Mindful Leadership

Mindful leadership tools, techniques, workshop, classes and insights are discussed here. Insights, clarity, focus, creativity, and compassion: these are the fundamentals of mindful leadership.  Great leaders master mindfulness and meditation to maximize their success. Mindfulness has a deep link with emotional intelligence, resilience and creativity. Here we discuss various mindfulness tools to improve leadership qualities. 

Mindfulness requires full and complete nonjudgmental attention in the present moment. Leadership requires  full awareness about the present situation.  You cannot make good decisions with distracted minds. Mindfulness help us to develop focused mind and responding mind, instead of reacting mind. 

Mindfulness awaken the divinity within you. Divinity is the state of being connected with the source. It is the state when your heart is full with love, compassion, and caring. It is the state when your mind is full with joy, equanimity, peacefulness, and happiness. Mindfulness makes you emotionally intelligent, mentally strong and creative. 

Leadership Blind Spots Sri Amit Ray Teachings

Overcoming the Blind Spots: Leadership from Inner Being

Leadership from the Inner Being: Overcoming the Blind Spots

Sri Amit Ray explains the concept of overcoming leadership blind spots from within. He also describes how to overcome the blind spots in leadership and decision-making processes.

Leadership begins with a simple human gesture, which is to inspire others. To inspire others, you must feel integrated, harmonious, and whole. Temperamant is the key discipline of leadership. When you are disconnected from your inner being, you don’t feel solid and whole within yourself. When you are connected to your inner being, you feel integrated, harmonious, and whole.

Here, by inner dimensions I mean inner strength, inner vision – the expanded consciousness beyond the small ego which considers him or her self separate from the rest.  On the Physical body level we have emotional blockages. When you are connected with your Inner Being, you feel integrated, harmonious and whole.

Blind spots in leadership refer to areas where leaders may lack awareness or insight into their own behavior, biases, or the impact of their actions on others. These blind spots can hinder effective leadership and lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities for growth and development.

When you operate from your Inner Being you can overcome the mundane emotional blockages that drags you down. Through leadership chakra meditations, mindfulness and positive mindset we can get connection with our Inner Being. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King are the examples of leadership from Inner Being.

Leadership from Inner Being By Sri Amit Ray

Authentic Leadership and Inner Dimensions:

We can consistently inspire others when we are authentic – authentic to ourselves and authentic to others. Authenticity is the single most important principle of leadership. Authenticity comes from our deeper inner dimensions. It comes from our core values, principles, and life experiences.

To be a good leader you must be authentic to your current state of development as well as to your potential state of development.  In cryptography, authenticity means messages that received by A are actually sent by B – there is no noise, error or loss of information. In leadership, authenticity means what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. There should not be any  contradiction, confusion or doubt. Today’s best leaders are authentic leaders. They are connected with their inner being, which guides them in their daily actions and enables them to earn the trust of their subordinates, peers, and shareholders. Read More »Overcoming the Blind Spots: Leadership from Inner Being

Mindful Leadership and Emotional Stability

Mindful Leadership and Emotional Stability

How mindfulness can bring emotional stability in leadership.

The art of mindful leadership with emotional stability are discussed here. Leadership requires emotional stability – a clam, clear and decisive mind. All the time, you don’t have to have all the answers but your positive energy, confidence, responsibility, emotional stability and passion are very important for success. 

A mindful leader is someone who embodies leadership presence by cultivating insights, focus, clarity, creativity and compassion for the benefits of self and others.  Mindfulness is often defined as ‘non-judgmental, moment to moment awareness’.

Emotional stability refers to a person’s ability to remain stable and balanced during crisis. Emotions happen too quickly and outside the rational mind. But mindfulness gives you the total control of how you will react. All good leaders require a number of mindfulness skill to help them positively interact with employees or team members.

“In every bend of time there is some surprise, joy and beauty. Mindfulness is the light to discover it”. — Amit Ray

Read More »Mindful Leadership and Emotional Stability

Om Meditation for Awakening the Divinity Within You

“Meditation is the artwork of awakening the divine within you.” – Amit Ray

What is divinity?

Divinity is the state of being connected with the source. It is the state when your heart is full with love, compassion, and caring. It is the state when your mind is full with joy, equanimity, peacefulness, and happiness. It is the state when you are relaxed, energetic, focused, joyful, creative, and compassionate.  

Om Meditation and Divinity

Om meditation is the best way to awaken the divinity within you. During Om meditation the brainwaves of the entire brain get synchronized. Om meditation has seven powerful steps. Each step is unique to connect with your divinity.

Meditation Awakening Divine Within You

Meditation and brain Synchronization

Meditation enhances mind-body integration. Scientific researchers have observed that advanced meditators develop the ability to use their whole brain and to live in a more balanced state characterized by brain synchronization and whole brain functioning.

Better Communication and Relationships:

Through awakened divinity you gain more clarity and insight. You will be able to make your decisions and understand what is good for you and what is not. Being able to communicate effectively you can stop wastage of energy by needless arguments.  Divinity helps us to develop respect for others and respect is the core to any good relationship. Respect translates to trust and trust is the key to good leadership

Self- Confidence and Divinity:

Divinity can help you to build healthy relationships, deliver greater energy in what you do, and do the work with others without weighing others down or just ego management. Every person is born with some gifts, and developing divinity with Om meditation helps you to find your source of life and expand your natural gifts and interest with time. It also creates valuable and positive change among the peoples who are around you.  Read More »Om Meditation for Awakening the Divinity Within You

Online Vipassana Meditation and Emotional Intelligence Class

Vipassana meditation techniques and its relation with emotional intelligence are discussed. Self-awareness, Self-regulation and Self-confidence are the key components of emotional intelligence and your ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how to work cooperatively and harmoniously with them are the essence of emotional intelligence. Vipassana meditation is the time-tested and the most ancient way for developing Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Adaptability, Empathy, Witnessing and Social Skills. You will also learn Neuroscience of Vipassana Meditation and Emotional Intelligence. This workshop teaches integrated meditation techniques that combines time-tested ancient Vipassana meditation techniques along with modern science-backed practices that are proven for leadership, creativity, emotion control, developing grey matter in the brain, improving focus, concentration and memory, and resist the shortening of telomeres in your gene which enhances health and longevity.

Mindful Leadership: A Journey to Self-discovery and Empowerment

Mindful Leadership A Journey of Self-discovery and EmpowermentSelf-discovery and empowerment are two powerful components of mindful leadership. Through empowerment you can achieve your greatest potential. Through self-discovery you become aware of your true potential, values, character, and motives. Mindfulness strengthens these two powerful tools of leadership and management.  

The sacred spirit or life force energy is within us and around us. You can tap into the power of the universe, draw it in and use it to awaken our inner capacity for value based mindful leadership. We are not separated isolated beings, we are part of One Energy, connected to the vast universe.  Mindfulness is  our capacity to be touched by nature and beauty of the moment. Through mindfulness, we learn to see the wonder in small things—from a new leaf to a child’s smile.

Mindful Leadership and Self-Discovery

Self has many layers. Knowing the self is the beginning of mindfulness. What are my thoughts now? What are my feelings now? What is my experience now?  Who am I? What are my dreams, and strengths? Experiencing these powers of the truth with minute to minute honesty with self is the core practice of mindfulness.

Mindfulness Meditation for Corporate LeadershipMindfulness creates a positive mood, integrity, inner peace, inner strength, determination, and a warm heart. Researchers have identified that mindfulness enhances strengths, such as self-compassion, emotional intelligence, learned optimism, the relaxation response, self-esteem, distress tolerance, self-regulation, resilience, and executive functions.

Self-discovery is trying to discover who you are, your true potential, your purpose in life, and your core principles of life. It gives you the deeper sense of yourself and your unique role in the world. Self-discovery is a journey form unconsciousness  to consciousness. As you are mindful about your true values and potentials, you will build up a great confidence and inner strength.

“Self has many layers. Knowing the self is the beginning of mindfulness.” – Amit Ray

Mindful Leadership and Empowerment

Mindfulness based empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. Good leaders are characterized by their ability to empower themselves and their team members to achieve maximum success. Empowerment is gaining control over your own life. It is a process that fosters power in people for use in their own lives, their communities, and their society.

Mindful Leadership and EmpowermentMindful leaders have a more optimistic view of the ability to get good work from the team members. This belief makes them more likely to implement empowerment. Based on the recent studies of neuroscience, we can say that the brain takes its shape from what the mind rests upon. If you keep resting your mind on less-empowerment like self-criticism, worries, grumbling about others, hurts, and stress, then your brain will be shaped into greater reactivity, vulnerability to anxiety and depressed mood, a narrow focus on threats and losses, and inclinations toward anger, sadness, and guilt.

Read More »Mindful Leadership: A Journey to Self-discovery and Empowerment

How Om Meditation can Improve Your Creativity

How Om Meditation Can Improve Your Creativity

Om Meditation and Creativity

Creativity needs relaxed, spacious, sharp, and clear mindset. Om meditation makes our mind spacious, relaxed, sharp and clear. 

Creativity is essential for success in every endeavor of life. Being creative will help you to stand out from the crowd. Om meditation will show you a way for new thinking. It can give you the ability to challenge the status quo and redefine the boundaries.  

Om meditation provides us the capacity to come out of the autopilot mode. It helps us to find the hidden patterns in chaos. It helps us to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate new solutions for complex problems. 

 Om Meditation and Creativity

Om meditation is not just a technique. It is a set of ancient tools that connect you with the higher dimensions. As you get your connection to the higher source, your creativity increases. Creativity is to create something new with original ideas to resolve complex problems. Often creative solutions are different from the traditions. The journey of creativity is not linear. Often you need to change the line of your thoughts and for that you need insights and visions. 

In the modern volatile and complex environment sometimes plans do not work as devised. What will you do? The ability to adapt, the ability to pivot, is crucial in every sphere of modern life.  Here, “pivoting” refers to the ability to completely change course when something isn’t working out. A successful pivoting lies in your ability to execute your new plans with as much insight and passion as you had for the original. Om meditation improves your power of pivoting and adaptability. Read More »How Om Meditation Can Improve Your Creativity

The 7 Powerful Lessons to Master Mindful Leadership

The 7 Powerful Lessons to Master Mindful Leadership

Mindful leadership needs skills like focus, vision, clear thinking, creativity, inner strength and adaptability. In modern world, leaders must be able to stretch far beyond the transactional, analytical and knowledge-based approach.

7 Powerful Lessons For-Mindful Leadership

There are many mindfulness based leadership and management skills which you can use to help you get better results.  This article is a guide to make mindful leadership skills easy to implement. It is for those seeking to make their life happy and meaningful and to make communities and organizations meaningful, valuable and happier places to be.

Mindfulness is the act of being fully present in each moment with kindness and without judgment. Today, most challenges that leaders face are complex, not routine and not repetitive and constantly changing. Mindful leadership is a wonderful skill to navigate today’s complex, rapidly changing, and uncertain world. Mindfulness is a way of living, leading, and serving that can create a  better world.Read More »The 7 Powerful Lessons to Master Mindful Leadership