
The 84 Healing Herbs of Ayurveda Master Course

In this 9-week course you will learn the details of 84 healing herbs and the 36 herbal combinations of different healing traditions. This course combines the wisdom of ancient oral healing traditions, family healing traditions, traditional Ayurveda scriptures,  and the modern scientific researches on healing herbs. 

The 84 Healing Herbs of Ayurveda Master Course

A 9-Weeks Guided Course 

Sri Amit Ray Meditation Center 

The word Ayurveda means “the knowledge of long life.” You will learn the basic philosophy of Ayurveda. You will also learn the key concepts of the Ayurveda doshas, herbs, lifestyle, seven dhatus, and the five elements. In this course, you will learn the details of 84 herbs and the 36 herbal combinations of different healing traditions.

The 84 Healing Herbs of Ayurveda Course

The Course Contents

The general content of the NINE modules of the course are as follows:

Module 1: The  Four Pillars of Ayurveda are:

1. TriDosha – The three basic bio-energies – Vata (space and air), Pitta (fire and water) and Kapha (water and earth) in the body. 

2. TriGuna – Three basic properties – Sattva (the pure), Rajas (the dynamic), and Tamas (the inert).

3. Five Mahabhutas – Five basic elements – Earth, water, fire, air, and space.

4. Chorashi OusodhiThe 84 main herbs.… Read more..

Ashwagandha: Health Benefits, Risks, and Side Effects

Do you want to improve your immunity? Are you facing difficulties with your cognitive functions or memory power? Do you wish to increase your level of relaxation? If so, the Awagandha herb may be right for you.

The benefits of Awagandha were discovered thousands of years ago as a powerful herb for natural healing and energy balancing. In the human body, there are 114 chakras. Ashwagandha herb is primarily used to remove the blockages of the Urja chakra, Sanjivani chakra, and the Ayus chakras.

This unique herb is high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and nutrients; read on to learn about its health benefits and how to use it.

Ashwagandha is a crucial herb in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of alternative medicine based on natural healing principles.  Ashwagandha activates the immunity chakras in the body. 

Ashwagandha contains compounds that may aid in brain relaxation, inflammation reduction, blood pressure reduction, and immune system modulation. Researches observed that it possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-stress, anti-oxidant, and rejuvenating properties [1, 2].


Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) established the WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine to improve the health of people and the planet. Study of the Ashwagandha benefits and application protocols is a key area of traditional medicine. Studies indicate the normal dosage of Ashwagandha is about 300 mg per day for about 8 weeks.Read More »Ashwagandha: Health Benefits, Risks, and Side Effects

Ojas Tejas Prana and How to increase them

Ojas, Tejas, and Prana – Ayurveda Health and Spirituality

In our Ray 114 Chakras course, and in the 72000 Nadis meditation courses, we often discuss various subtler aspects of life energies. Because, life energies play vital roles in removing the blockages in your chakras and the energy channels. 

Improvements of life energies can give you strength, stability, will power, and deeper spiritual connections. 

Moreover, in our Ray 114 chakra system, the life energies are classified in seven groups. The gross three types of life energies are known as Ojas, Tejas, and Prana. The other five subtler life energies are associated with the manifestation and deeper spirituality. 

In fact, Ojas, Tejas, and Prana give you the strength, vitality, courage, mental power, concentration, spiritual glow, bright aura, and the three levels of inner beauty. 

The purpose of this article is to discuss what Ojas, Tejas, and Prana are, why you should care, what their functions are, and how to improve them.

Here are 15 tips on how to boost your immunity and the Prana, Tejas, and Ojas naturally.

What are Ojas, Tejas and Prana

What are Ojas, Tejas and Prana

Read More »Ojas, Tejas, and Prana – Ayurveda Health and Spirituality

Ayurveda and the 7 Chakras: A Comprehenshive Step By Step Guide

Understanding the connections between Ayurveda and the chakras is essential for the holistic healing process. Both Ayurveda and the chakra system provide multiple methods for restoring harmony and balance to the body-mind system. The combination of Ayurveda and the chakras enables a more comprehensive and interconnected approach to well-being, addressing both the physical, mental, and subtler aspects of an individual.

In this article, we explain the relationships between Ayurveda and the 7 major chakras and related herbs for balancing the chakras. We’re going to discuss about each of the 7 chakras and the individual characteristics (doshas) and herbs of the energy centers.

ayurveda and chakras

Ayurveda and chakras

Are you wondering how Ayurveda is linked to the chakras? Perhaps you have heard about the 7 chakras, but you’re not sure what they are or how the imbalanced chakras can be balanced and the blockages of the chakras can be removed by using traditional and natural herbs. Here, we will explain the details.

Ayurveda and the Chakras

Ayurveda is a tradition in India for thousands of yearsAyurveda and the 7 chakras has a long history for healing, balancing and solving the physical, psychological and spiritual problems. The use of herbs and herbal combinations with yoga, mantra and meditations has many time tested combinational formulas to overcome the challenges of life.

Ayurveda means “the science of long life.” Ayurveda emphasizes the balance of three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These doshas are dynamic forces or energies that govern various physiological and psychological functions in the body. When these doshas are in balance, an individual experiences good health. However, imbalances in the doshas can lead to physical and mental disturbances.

Chakras are psychic energy centers in the body, each resembling a spinning disk or wheel. They are associated with various aspects of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The chakras are thought to receive, process, and transmit energy throughout the body and surrounding environment. When the chakras are not balanced, they can become overactive or underactive.Thus, the energy flow through the chakras is either too much or too little, resulting in imbalances in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Combining Ayurvedic and chakra-based holistic healing protocols strengthens the three types of life energies: Ojas, Tejas, and Prana. The integration of Ayurveda and chakra healing protocols aims to optimize the flow of Prana, ensuring vitality, balance, and harmonious functioning of the body-mind complex.

How many chakras?

There are 114 chakras in human body. Among these 114 chakras, the 7 chakras are major, 21 chakras are minor and the rest 86 chakras are micro chakras. To improve the effectiveness of balancing, clearing, diagnosis, treatment and healing a combined approach of the 114 chakra system and Ayurveda is essential. Here, we discussed the ancient wisdom of the 7 chakras and Ayurveda in a holistic way.Read More »Ayurveda and the 7 Chakras: A Comprehenshive Step By Step Guide

Sri Amit Ray Teachings on Sanjivani Vidya and Urja Vidya for Immunity and Spirituality

How Sanjivani Vidya and Ayurveda can Boost your Immunity and Spirituality

Mystery Ayurveda and Sanjivani Vidya

Sri Amit Ray talks about Sanjivani Vidya, Urja Vidya  and Ayurveda to enhance your immunity, healing power and spirituality.  The eleven key immunity chakras and eleven key healing herbs are discussed. This article is for the students, who have attended the Ray 114 Chakra meditation course


Sanjivani Vidya and Urja Vidya for Immunity and Spirituality Amit Ray Teachings

Sanjivani Vidya gives huge spiritual energy for deep meditation. Sanjivani Vidya is vital for getting up early in the morning especially at 3:45 AM and for deep  ishvara pranidhana – realizing the supreme truth.  Urja Vidya is necessary for developing concentration, patience, mental clarity, and creativity.  Both of them are associated with immunity and mental strength. 

Ayurved and Sanjivani Vidya

In ancient oral tradition of Ray Ayurveda, there are seven protocols to improve your immunity, health and spirituality. These seven Ayurveda protocols are the seven ways to study the herbs, human body system, the 114 chakras and 72000 nadis, and the diseases.  Among these seven Ayurveda protocols, the following three protocols are very important for immunity, health and healing. 

The first one is the traditional vata-pitta-kapha protocol (Dhatu Vidya). The other two vital protocols are Sanjivani pathway protocol (Sanjivani Vidya), and the Urja pathway protocol (Urja Vidya). Today, I will discuss mainly the Sanjivani pathway protocol and the Urja pathway protocols, which are studied to improve immunity in inline with the 114 chakras in human body.Read More »How Sanjivani Vidya and Ayurveda can Boost your Immunity and Spirituality