Leadership Values and Principles: The Power of Your 114 Chakras

The 114 chakras offer a holistic approach to leadership that aligns with the concept of values and principle-based leadership. Values-based leadership emphasizes the importance of aligning your actions and decisions with your core values and beliefs. The 114 chakras offer a framework for understanding the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit and how they influence your leadership effectiveness.
In this article, we explore the connection between leadership values and principles and some of your 114 chakras, and how this holistic approach can lead to more effective and impactful leadership.

Leadership and 114 chakras

Leadership values and principle

Leadership values and principles are essential components of effective leadership. They are the foundation upon which a leader builds their leadership style and guides their decision-making process. The values and principles help a leader establish trust with their team and create a positive and productive work environment.

Effective leadership requires a deep understanding of oneself, including one’s values, beliefs, and principles. It is only when a leader knows themselves that they can lead others effectively. To be an effective leader, you must have a clear sense of your purpose, mission, and vision. These elements form the core of your leadership values and principles.

Your leadership values and principles guide your behavior, decisions, and interactions with others. They help you establish trust and credibility with your team and promote a culture of accountability and integrity. Your values and principles also serve as a compass, guiding you through difficult decisions and challenging situations.

Leadership and your Chakras

Leadership is about inspiring, guiding, and influencing people towards a common goal. It involves a set of skills, behaviors, values, and integrity that leaders need to demonstrate consistently.

Chakras are energy centers located along the spine and are responsible for the flow of vital energy or prana in the body. Each chakra corresponds to specific organs, emotions, and behaviors. There are 114 chakras in human body. The 114 chakras have eleven layers.

“By understanding the functions and imbalances of your 114 chakras, you can gain insight into your leadership strengths and weaknesses and take steps to enhance your leadership effectiveness.” – Sri Amit Ray

When you think of effective leadership, you often focus on skills and behaviors such as communication, adaptability, and integrity. But what if there was another aspect to leadership that you are overlooking? Leadership also requires a strong connection to your inner selves and your chakras? When you learn the authentic full body 114 chakras map, you will understand the power of the chakras for awakening your hidden potentials [8].

In today’s world, leadership has evolved beyond just commanding and controlling, and it requires a holistic approach that integrates the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of leadership. One way to achieve this integration is by aligning your leadership values and principles by balancing and activating your 114 chakras.

The 114 Chakras Healing and Balancing

The 114 Chakras Healing and Balancing

Leadership and Your 7 Chakras

When your chakras are balanced, you are better equipped to lead with clarity, purpose, and authenticity. Each chakra represents a different aspect of your being, and by understanding their functions and imbalances, you can develop chakra-specific practices to enhance your leadership effectiveness.

Root Chakra: Safety and Security

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with safety, security, and survival. This chakra is the foundation of your energy system and is responsible for your sense of groundedness, stability, and connection to the earth. In leadership, the root chakra represents the leader’s ability to provide a sense of safety and security to their team.

Practice: To balance your root chakra and enhance your leadership effectiveness, try the following:

  1. Practice grounding exercises such as standing barefoot on the earth, walking in nature, or doing yoga poses such as the mountain pose.
  2. Create a sense of safety and security for your team by providing clear expectations, setting boundaries, and addressing any concerns or conflicts promptly.
  3. Develop a sense of stability and consistency by maintaining a routine, setting achievable goals, and celebrating successes.

Sacral Chakra: Creativity and Emotions

The sacral chakra is located just below the navel and is associated with creativity, emotions, and pleasure. This chakra governs your ability to express yourself creatively, connect with your emotions, and form intimate relationships. In leadership, the sacral chakra represents the leader’s ability to inspire creativity, promote emotional intelligence, and foster positive relationships.

Practice: To balance your sacral chakra and enhance your leadership effectiveness, try the following:

  1. Practice creative activities such as drawing, painting, dancing, or writing to tap into your creative potential and inspire your team.
  2. Develop your emotional intelligence by identifying and expressing your emotions, actively listening to your team, and providing constructive feedback.
  3. Foster positive relationships by creating a supportive and inclusive team environment, encouraging collaboration and open communication, and recognizing and celebrating individual contributions.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Power and Will

The solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and is associated with personal power, will, and confidence. This chakra governs your ability to take action, make decisions, and assert yourself. In leadership, the solar plexus chakra represents the leader’s ability to take charge, make tough decisions, and inspire confidence in their team.

Practice: To balance your solar plexus chakra and enhance your leadership effectiveness, try the following:

  1. Practice activities that boost your confidence such as public speaking, taking on challenging projects, or leading meetings.
  2. Develop your decision-making skills by gathering information, considering alternatives, and taking action based on your intuition and experience.
  3. Inspire confidence in your team by leading by example, acknowledging their strengths, and providing opportunities for growth and development.

Heart Chakra: Love and Compassion

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and

is associated with love, compassion, and empathy. This chakra governs your ability to connect with others, express compassion, and experience love. In leadership, the heart chakra represents the leader’s ability to connect with their team, show empathy, and lead with compassion.

Practice: To balance your heart chakra and enhance your leadership effectiveness, try the following:

  1. Practice gratitude and appreciation by acknowledging and thanking your team for their hard work and contributions.
  2. Cultivate empathy by actively listening to your team, understanding their perspectives, and showing compassion for their challenges and struggles.
  3. Foster a sense of community by creating opportunities for team building and connection, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and supporting the well-being of your team members.

Throat Chakra: Communication and Expression

The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat and is associated with communication, self-expression, and creativity. This chakra governs your ability to speak your truth, express yourself clearly, and communicate effectively. In leadership, the throat chakra represents the leader’s ability to articulate their vision, communicate effectively with their team, and inspire action.

Practice: To balance your throat chakra and enhance your leadership effectiveness, try the following:

  1. Practice clear and effective communication by speaking clearly, listening actively, and providing constructive feedback.
  2. Develop your public speaking skills by practicing presenting in front of others, delivering speeches, and leading meetings.
  3. Express your creativity by incorporating innovative and out-of-the-box ideas, encouraging experimentation, and promoting a culture of creativity and innovation.
Online 72000 Nadis Course

Online 72000 Nadis Course

Third Eye Chakra: Intuition and Insight

The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition, insight, and wisdom. This chakra governs your ability to see beyond the physical realm, access higher consciousness, and gain insights and understanding. In leadership, the third eye chakra represents the leader’s ability to envision the future, think strategically, and make informed decisions.

Practice: To balance your third eye chakra and enhance your leadership effectiveness, try the following:

  1. Practice mindfulness and meditation to quiet your mind, increase your awareness, and tap into your intuition.
  2. Develop your strategic thinking skills by analyzing data, identifying trends and patterns, and developing long-term plans.
  3. Create a vision for your team by setting clear goals, communicating your vision, and inspiring your team to work towards a common goal.

Crown Chakra: Connection to the Divine

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with connection to the divine, spirituality, and enlightenment. This chakra governs your ability to connect with higher consciousness, access universal wisdom, and experience a sense of unity with all beings. In leadership, the crown chakra represents the leader’s ability to inspire a sense of purpose, meaning, and connection to something greater than oneself.

Practice: To balance your crown chakra and enhance your leadership effectiveness, try the following:

  1. Practice connecting with nature, practicing gratitude and mindfulness to cultivate a sense of awe and wonder for the universe and all living beings.
  2. Develop your leadership purpose and align your actions with your core values and beliefs.
  3. Encourage your team to find meaning and purpose in their work by promoting opportunities for personal and professional growth and development.

Leadership and Your 114 Chakras

In addition to the seven chakra-specific practices outlined above, there are several leadership values and principles that are essential for effective leadership. The 114 chakras provides a holistic approach to leadership. The 114 chakras provide a framework for understanding the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit and their impact on leadership effectiveness. The seven key areas where, the 114 chakras are useful for developing leadership skills are:

  1. Integrity: Integrity is the foundation of effective leadership. It means being honest, transparent, and consistent in your actions and decisions. Leaders with integrity inspire trust and respect from their team, and they create a culture of accountability and responsibility.
  2. Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Leaders who are empathetic create a supportive and inclusive work environment that promotes collaboration and teamwork.
  3. Vision: A clear vision is essential for effective leadership. A leader’s vision provides direction and purpose for their team, and it inspires them to work towards a common goal.
  4. Courage: Courage is the willingness to take risks and face challenges. Leaders who are courageous inspire their team to push past their comfort zones and pursue new opportunities.
  5. Adaptability: Effective leaders are adaptable and flexible in their approach. They can adjust to changing circumstances and navigate through uncertainty with ease.
  6. Accountability: Leaders must take responsibility for their actions and decisions. They must hold themselves and their team accountable for achieving their goals and meeting their commitments.
  7. Collaboration: Collaboration is essential for effective leadership. Leaders who foster a collaborative work environment promote teamwork and creativity, and they inspire their team to work together towards a common goal.

Leadership brain regions and the hormonal activity

Leadership is a complex cognitive and social process that involves various chakras in the brain regions, neurotransmitters, and hormones. Research suggests that certain brain regions and hormonal activity can significantly impact a leader’s effectiveness.

One crucial brain region for leadership is the prefrontal cortex. This region is responsible for decision-making, problem-solving, and regulating emotions. Effective leaders with well-developed prefrontal cortexes can analyze complex information, prioritize tasks, and make sound decisions under pressure.

Another essential brain region for leadership is the amygdala. This region plays a crucial role in emotional regulation and social behavior. Leaders with strong amygdalae can recognize and manage their emotions and respond appropriately to the emotional needs of their team members.

Additionally, hormonal activity can also influence leadership effectiveness. Testosterone, for example, is associated with assertiveness, risk-taking, and confidence. Leaders with high levels of testosterone are more likely to take risks and make bold decisions, but they may also struggle with empathy and collaboration.

On the other hand, oxytocin is associated with trust, empathy, and social bonding. Leaders with high levels of oxytocin are more likely to build strong relationships with their team members and inspire trust and loyalty.

Overall, leadership is a interplay between various chakras in the brain regions and hormonal activity. By understanding how these factors impact leadership effectiveness, leaders can develop strategies to enhance their cognitive and emotion the al abilities and become more effective in their roles.


Leadership values and principles are the foundation of effective leadership, and by integrating your values and principles with your 114 chakras, you can achieve a more holistic and integrated approach to leadership. By understanding the functions and imbalances of each chakra and practicing chakra-specific exercises, you can enhance your leadership effectiveness and create a more harmonious and productive team environment.

At the same time, aligning your actions and decisions with your leadership values and principles will help you establish trust with your team, promote a culture of accountability and integrity, and achieve your goals and objectives.

Remember, effective leadership is not just about achieving goals and outcomes, but also about creating a positive and uplifting environment that supports the well-being and growth of all team members.


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