Mindfulness Online Teacher Training Course

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The Sri Amit Ray Meditation Center 

Mindfulness Teacher Training Course

Mindfulness is not just paying attention to your experiences in the present moment. It is much more than that. It is the art and science of bringing peace, tranquility, beauty, and deep relaxation in your life. It is a systematic and step by step process. Learn mindfulness from the true masters. It much more that just breath awareness. Your non-judgmental awareness, curiosity, compassion, beautification, acceptance and beyond are explored. You will learn the modern neuroscience, psychology and the ancient wisdom of mindfulness meditation, which can help you to live life more fully and with a greater sense of perspective. 

Mindfulness Online Teacher Training Course

Are you ready for the 8-weeks course?

These eight weeks offer a taste of a new mindfulness course. This course is both for the new comers and for those who have already completed a 8-weeks mindfulness course in other institutes and want to explore mindfulness more deeply in a new way. Moreover, this course enriched by recent findings of neuroscience, psychological and the ancient yoga, vipassana and chakra techniques.  In addition, this course offer fresh insights into the way your attention and subconscious mind work, how choices are formed, and predictions are made.

“Mind is a flexible mirror adjust it – to see a better world.” – Sri Amit Ray

The Course Contents

Week 1: Fundamentals of Mindfulness and Befriending the Mind

Week 2: Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence the Missing Link

Week 3: Integrating Mindfulness in Everyday life – The Seven Techniques

Week 4: Mindfulness and Restoring the Inner Balance

Week 5: Exploring and Handling Difficult Emotions

Week 6: Cultivating Deep Compassion in Difficult Situations

Week 7: Enlightenment Processes and the Seven steps

Week 8: Discovering the Deep Joy within and the Universal Love.

“If you want to conquer anxiety in life – live in the moment, live in the breath.” – Sri Amit Ray

Course Fees $500 USD

The details of the mindfulness meditation classes:

Course Fees: $500.00 USD
Duration: 8 Weeks
Location: Online via Skype / ZOOM/ WhatsApp
Benefits: Learn to meditate and enjoy a happier, healthier life.


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How it Works

After you register and submit your payment for an online session, you are notified by email and offered a a set of choices for the dates and times for the online session. Then, you choose one, and confirm by email. You can always email us, if you have a special preference.

Then the session follows – a session designed for you to learn the meditation tailored to your taste temperament or need. Moreover, you receive the energy of the Master on a one on one session and learn through an interactive experience.

Sri Amit Ray has deep experience and will explain the fundamentals and deeper aspects of mindfulness meditation and will guide you through the practice to a state of focus, calm and wellbeing.

Course Certificates

E-Certificate from IISCIM

Complete the Teachers Training Online Course successfully to obtain this prestigious recognition from International Institute of Scientific Meditation (IISCIM).

Mindfulness Meditation Certificate Course
“Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.” – Sri Amit Ray

Frequently Asked Questions

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