inner power through Om chanting are as follows:Read More »How Om Chanting Can Help You to Discover the Kingdom of God Within You

Shreya (Long Term) vs Preya (Short Term) Fulfillment: The Art of Happy Living

Shreya vs Preya: The Art of Happy Living

Here, Sri Amit Ray talks about the wisdom of “shreya vs preya” – the art of happy living in the path of long term fulfillment versus short term pleasure. He explains how skillful behavior patterns can directed us towards Shreya, which brings joy, happiness, love and trust in life.

Our true nature is divine and eternal. Our true purpose of life is to awaken and realize that permanent divinity that is within us. However, in human life there are positive emotions like: joy, trust, happiness and love. There are negative emotions like: anger, fear, anxiety, depression, worry, grief and mistrust. Life is a dynamics of these two types of emotions. How to find the higher purpose and true meanings of life in the midst of these negative turmoils of life is the eternal question. 

Read More »Shreya (Long Term) vs Preya (Short Term) Fulfillment: The Art of Happy Living

Seven Scientific Benefits of Om Chanting

Seven Scientific Benefits of Om Chanting

Here, Sri Amit Ray explains the scientific aspects of om chanting benefits.

Om chanting is a disciplined and  flexible process to remove tension, anxiety,  fear, depressions, and negativity from life.  It can bring positivity to your life like courage, focus, concentration, happiness, and joy, effortlessly. It can improve your state (short term) as well as trait (long term) health, happiness, joy and well-being. 

Om chanting is a series of step-by-step process. It is a scientific art but it should be learnt properly to get its benefits. Systematic guided Om chanting can change your emotional reactions and responses to external stimuli and internal experiences in a positive way. It can enhance your efficiency, calmness, tranquility, and mental clarity.

Dr. Ray explains how low frequency Om chanting can reduce our daily stress, strain, anxiety and tensions. Om chanting is effective for stress management.  Under various pressure conditions such as before examination, before public speaking, before important sports events and during critical challenges of life Om chanting can enhance confidence and eliminate stress and anxiety.  Om chanting improves the connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex, which is the key component for relaxation, stress control and better decision making. 

Seven Benefits of Om Chanting

Low frequency seven step deep Om chanting increases gamma wave in the brain. The gamma brain waves are known as “feeling of blessings”.  The seven step deep Om chanting and meditation is supposed to be practiced for 20 minutes, two times per day. Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins are the four key hormones generated in the body during low frequency Om meditation and these four hormones have huge impact on regulating both state anxiety as well as trait anxiety.

“As flowers increases the sweetness of the Honey by hearing the humming sounds of the bees, Om chanting increases the sweetness of life.” — Amit Ray

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7 Steps to Build Inner Strength and Resilience for Success and Happiness

7 Steps to Build Inner Strength and Resilience

Sri Amit Ray explains the seven ways to build inner strength and resilience. 

Inner strength and resilience are the two key components to face and transform every challenges of life. Good inner strength will give you self-confidence. It also gives you determination, tolerance, satisfaction and energy. Life throws challenges but with patience and resilience you can convert every challenge into new opportunity to grow. Having a resilient spirit becomes an asset.

Inner Strength and Resilience

1. Identify your True Purpose of Life

God has given you many gifts  – but in some areas you are very very special. Identify those special areas where you can grow, contribute and get maximum satisfaction of life. If you can’t find your purpose at some point of life, life will throw you challenges – and you need to convert those challenges into opportunities.   When you set your purpose properly, you will activate more positive energies, gain better balance. 


“You need to find out, what you love most from the core of your heart, and for success you need to invest your time and energy on that.” — Amit Ray

2. Focus and Hard work

With focus and hard work, anything is possible. Small things matter – your daily exercise, your values,  your food habits and thinking patterns can make difference. Positive people are able to recognize that problems are not obstacles that get in the way but are new opportunities for creativity and problem solving. Every moment is a new moment to rise up and move forward into the victory.  

Time management is vital for success. Make to do list and isolate top three items in the list and give them priority to complete.   If you have too many people and too many friends, you will be obstructed in your focus.  Focus and concentration are essential for inner strength. Don’t allow life to overflow with unnecessary activities. Read More »7 Steps to Build Inner Strength and Resilience for Success and Happiness

Upanishadic Meditation and Quantum Consciousness

Upanishadic Meditation and Quantum Consciousness Online Class

Upanishadic Meditation and Quantum Consciousness Online Class

Upanishads are the most ancient literature of meditations. They are considered as the most important literature in the history of Indian religions, spirituality and culture. The objective of this class is to spread the TRUE teachings of the Upanishads in it’s purity beyond the traditional views of Vedanta in a simple straightforward way.

This online class is a guided meditation class, based on the ancient pure teachings of Upanishads in the light of modern science. This meditation program is an adventure into the deeper aspects of your consciousness.  You will learn life-positive teachings and practices to integrate them in your daily life for spiritual awakening, peace of mind and stress free living. You will also learn to access quantum consciousness for manifestation of positive things in your life. 

Upanishadic  Meditation and  Quantum Consciousness

In this meditation practices, you will learn to align yourself with your Higher Self. Each of us is an endowment of wisdom, love, intuition, peace, and a sense of purpose, which can become a source of guidance in everyday life. In Upanishads, this higher aspect is sometimes called the Atman or the “inner light of universal truth.”  Our Higher-Self loves us unconditionally, totally, completely and without exception.  Your Higher Self knows you more intimately than you know yourself. When you align yourself with the Higher Self , you will become more relaxed, fulfilled, happy and creative. You will learn how to connect with your Higher Self.

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Who Am I Meditation to Realize your true Potential the Cosmic Self

Who Am I meditation is the journey to realize the pure Cosmic Self. Many people think, who Am I meditation is just chanting the mantra “I am not the mind”, “I am not the body”. But in reality it is far away from that.  Here, Sri Amit Ray explains the steps of Who Am I meditation. He explained the steps, pitfalls and destination of Who Am I meditation.  

Who Am I Meditation Sri Amit Ray

Who AM I meditation is a way of penetrating and exploring the inner realms so as to achieve silence, spiritual wisdom and communion with the higher Self. It is a way to move into the inner world. The self can be realized by the Self alone with pure intention, love and intellect. Who AM I meditation is gradual process of dis-identifying from your body, mind, and the feelings. The Who Am I meditations has seven steps to settle your mind in peace and realize the deeper Divine Self. 

“Who Am I meditation is allowing the mind to drop and settle in the inner being like a falling leaf of a tall tree. It is like observing the full moon in a silent lake, where there is no ripple, no thoughts.” — Amit Ray 
Meditation on cosmic Self, is the best way to align with the cosmos. Individual self is incomplete without its deep connection with the cosmic Self.  Our Who Am I and  Cosmic Self meditation techniques aim to reunify the individual with cosmos. 

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How to Rediscover Your True Self and Transform the Darkness into Light

How to Rediscover Your True Self and Transform the Darkness into Light

Rediscover Your True Self – Transform the Darkness into Light

You are, inherently, whole and pure. Stress, strain, conflict, and other hurtful experiences may have covered your naturally intact core, but you can recover it.  You can work from your inner resources and uncover your true Self and you can transform your darkness into light. Dr. Amit Ray here explains the power of Cosmic Self meditation for higher alignment with the pure Cosmic Self for happy and fulfilling life.  

Rediscover Your True Self  Transform the Darkness into Light by Sri Amit Ray

Power of Self-completing:

Self-completing means finding the light within and thereby aligning with the cosmic light. Meditation on cosmic Self, is the best way to align with the cosmos. Individual self is incomplete without its deep connection with the cosmic Self.  Our Cosmic Self meditation techniques aim to reunify the individual with cosmos.  Fulfillment comes when you free yourself from the artifices and regain original naturalness.

Once you rediscover your simplest and purest Self, your operations within the material world become effortless. You become harmonize with the cosmos. 

“Individual self is incomplete without its deep connection with the cosmic Self.  Cosmic Self meditation techniques aim to reunify the individual with cosmos.” — Amit Ray

Union with the cosmic Self

Union with the cosmic Self is not reserved for an elite of spiritual seekers. You don’t need to renounce the worldly life and isolating into unnecessary complexity. Self-completion lies right in front of your nose. The attitude with which you carry out your activities in daily life can turn anything from serving tea to sweeping the yard, into an act of fulfillment. Recognizing the presence of cosmic Self in everything, and operating in consciousness with this realization, is the essence of our cosmic Self meditation. You will realize that you are complete as you experience  the present moment. Who Am I meditation is a special seven step technique to realize the cosmic Self. 

Connecting the Energy Points with the Cosmos

The internal meditation process requires a firing process, which consists of moving vital energy through the human energetic metabolism. You energy points are distributed across the body some are blocked and some are open. There are 114 energy points and 72000 energy channels in human body.  There are energy points under the soles of the feet, in the palms of the hands, and at the crown of the head. They serve to expel old vital energy, and absorb fresh refined energy into the body.  A human being is healthy when pure vital energy runs fluidly through all energetic structures. Vital energy flow supplies the body and its organs with balanced sun and moon energies. “As within, so without” applies to everything, because everything is informed by the same underlying Truth.

“Life is not a discrete phenomena. It is a part of an intelligent cosmic field.
It is a cosmic dance.” — Amit Ray

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