Exponential Mindset

Mind is a Flexible Mirror; Adjust it, To See A Better World - Sri Amit Ray

Mind is a Flexible Mirror; Adjust it, To See A Better World – Sri Amit Ray

Your external reality is the manifestation of your internal reality. You need to improve your internal reality to improve your external reality. Meaning, you must first form the positive images, sensations, and feelings of what you desire in your brain and hold them there.

You attract what you focus your attention on. So, if you are unhappy with the way things are going in your life at present, the first thing you should do is change your mindset and see the world in a better way.

The universe itself will try to make itself look like the images you generated in your mind. This is according to universal principles of how things happen to be and how they are attracted. As a result, your external world will begin to reflect your internal vision. The 114 chakras and 72000 nadis in the human body is constantly interacting with the universe and manifesting things according to your subconscious intentions . 

Moreover, in order to live authentically, you must first become familiar with your mindsets. Then only can you develop a thorough understanding of your life. You may find yourself trying to convince people and ignoring who you truly are. It may be result of your relentless pursuit of external validation and success.

Mind is a flexible mirror


Top 10 Mindsets and the Flexibility of your Mind

In this post, we discussed top ten mindset types to see the world in a better way. With mindfulness you can change your mindset and improve your life.Read More »Mind is a Flexible Mirror; Adjust it, To See A Better World – Sri Amit Ray