
How Om Meditation can Improve Your Creativity

How Om Meditation Can Improve Your Creativity

Om Meditation and Creativity

Creativity needs relaxed, spacious, sharp, and clear mindset. Om meditation makes our mind spacious, relaxed, sharp and clear. 

Creativity is essential for success in every endeavor of life. Being creative will help you to stand out from the crowd. Om meditation will show you a way for new thinking. It can give you the ability to challenge the status quo and redefine the boundaries.  

Om meditation provides us the capacity to come out of the autopilot mode. It helps us to find the hidden patterns in chaos. It helps us to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate new solutions for complex problems. 

 Om Meditation and Creativity

Om meditation is not just a technique. It is a set of ancient tools that connect you with the higher dimensions. As you get your connection to the higher source, your creativity increases. Creativity is to create something new with original ideas to resolve complex problems. Often creative solutions are different from the traditions. The journey of creativity is not linear. Often you need to change the line of your thoughts and for that you need insights and visions. 

In the modern volatile and complex environment sometimes plans do not work as devised. What will you do? The ability to adapt, the ability to pivot, is crucial in every sphere of modern life.  Here, “pivoting” refers to the ability to completely change course when something isn’t working out. A successful pivoting lies in your ability to execute your new plans with as much insight and passion as you had for the original. Om meditation improves your power of pivoting and adaptability. Read More »How Om Meditation Can Improve Your Creativity

Day 9: Art of Non-doership and Self-Distancing

Surrendering doership is an important yoga practice. You have the right to do your duty, but the results are not dependent on your efforts. There are numerous factors that come into play in determining the results. The witnessing power within you is your true self and your doership feeling is the ego. Mindfulness  is the art of non-doership and self-distancing from the ego. Ego has two components attachment and aversion. Self-distancing is creating distance from the ego and it is becoming a distant observer of what’s happening.

Self-distancing and non-doership

When you use more first-person words “I or me” you become more in self-immersion mode and in reactive mindset. When you use more non-first-person words like “you, they, she, he, others” you become more in self-distancing mode and mostly in procative mindset and ego-decentered mind with wiser and less biased judgments. Read More »Day 9: Art of Non-doership and Self-Distancing