How to do Chakra Meditation: A Step by Step Guide

Chakra Meditation Course for Resilience Building

If you’re looking to control your emotions and enhance your spiritual awakening, there’s no better meditation than opening, balancing and healing the 114 chakras

The good news is that you can do chakra meditation easily anywhere and anytime, if you know the few basic rules. 

The first step to chakra meditation is building awareness about your 114 main chakras. Let’s first go through a couple of the basic staffs of the 7 chakras. Then we will explain the core parts of the deep chakra meditations. 

What is a Chakra?

“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word that literally means spinning wheel or energy vortex. In the context of meditation and yoga, the chakras are considered to be wheel-like psychic energy centers that are belong to the subtle energy bodies. They are not in the physical body. Physical body is the manifestation of the chakras.  The 7 primary chakras are situated along the spine from the sacrum at the bottom up to the crown at the top of the head.

How many chakras are there in total

In human body there are total 114 chakras. The chakras are often represent as a wheel or a flower like lotus, or rose. Each of the 114 chakras are represented by multiple layers of petals. However, they are not physical objects. They are simply points where your life energy (prana, qi or chi energy) rotates at certain speed and in certain direction. For simplicity you can meditate on 7, 12, 21 or 112 chakra system. The color, number of petals, speed and the direction of the movements of the chakras are key to chakra meditation.

Chakra Meditation Course for Resilience Building

What are the 7 main chakras?

Among the 114 chakras in the body, there are seven main chakras. Each of the 7 main chakras has a specific function that corresponds with particular aspects of our human experience. They are:

The Root Chakra
The root chakra is also known as Muladhara chakra, Red chakra or First chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. The first chakra is our center of safety, strength, and commitment. It controls the way we interact to the outside world and oversees our basic needs such as stability, food and shelter. When the root chakra is open and balanced, you feel confident in your ability to withstand challenges. When the root chakra is blocked, you may feel threatened, insecure and unsafe. The root chakra is linked to the earth element.

The Sacral Chakra
The second chakra is also known as Swadhisthana chakra, Sacral chakra or Orange chakra. It is located about two inches below the navel. This chakra is intimately linked to relationships, reproduction energy, and creativity. If this chakra is blocked you could feel a lack of control in your life. The sacral chakra is associated with the water element. 

The Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra is also known as Manipura chakra, or yellow chakra. The word Manipura means thre City of Jewels. This chakra is located between the rib cage and the navel. It acts as the center of personal power. It has a connection to the sun, and heat. This chakra governs personality, self-esteem, ego, and identity, as well as personal freedom, choice, and authenticity. It is associated with Self-confidence, motivation and will power. Physically, it helps regulate digestion. Its color is yellow and it is associated with the fire element.

The Heart Chakra
This chakra is also known as Anahata chakra, green chakra or 4th chakra. The word “Anahata” means the “unstuck sound” in Sanskrit. When your heart is open, you feel connectedness with others. This chakra is located at the middle of your cardiovascular system and is connected to organs such as the heart and lungs. This green chakra is associated with life, emotions, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, joy and peace. Its color is green and its element is air.

The Throat Chakra
The 5th chakra is known as the Vishuddha chakra, throat chakra, or blue chakra. It governs the neck, mouth, tongue and other physical elements of the throat area. It regulates how we communicate and allows us to express ourselves skillfully. Confidence and understanding are related to this chakra. Its color is blue and its element is ether.

The Third Eye Chakra
The 6th chakra is known as Ajna chakra or the Third-eye. It is located behind the forehead, at the level of the space between the eyebrows. The “third eye” chakra governs intuition and insight, especially at spiritual levels.  When it is in balance, you feel connected with your intuitions. Its color is indigo and its element is light.

The Crown Chakra

The 7th chakra is known as the Sahasrara chakra, or the crown chakra. It is located at the top of the head. This is also known as the “thousand petal lotus” chakra. This chakra is considered to be the most spiritual of the core chakras as it governs spiritual consciousness and the potential for awakening to the dimension of the divine. Its color is purple or white and it embodies the higher consciousness.

What is chakra meditation?

The chakra meditation is an umbrella term . It includes variety of body, mind and spirit practices. Some are devoted to spiritual awakening; others to healing or relaxation.

The first step of chakra meditation is awareness. Then you need to identify the blocked chakras in your energy body. The next part is removal of blockages from the chakras and the energy bodies. Finally, you need to balance and bring perfect harmony among all the 114 chakras in your body. 

The 114 Chakras Healing and Balancing

The 114 Chakras Healing and Balancing

The kundalini awakening or other deep spiritual practice should always be undertaken with a competent teacher.

How chakra meditation increases emotional intelligence

Each of these seven main chakras is linked to your emotions in many levels. Chakra meditations are used to control those emotions. Chakra mediations can help you to stay cool and stay calm in stressful situations. You will be naturally more caring, compassionate, and considerate. It enhances your Self-awareness and Social awareness. 

The list of the chakra related emotions are as follows:

  • Muladhara Chakra is associated with safety, security, inertia and enthusiasm.
  • Swadishthana Chakra is linked with creation and creativity. 
  • Manipura Chakra is associated with emotions like willpower, joy, generosity, greed, and jealousy.
  • Anahata Chakra is associated with love and hate, fear and compassion.  
  • Vishuddhi Chakra is associated with gratefulness and grief.
  • Ajna Chakra is linked with emotions such as anger and awareness.
  • Sahasrara Chakra is linked to bliss and oneness.

How is mindfulness related to chakra meditations?

Mindfulness is defined as the moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations and your surrounding environment in a non-judgemental way. What is often not understood, is that this moment-by-moment awareness is not the starting point but an outcome of systematic practices built over time.

The chakra meditation is the foundation of mindfulness meditation, which requires focus and a balance of determination and relaxation. If you do chakra meditation regularly, mindfulness meditation will be easy and effortless. 

How is resilience related to chakra meditations?

The energy vortexes in the human body are the key centers to build resilience and facilitate many adaptive coping up processes in the time of crisis and stress. Through resilience people can transform their experiences of stress, strain, anxiety and suffering into something meaningful positive energy. 

Resilience building and the chakras

Chakras plays significant roles in dealing with adversity and hardship. Resilience building is a dynamic process and deeply connected with the states of the 114 chakras. There are 21 primary chakras to build and strengthen your resilience by re-establishing the divine qualities in your life. There are five energy bodies, which are deeply linked with these chakras.

Effective chakra meditation can build your resilience to overcome the difficulties of life. The core of chakra meditation is bringing energies that are more positive for your life. Life is not just to survive, but also to thrive with full potential.

Resilience is the human ability to meet adversity, setbacks, disturbance, stress, anxiety and trauma, and then recover from them in order to live life fully. Resilient peoples have the ability to sustain their energy level under pressure, to cope with disruptive changes and adapt. They bounce back from the temporary setbacks and get true meanings in their life. 

How is resilience enhances Inner Divinity 

The true resilience are developed when we build intimate relationship with the Divine Energy that is within us. Chronic worry is the most destructive – it saps the joy of living. Our goal is to employ chakra-based resilience training to reduce the number of those who struggle and increase the number of those who can grow. Our goal is to eliminate the sufferings of the people. Our goal is to connect people with their inner divinity.  Our chakra pathway meditation  techniques can improve the white matter integrity and structural connectivity in the brain. A wide range of studies have found the neural circuits and pathways involved in adaptive coping mechanisms of resilience. 

How can chakra meditation help to build emotional resilience?

Resilience involves “bouncing back” from the difficult experiences. The chakra meditations are ancient techniques that can empower you to withstand and overcome the mental and emotional difficulties, and traumatic or bad experiences.  You can recognize and manage your own feelings and understand the feelings of others. You will develop a sense of mental strength, independence and self-love. You will  be able to tap into your inner resources and divinity. You can rediscover yourself and your strengths. 

What are the resilience building frameworks for chakra meditations?

Through, 114 chakra meditation, you can get connection with our Inner Being. Connecting with your inner being will help you to stay calm, clear and confident in every situation of life. Your balance between the left-brain and right-brain will increase your analytical as well intuitive power which will  help you to eliminate the blind spots and inspire your team members to achieve your goals.

You will learn the seven frameworks for resilience building. When you are connected with your Inner Being, you feel integrated, harmonious and whole. When you operate from your Inner Being you can overcome the mundane emotional blockages that drags you down. 

Balancing the Dynamic Chakras

Balancing the dynamic and non-structural chakras integrate your work, office, family and roles in society to help you leverage your energy and deal with the challenges that life throws on your way. Six virtues and mental training are cultivated in order to bring equilibrium to the mind and emotions. They are tranquility, training of the senses, withdrawal, forbearance, faith and focus. Together these allow the mind to enter deeper states of contemplation and meditation.

Healing the Non-structural Chakras 

Non-structural chakras are very powerful they control our thoughts and emotions. You can heal your nonstructural chakras by focusing on four core components — connection with the inner resources, wellness exercises, healthy thinking, getting meaning and purpose in life, and building a sense of humor. They can empower you to withstand and learn from difficult and traumatic experiences. 

114 Chakra Meditation Classes

114 Chakra Meditation Classes


Awareness and mindfulness is the key to chakra meditation. Through awareness, when you know what chakras are blocked, you can work on those. You can also meditate on healing chakras related to your specific health issues.
Moreover, through 114 chakra balancing and healing meditation you can transform yourself into a powerful leader. You can change your emotional behavior into mature and effective positive directions.
By using the chakra meditation techniques you can develop resilience and not letting your mind’s emotions interfere with your vision and obligations in life. You will bring more balance in your spiritual and daily life. You will build more inner strength and improve your inner qualities by empowering yourself and helping others.
Root Chakra A Complete Guide

Root Chakra A Complete Guide