Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence

    Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence

    Dr. Amit Ray explains the quantum annealing, Quantum Monte Carlo Tree Search, Quantum algorithms for traveling salesman problems, and Quantum algorithms  for gradient descent problems in depth.

    This tutorial is for the researchers, developers, students and the volunteers of the quantum computing team of the  Sri Amit Ray Compassionate AI Lab. Many of our researchers and students asked me to explain the quantum computing algorithms in a very simplistic term.  The purpose of this article is to explain that.

    Quantum Computing Algorithms for AI By Amit Ray

    Earlier we have discussed Spin-orbit Coupling Qubits for Quantum Computing and the foundations of  Quantum computing and artificial intelligence.  This article is to explain the foundation quantum computing algorithms in depth in a simplistic way. Here we explained the concepts of quantum annealing, Quantum Monte Carlo Tree Search, quantum algorithms for traveling salesman problem and Quantum algorithms for gradient descent problems. 


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