Devi Suktham Durga Saptashati & Chandi Path Fundamentals

Devi Mahatmyam, Devi Suktham, Durga Saptashati, Yaa Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, Chandi Patha & Roopam dehi, jayam dehi Mantra

The fundamentals of Devi Mahatmyam, Devi Suktham, Durga Saptashati, Yaa Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, Chandi Patha and Roopam dehi, jayam dehi Mantra are discussed.

Devi Mahatmyam is also known as the Durga Saptashati. The text contains 700 verses arranged into 13 chapters. Devotional reading of these 700 verses, durga mantras,  is known as Chaṇḍi Patha. Devi Mahatmyam literally means “Glory of the Cosmic Goddess.” Is also known as Durga Saptashati and Chandi. Durga Saptashati means the seven hundred verses of worshiping Devi Durga, the Cosmic Energy (‘Sapta’ means ‘seven’ and ‘shata’ means ‘hundred’). 

Goddess Devi too has two forms – a transforming power and another the benevolent and compassionate form. She destroys the negative and evil forces from the world and brings  health, wealth, happiness and spiritual prosperity for the world.  Devi Mahatmyam is said to be a highly occult text and it is widely held that only those with inner eyes will perceive the hidden truths; other may not.

Durga Saptashati Chandi Path

Durga Saptashati is a part of the Markandeya Purana (Chapters 81 – 93).  It narrates the three tales of Devi Chandika fighting and destroying the nine negative evil forces in the forms of Madhu and Kaithabha, Mahishasura, Dhumralochana, Chanda and Munda, Raktabija, and Shumbha & Nishumbha. 

Devi Suktham is different from Durga Saptashati. Devi Suktham occurs in the 10th mandala of the Ṛgveda. In the present day, the Devi Suktham is chanted during the worship of the Devī (Universal Goddess in any form). 

The Devi Mahatmya started with the story two men, from very different backgrounds (one a king, Surata, another a merchant, Samadhi) who meet in the forest, both of them are driven out by their associates and family members, then exiled. They wonder why they still care for their family. They meet sage Medhas for answers. Medhas means intelligence, awareness or wisdom. ’The sage replies that this is the nature of existence, just watch the hungry birds who collect seeds, and despite being hungry those birds drop the seeds into the beaks of their babies.  The sage Medhas explained, the power of the Cosmic Goddess Durga that exist in every living being as mother.  The sage instructs by recounting three different epic battles between Goddess and the negative forces. She has defeated the following demons:

  • Craving and aversion “Madhu” and “Kaitabha”
  • Negative thought and desire “Raktabijasura”, 
  • Ego with full inertia of a Buffalo “Mahishasura” 
  • Doubting  self and others  “Shumbha” and “Nishumbha”
  • Ignorance  “Chanda” and “Munda”. 

Chapters of Durga Saptashati

1 Killing of Madhu and Kaitabha
2 Slaughterof the Armies of Mahishasura
3 Killing of Mahishasura
4 Devi Stuti
5 Devi’s Conversation with the Messenger
6 Killingof Dhumralochana
7 Killing of Chanda and Munda
8 Killing of Raktabija
9 Killing of Nishumbha
10 Killing of Shumbha
11 Hymn toNarayani
12 Eulogy of Merits
13 Bestowing of Boons to Suratha and Vaisya

Reading of Instructions  of Chaṇḍi Patha or  Devi Mahatmyam

When chanted with proper pronunciation, one-pointed concentration, and devotion can overcome all obstacles and difficulties that may be troubling us in worldly or spiritual affairs. 

Those who sing it, those who read it fast, those who read with shaking of their head, those who read from the text in their own handwriting, those who read without understanding the import and those who read in a very feeble tone, do not get the benefit of reading a work.

It has also been told that any book, which has less than one thousand slokas should be recited from memory to get full benefit. Those who cannot should keep the book on a stand so that it does not rest on the ground.

The entire Devi Mahatmyam should be read in one sitting. After completion of the reading it is necessary to chant the Devi Suktham. If the Guru has taught the Navakshari Mantra, then it should also be meditated up on.

People who are unable to read the entire Devi Mahatmyam in a single sitting should read the Prathama Charithra (first chapter) on the first day, the Madhyama Charithra (chapters 2,3,4) on the next day and the Uthama Charitha (remaining 9 chapters) on the third day.

The full reading can also be done over seven days viz one chapter on the first day, next two chapters on the second day, next one chapter on the third day, next four chapters on the fourth day, next two chapters on the fifth day, next one chapter on the sixth day and last two chapters on the seventh day.

It is important to know that daily the parayana should start with the Trayanga Mantra, text of Devi Mahatmya followed by the chanting of Devi Suktham. It is also essential not to stop in between while reading a chapter. If for some reason, it is stopped, the entire chapter should be read again.

Devi Argala Stotram – Roopam dehi, jayam dehi Mantra

Jayanthi mangala kali bhadrakali kapalini,
Durga kshama shiva dhathri, swaha swadha namosthuthe., [1]

Salutations to you who is Jayanti (Who is Ever-Victorious), Mangala (Who is the bestower of Auspiciousness), Kali (Who is beyond Time), Bhadrakali (Who is the controller of Life and Death), Kapalini (Who changer of Luck)

Salutations to Durga (Who is The Mother Goddess), Shiva (Who is ever-auspicious), Kshama (Who is an embodiment of forgiveness), Dhatri (Who is the supporter of all beings), Swaha (Who is the final receiver of the sacrificial oblations to gods) and Swadha (Who is the final receiver of the sacrificial oblations to Manes); Salutations to You.”

Madhukaidabha vidhravi, vidhathru varadhe nama,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [2]

Oh goddess who killed Madhu and Kaidabha and who gave boons to Brahma, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Mahishasura nirnasa vidhathri varade nama,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [3]

Oh Goddess who killed Mahishasura and who gave boons,. Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Vandidhamgriyuge, devi, devi sowbhagya dhayini,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [4]

Oh Goddess who has a feet which is worshipped by Gods like Brahma and Goddess who gives all luck, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Raktha Bheeja Vadhe, devi, Chanda Munda Vinasini,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [5]

Oh Goddess who killed Raktha Bheeja, Hey Goddess who killed Chanda and Munda, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Achinthya roopa Charithe, Sarva Shathru vinasini,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [6]

Oh Goddess who has unbelievable looks and history, Hey Goddess who kills all enemies totally, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Nathebhya Sarvadha bhakthya chandike pranathayame,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [7]

Oh Goddess for all those who salute you and to me who salutes you now, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Sthuvadbhyo bakthi poorvam thwam chandike Vyadhi nasini,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[8]

Oh Goddess who cures all diseases to those who sing your praise with devotion, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Chandike sathatham ye twamarchanyantheeha bhakthitha,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[9]

Oh Goddess Chandika, to all those who worship you with devotion, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Dehi sowbhagyam arogyam, dehi devi param sukham,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [10]

Oh Goddess give me health and good luck and also that happiness which is eternal, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Videhi dwishatham nasam, videhi bala muchagai,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[11]

Oh Goddess, destroys all my enemies, give me great strength, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Videhi devi kalyanam videhi vipulam sriyam,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [12]

Oh Goddess give me all well meaning things, give me great wealth, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Vidhyavantham yasasvantham lakshmivantham ca Maam Kuru,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[13]

Oh Goddess make your devotees with education, fame and wealthy, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Prachanda daithya darpagne, Chandike pranathaya me,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [14]

Oh Chandike, who destroyed the pride of the very heroic Rakshasas, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Chathurbhuje, chathur vakthra samsthuthe, parameswari,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[15]

Oh Goddess who has four hands, who is praised by Lord Brahma himself, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Krishnena samsthuthe devi, saswad bakthya thwam ambike,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[16]

Oh Goddess who was praised by Lord Krishna similarly, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Himachala sutha nadha poojithe parameswari,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[17]

Oh Goddess who is being worshipped by Lord Shiva, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Sura sura sirorathna nigrushta charanembike,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [18]

Oh Goddess who has a feet before which asuras and devas fall, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Indrani pathi sad bhava poojithe parameswari,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[19]

Oh Goddess who is being worshipped by the husband of Indrani with devotion, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Devi, prachanda dhor dhanda daithya darpa vinasini,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi., [20]

Oh goddess who destroyed the ego of the great Asuras having huge arms and weapons, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Devi bakthajanodhama dathanandodhaye ambike,
Roopam dehi, jayam dehi yaso dehi, dwisho jahi.,[21]

Oh Goddess who gives salvation to your devotees, Grant me inner beauty and outer beauty. Give me inner victory and outer victory. Give me name and fame and please destroy the negative forces from my life.

Patneem manoramam dehi, mano vruthanu sareenim,
Tharinim durga samsara sagarasya kuloth bhavam., [22]

Oh Goddess give me a very pretty wife of same wave-length, who would be coherent with my mind, who would help me cross this unfathomable sea of material life and who will make my mind happy.

Idham stotram padithwa thu Maha stotram paden nara,
Sa thu saptha sathi samkhya vara mapnodhi sampadham.

The person, who reads this prayer and then reads “Devi Mahatmya” would get great material and spiritual wealth.

Yaa Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Mantra

Yaa Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Vishnu Mayyeti Shabditah
Namas Tasyai Namas Tasyai Namas Tasyai Namo Namah!

  1. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu cetanetya bhidhīyate , Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  2. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu BUDDHI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  3. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu NIDRA – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  4. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu KSUDHA – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  5. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu CHHAYA – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  6. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu SHAKTI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  7. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu TRISHNA – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  8. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu KSANTI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  9. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu JATTI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  10. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu SHANTI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  11. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu SRADDHA – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  12. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu KANTI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  13. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu LAKSHMI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  14. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu DHRITI rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  15. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu VRITTI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  16. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu SMRITI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  17. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu DAYA – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  18. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu NITI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  19. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu TUSTI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|
  20. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu MATRI – rupena samsthita, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai, Namas tasyai Namo Namah|

Devi Suktham

This has been written by a woman sage by name Vaak, who is the daughter of Sage Ambrunar. She has realized the Cosmic Divine Self and identified herself with Divine Energy of the Cosmos.  This is Part of Rig Veda 10.8.125.  Devi is described as the all-pervading Supreme Lord of the Universe. 

Aham Rudrebhir vasubhir charami,
Aham aadhithyer uta vaisvadevaii,
Aham mithra varunobha bibharmi,
Aham indragni, aham ashvinobha.

I move with Rudras and Vasus,
I walk with the Sun and other Gods,
I esteem mithra, varuna 
And Indra, fire and the Aswini devas.

Aham somam ahaanasam bhibhrami
Aham thwashtaaramr utha pooshanam bhagam,
Aham dadhami dravinam havishmathe,
Supravye yajamanya sunwathe.

I esteem Soma, which is extracted,
I support thwastri, pushan and bhaga,
I give wealth to those who perform yagna,
Who reach the gods with offerings.

Aham rashtri samgamani vasoonaam,
Chikithushee pradhamaa yagniyaanaam,
Thaam maa devaa vyadhaduha puruthra,
Bhuristhathram bhooyar visayanthim. 

I am the one who gives wealth to the nation,
I am the first one to whom this sacrifice is addressed,
The gods have found my manifoldness,
And enter in to it and take possession of the manifoldness.

Mayaa so annamathi 
yo vipasyathi,Ya pranithi 
y aim shrunothi yuktham,
amaanathvo maam tha upa kshiyanthi,
Shrudhi shruthi shraddivam they vadami

I am the power which makes one eat the food, to see, to breath,
And to hear what I am saying,
They who do not believe me perish,
And I am telling you the truth, hear with attention.

Aham yeva swayam idham vadhami,
Jushtam devebhir utha manushebhi,
Yam kaamaye tham tham ugram krunomi,
Tham brahmanam tham rishim tham sumedham,

I am myself telling this,
Which man and gods should try to understand,
“The one whom I love, I make him mighty,
I Make him Brahman, I make him the sage, and I make him wise.”

Aham rudhraya dhanura thanomi,
Brahmadwishe sharave hanthava vu,
Aham janaaya samadham krunomi,
Aham dhyayaprithwi aa vivesha.

I stretch the bow to Rudra,
So that he who hates Brahmam is hurt by the arrow,
I bestow equality on people at war,
I am throughout the heaven and earth.

Aham suvepitharamasya moordhan,
Mama yonir apswatha samudhre,
Thatho vi thishte bhuvananu vishwotha,
Amum dhyam varshamanopam vishva utha.

I brought about the progenitor in to earth,
I sprang from the water of the ocean,
And from there I spread throughout the universe,
I touch that heaven with a flowering body.

Ahameva vatham yiva vatha yiva pravami,
Arambhamana bhuvanani viswam,
Paro dhiva para yena prithwya,
Yaithavathi mahinaa sam bhabhoova. 

I blow like the fierce winds,
Which commences from the universe,
Which extends far beyond heaven and far below the earth,
And I have become very gross because of this.

Om Santih  Santih  Santi h  ||

|| Iti Rigvedoktam Devisuktam Samaptam || 
||Om Tat Sat ||

Pranam Mantra:

Srishti sthiti binashanam shaktibhute sanatani 

The creator, sustainer and the destroyer, the center of ultimate energy, 

Gunashraye gunamaye Narayani namohstute

The basis of the natures, Salutations to Narayani.

 Sharanagata dinarta paritrana parayane 

You are the savior of all who seek your refuge

Sarbaswarti hare devi Narayani namohstute 

You remove all the pain of life, Salutations to Narayani.

 Jayanti mangala kali bhadrakali kapalini 

Jayanti auspiscious Kali Bhadrakali Kapalini

 Durga shiba khama dhatri swaha swadha namohstute 

Durga Shiva khama dhatri swaha swadha Salutations