
Power of Nimitta for Deep Meditation

Power of Nimitta for Deep Meditation

Sri Amit Ray tells us the importance of  Nimitta in Meditation for Spiritual Awakening. 

Nimittas are the fundamentals for deep meditation.  Many of my students, researchers and spiritual seekers requested me to explain nimittas in a very simplistic term. The purpose of this article is to explain nimittas in a meaningful way so that anyone can understand and practice it for their deep meditation. 

What is Nimitta?

The word “nimitta” means “sign”, “direction” or “signal.” Nimitta refers to the mental images, feelings, fragrances, sounds or tests that spontaneously appear when mind is sufficiently relaxed and focused.  Nimitta arises from soul as ego vanishes. It cannot be created or captured by conscious effort or ego.  In meditation nimitta gives you the direction in which to move. Nimitta vary from person to person. Some people perceive it as images and lights. Some people notice it through sensations and feelings. In Deep Om meditation nimitta may arises like a blissful and sweet anahata sound. In Vipassana meditation it may arises peace like a blissful oneness with the cosmos. Read More »Power of Nimitta for Deep Meditation

Online Vipassana Meditation and Emotional Intelligence Class

Vipassana meditation techniques and its relation with emotional intelligence are discussed. Self-awareness, Self-regulation and Self-confidence are the key components of emotional intelligence and your ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how to work cooperatively and harmoniously with them are the essence of emotional intelligence. Vipassana meditation is the time-tested and the most ancient way for developing Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Adaptability, Empathy, Witnessing and Social Skills. You will also learn Neuroscience of Vipassana Meditation and Emotional Intelligence. This workshop teaches integrated meditation techniques that combines time-tested ancient Vipassana meditation techniques along with modern science-backed practices that are proven for leadership, creativity, emotion control, developing grey matter in the brain, improving focus, concentration and memory, and resist the shortening of telomeres in your gene which enhances health and longevity.

Mindful Leadership: A Journey to Self-discovery and Empowerment

Mindful Leadership A Journey of Self-discovery and EmpowermentSelf-discovery and empowerment are two powerful components of mindful leadership. Through empowerment you can achieve your greatest potential. Through self-discovery you become aware of your true potential, values, character, and motives. Mindfulness strengthens these two powerful tools of leadership and management.  

The sacred spirit or life force energy is within us and around us. You can tap into the power of the universe, draw it in and use it to awaken our inner capacity for value based mindful leadership. We are not separated isolated beings, we are part of One Energy, connected to the vast universe.  Mindfulness is  our capacity to be touched by nature and beauty of the moment. Through mindfulness, we learn to see the wonder in small things—from a new leaf to a child’s smile.

Mindful Leadership and Self-Discovery

Self has many layers. Knowing the self is the beginning of mindfulness. What are my thoughts now? What are my feelings now? What is my experience now?  Who am I? What are my dreams, and strengths? Experiencing these powers of the truth with minute to minute honesty with self is the core practice of mindfulness.

Mindfulness Meditation for Corporate LeadershipMindfulness creates a positive mood, integrity, inner peace, inner strength, determination, and a warm heart. Researchers have identified that mindfulness enhances strengths, such as self-compassion, emotional intelligence, learned optimism, the relaxation response, self-esteem, distress tolerance, self-regulation, resilience, and executive functions.

Self-discovery is trying to discover who you are, your true potential, your purpose in life, and your core principles of life. It gives you the deeper sense of yourself and your unique role in the world. Self-discovery is a journey form unconsciousness  to consciousness. As you are mindful about your true values and potentials, you will build up a great confidence and inner strength.

“Self has many layers. Knowing the self is the beginning of mindfulness.” – Amit Ray

Mindful Leadership and Empowerment

Mindfulness based empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. Good leaders are characterized by their ability to empower themselves and their team members to achieve maximum success. Empowerment is gaining control over your own life. It is a process that fosters power in people for use in their own lives, their communities, and their society.

Mindful Leadership and EmpowermentMindful leaders have a more optimistic view of the ability to get good work from the team members. This belief makes them more likely to implement empowerment. Based on the recent studies of neuroscience, we can say that the brain takes its shape from what the mind rests upon. If you keep resting your mind on less-empowerment like self-criticism, worries, grumbling about others, hurts, and stress, then your brain will be shaped into greater reactivity, vulnerability to anxiety and depressed mood, a narrow focus on threats and losses, and inclinations toward anger, sadness, and guilt.

Read More »Mindful Leadership: A Journey to Self-discovery and Empowerment

Scientific Meditation for Brain Power and Stress Relief

What is Scientific Meditation? Scientific meditations are the meditation techniques that are based on evidence, research data, observations, measurements, inferences and statistics. Scientific meditations are the meditation techniques that are not based on theories and opinions, but with well-proven principles and facts. The time has come when meditation has reached the status of a science. Scientific meditations emphasizes rationalization and standardization of meditation procedures and techniques. Scientific Meditation Subject areas:… Read More »Scientific Meditation for Brain Power and Stress Relief

The 7 Powerful Lessons to Master Mindful Leadership

Mindful leadership needs skills like focus, vision, clear thinking, creativity, inner strength and adaptability. In modern world, leaders must be able to stretch far beyond the transactional, analytical and knowledge-based approach.

7 Powerful Lessons For-Mindful Leadership

There are many mindfulness based leadership and management skills which you can use to help you get better results.  This article is a guide to make mindful leadership skills easy to implement. It is for those seeking to make their life happy and meaningful and to make communities and organizations meaningful, valuable and happier places to be.

Mindfulness is the act of being fully present in each moment with kindness and without judgment. Today, most challenges that leaders face are complex, not routine and not repetitive and constantly changing. Mindful leadership is a wonderful skill to navigate today’s complex, rapidly changing, and uncertain world. Mindfulness is a way of living, leading, and serving that can create a  better world.Read More »The 7 Powerful Lessons to Master Mindful Leadership

Mindfulness Growth Mindset and Neuroscience for Success

The fields of neuroscience, growth mindset, and mindfulness are all intimately connected to one another.

This article explored the neuroscience of growth mindset, and mindfulness. It also teaches you how to come out of your mental limitations and cultivate mindfulness and growth mindset. 

Many people believe that cultivating a development mindset and practicing mindfulness are the two most important factors in achieving contentment and pleasure in one’s life.

Even though life will try to knock you down, if you stick with your passions and create perseverance, grit, tenacity, and endurance, success will come to you eventually. The practice of mindfulness is shown to promote resiliency, grit, personal strength, and the ability to organize and structure one’s life. This article provides a summary of mindfulness, growth mindset, and the role that neuroscience plays in successful achievement. 

Mindfulness and Success Quotes

Resilience is your ability to deal with the ups and downs in life and bounce back from them. Grit is your motivational drive that keeps you on a difficult task over a sustained period of time. Growth mindset is a mindset that perceives challenges as an opportunity to learn and evolve rather than an obstacle to overcome. We are constantly evolving as we are interacting with the world. Mindfulness and growth mindset drives our evolution faster and on right tracks [1].

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is noticing what’s happening right now with your thoughts, in your body, and in the environment without judgement. You can practice mindfulness anytime – when you’re in the shower, planning your day, or washing the dishes. And every time you practice, you make a small shift toward more courage, calm, clarity, and perseverance. To be an mindful person you need to exhibit witnessing and non-judging qualities on a consistent basis. 


Witnessing and self-distancing are the best tools for effective mindfulness. By practicing  witnessing, you can distance yourself from your mental tendencies. Your thoughts, emotions, and mental problems are transformed, by their merging in the silence and peace of the witness. You can sit for 10 to 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation. Turn your attention to the contents of your mind; the internal chatter and the images arising and dissolving  in your mind. You can label your thoughts and images. Always maintain an attitude of a detached and kind observer.Read More »Mindfulness Growth Mindset and Neuroscience for Success

Day 9: Art of Non-doership and Self-Distancing

Surrendering doership is an important yoga practice. You have the right to do your duty, but the results are not dependent on your efforts. There are numerous factors that come into play in determining the results. The witnessing power within you is your true self and your doership feeling is the ego. Mindfulness  is the art of non-doership and self-distancing from the ego. Ego has two components attachment and aversion. Self-distancing is creating distance from the ego and it is becoming a distant observer of what’s happening.

Self-distancing and non-doership

When you use more first-person words “I or me” you become more in self-immersion mode and in reactive mindset. When you use more non-first-person words like “you, they, she, he, others” you become more in self-distancing mode and mostly in procative mindset and ego-decentered mind with wiser and less biased judgments. Read More »Day 9: Art of Non-doership and Self-Distancing

Day 8: Living in Harmony with the Universe

Harmony is the smooth flow of life. Harmonious living means, establishing balance with the internal world and external world. Our internal world is full with thoughts, emotions, memories and beliefs. To establish the connection with the higher fields of consciousness, we need to make peace with our-self. To make peace with our-self, we need to thoroughly know the consciousness that is housed in our limited physical body, within the five… Read More »Day 8: Living in Harmony with the Universe

Day 2 – Daily Teachings Gaining the Winning Edge

Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when and how to ignite the spark. – Amit Ray In this competitive world gaining the winning edge is important. Gaining the winning edge is a habit and it can be cultivated gradually. Meditation brings out the best of you. Specially mindfulness meditation. It brings the concentration, confidence, control and commitment in life. Proper meditation removes the common distractions of anxiety, mistakes,… Read More »Day 2 – Daily Teachings Gaining the Winning Edge