Day 9: Art of Non-doership and Self-Distancing

    Surrendering doership is an important yoga practice. You have the right to do your duty, but the results are not dependent on your efforts. There are numerous factors that come into play in determining the results. The witnessing power within you is your true self and your doership feeling is the ego. Mindfulness  is the art of non-doership and self-distancing from the ego. Ego has two components attachment and aversion. Self-distancing is creating distance from the ego and it is becoming a distant observer of what’s happening.

    Self-distancing and non-doership

    When you use more first-person words "I or me" you become more in self-immersion mode and in reactive mindset. When you use more non-first-person words like "you, they, she, he, others" you become more in self-distancing mode and mostly in procative mindset and ego-decentered mind with wiser and less biased judgments. 


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