Great leaders have three things - inner light, inner vision, and inner strength - Sri Amit Ray

    As a leader, you should always learn how to build up your own inner strength and inner vision. It will help you to be able to deal with problems and bounce back from failures, which are inevitable given your higher roles in life. Inner strength is what gives you the strength to keep going.

    Inner Light

    You need to see the future to guide others. The light of your wisdom is very important to lead others. Relaxation and third-eye meditation is the key to inner light.

    Great leaders have three things; inner light - Sri Amit Ray

    When you are under pressure, prepare yourself by thinking about your responses and reactions to various situations all of the time. Take a moment to consider why you are responding in a particular way. Allow your optimism to guide you in making the best decisions possible when you're under pressure.

    "Great leaders have three things; inner light, inner vision, and inner strength." - Sri Amit Ray

    Great leaders have three things; inner light, inner vision, and inner strength.

    Inner Strength

    The power to overcome difficulties and move forward in every situation is the your inner strength. Your leadership skills like positivity, motivation, integrity, and creativity come when you have powerful inner strength and inner vision.

    Learn to keep your focus fixed on your own strength. What is it that reignites your interest and motivations? What causes you to come to life? Instead of focusing on the things that make you feel unfulfilled, turn your attention to the things that make you feel fulfilled. Allow your focus to draw in what you desire as a reward.


    Leadership Development Master Course Based on 21 Chakras

    Leadership Development Master Course Based on 21 Chakras and Meditations

    A Nine-Weeks Profound Leadership Development Online Course 

    Sri Amit Ray Meditation Center 

    The Ray 21-Chakra based leadership development framework, tools and techniques help the world’s leading CEO's, business leaders, and top professionals to grow, manifest, build values, and inner strength. It is a unique course that focuses on the energy channels and epigenetic aspects of leadership development.

    These techniques are developed by Sri Amit Ray, in his deep meditations and while guiding the top personalities of the world in different dimensions. This is to improve your emotional stability, growth mindset, resilience, and mind power.

    Unless you remove the blockages of your subtle energy flows in your body, it is difficult to improve your leadership qualities. This is an online one-on-one guided meditation course. We will introduce you to a network of 21 energy centers (chakras) and 21 energy channels (nadis) in your energy body and mind linked to leadership skill development.

    This is an Unique Meditation Driven Chakra Based Leadership Skill Development Online Course. 

    This course is designed on improving your ability to be focused and emotionally balanced so that you can become more resilient – feeling less dragged along and more alive and energized, and better able to keep a balance between your private life and work.

    You will gain a keen understanding of your own leadership styles and skills, and the blockages in your emotional energy channels, and also how to clear them.

    You will learn the techniques to refine the chakras and the nadis and tune them to your passions and dreams.

    Whatever may be your profession, building strong leadership skill is essential. The program will introduce you to a network of energy centers (21 chakras) and energy channels (21 nadis) in your body and mind.  

    In addition, our classes will help you to boost your emotional intelligence, resilience, positivity, and mental strength. This 9 weeks intensive course is going to be an immersive experience to embed in your psyche the techniques and skills leadership. 

    The course includes Nine online guided meditation sessions with discussions and study materials. 

    Chakra Based Leadership Development Course

    Chakra Based Leadership Development Course


    Leadership Development Master Course Based on 21 Chakras and Meditations: The 9-Weeks Intensive Online Course.

    This 9 weeks guided meditation course offers you a taste of many new dimensions of leadership awakening chakras, and the energy channels in your body.

    You will be guided to using the meditation techniques and the mantras to awaken your Leadership Qualities and Emotional Intelligence. 

    This leadership course is designed for everyone aspiring for deep meditation and especially for the aspiring leaders and the experienced managers. This course will help you to learn how to deal more productively with everyday work challenges.

    However, no prior experience is necessary. All genders, ages, religious backgrounds, nationalities and walks of life are welcome. You'll experience sound vibrations as a vibrant connection to Self, and understand how it transforms your being.

    The meditations are designed to access the blessings of the divine energies and improve your inner glow and mental stability and power through love and devotions. 

    The Course Contents

    The course structure varies depending on individuals' needs. However, the general content of the NINE modules of the course are as follows:

    Module 1: Fundamentals of Leadership skills and how they are related to the chakras and the energy channels in the body. You will learn the 12 emotional intelligence skills.

    Module 2: Art of removing the mental blockages by cleaning the chakras and the Nadis. You will learn the 7 primary leadership styles.

    Module 3: Activating and cleansing the 21 Leadership related chakras. You will learn the 12 primary leadership qualities.

    Module 4: Activating and cleansing the 21 Leadership related energy channels in body. You will learn the 10 primary leadership skills.

    Module 5: Develop Concentration, Focus and Mental Powers.

    Module 6: Building Resilience with the Chakras and Nadis.

    Module 7: Enhancing Inner Strength with the Chakras and the Nadis.

    Module 8: Removing negative mental-patterns, Building Positive mindset, Agility and Integrity.

    Module 9: Principles of mindful leadership and compassionate leadership.

    This nine-weeks masterclass in leadership will teach you how to create your own practice that supports your managerial and leadership roles in every sphere of life.

    Course Fees $500 USD


    Course Fees: $500 USD (Rs. 35,000/- INR)
    Duration: 9 Weeks (Total 9  One Hour Sessions)
    Location: Online via Skype / ZOOM/ WhatsApp
    Benefits: You will learn the techniques relaxation and emotional stability. You learn the art of chanting the mantras, the art of meditations to increase your concentration and focus.  
    Study Material: You will get eight PDF Files as Study Material.


    Register Now

    Course Certificates

    Chakra Based Leadership Development Course Sample Certificate


    After successful completion of the Ray 21 Chakras and Meditation Based Leadership Development Online Course, you will get the e-certificate. 


    How it Works

    After you register and submit your payment for an online session, you are notified by email and offered a a set of choices for the dates and times for the online session. You choose one, and confirm by email. You can always email us, if you have a special preference.

    Then the session follows - a session designed for you to learn the Leadership course tailored to your taste temperament and need. You receive the energy of the Master on a one on one session and learn through an interactive experience.

    Sri Amit Ray has many years of deep meditation experience in Himalaya and will explain the fundamentals and deeper aspects of mantra meditations in its non-dual purest form and will guide you through the practice to a state of deep spirituality, focus, calmness and total wellbeing.

    The online meditation classes are provided by Sri Amit Ray, as one-to-one online Skype / WhatsApp sessions at mutually convenient date and time. Depending on the course the number of session varies. The duration of each session is about an hour. The course includes guided meditations, discussions, and study material.

    Upon completion of the online registration and payment process, you will be informed by email, about the date and time of your meditation classes, which are mutually adjustable.


    Register Now




    The Power of Yashasvini Nadi for Developing Leadership Skills

    Building Leadership Qualities by Activating the Yashasvini Nadi

    Sri Amit Ray tells us the art of activating Yashaswini nadi for cultivating leadership skills. 

    Your leadership skills and styles are deeply associated with the Yashaswini nadis - a group of subtle energy channels in your body. There are 72,000 Nadis or energy channels in your body, out of which Yashaswini nadi is a very powerful energy channel for cultivating effective leadership skills.  

    "Yashasvini is the divine energy within, which makes people trust worthy, responsible and creative. This nadi is the divine path of charismatic leadership." -- Amit Ray
    Charismatic Leadership and Yashasvini Nadi Sri Amit Ray Teachings

    Charismatic Leadership and Yashasvini Nadi Sri Amit Ray Teachings


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