Sapta Dhatus

How to Increase Ojas with Optimum Sleep: Ojas Your Spiritual Glow

In Ayurveda, ojas is revered as the essence of vitality, strength, resilience, spirituality, and overall well-being. It is the culmination of the body’s metabolic processes and reflects the harmony between the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions of life. Among the various factors that influence ojas, sleep stands out as one of the most critical.

You can increase your ojas through practices such as a balanced diet, the use of herbs, adequate sleep, yoga exercises, balancing your 114 chakras, and maintaining positive thoughts and emotions. Here, we will discuss how to increase your ojas by optimizing sleep timing, quality, and quantity.

This article explores the intricate relationship between ojas and sleep, meditation, covering aspects such as sleep timings, quality, quantity, and the underlying neuroscience and hormonal mechanisms.

“To enhance ojas, prioritize quality sleep, harness the healing power of herbs, and harmonize your 114 chakras with the cosmic divinity.”  – Sri Amit Ray

There are two types of ojas: para (supreme) and apara (ordinary). Para ojas is considered the highest form; it gives the spiritual awakening, while apara ojas is more dispersed throughout the body. Apara Ojas gives vitality, strength, and resilience. … Read more..