7 chakras mantra

Chakras Symbols

The 7 Chakras: Significance, Meanings, Colors, Mantras and Powers

There are 114 chakras in the human body. Most of you have only heard of the 7 basic chakras. They are very important, but not sufficient. To work with chakra healing and balancing, you must know all your 114 chakras rather than just the seven chakras.

The 114 chakras work in a hierarchical network. If you want to work with the chakra system, you must know the specific names, locations, and functions of the 114 chakras. The 114 chakras work in a sequential way. You must know the specific path and sequence of awakening the 114 chakras.

You also need to identify the chakras which are active and the chakras which are inactive in your mind-body energy system. In our Ray 114 Chakras advanced meditation course, we cover the details of the 114 chakras, with Sanskrit names, English names, location maps, and functions. 

In this guide, you will get the details of the 7 basic chakras and their limitations.  Here, you will learn the basic colors, mantras, meanings, foods, stones, names, locations, and functions of the 7 chakras. The chakras are like flowers, each of which has a specific number of petals. Moreover, each petal vibrates at a specific healing frequency.… Read more..

Seven Chakras in human body Amit Ray Teachings

The 7 Chakras in Human Body The Complete Guide

Welcome to the complete guide to 7 chakras. In this article, you will learn the 7 chakras in human body. Knowing how the chakras work in our mind-body system,  is one of the essential skills you should master to live a happy, healthy, successful and fulfilling life. 

The seven key chakras are the seven energy centers in the body, which control your health, emotions, thoughts, moods, relationships, immunity and spiritual awakening.   When the chakras are properly open the positive energies in the body flows freely and you feel happy and if they are blocked you feel unhappy with several problems. The energy of the Chakras extends around and beyond the body to form what is called the Aura. 

The names of the 7 chakras are: Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana),  Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), Heart Chakra (Anahata), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha),  Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)  and the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara). They run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. 

Each chakra has seven states: open, closed, excessive open, balanced,  active, under-active and overactive. Moreover, these states are dynamic in nature, because each chakra is constantly interacting with the external and internal environment.  Before going into your chakra healing, chakra balancing or chakra meditation programs you must properly assess the state of your chakras.… Read more..