Teachings of the Upanishads

Maya and Vidya: The Dance of Illusion, Knowledge and Enlightenment

The concepts of Maya and Vidya have been central to the spiritual and philosophical discourse of many ancient traditions, particularly in the Vedantic and Tantric schools of thought. These two opposing forces shape the nature of reality as perceived by human beings: while Māyā, or illusion, blinds us to the truth, Vidyā, or knowledge, helps us see beyond the illusory nature of the world and reveals the ultimate truth. This duality forms… Read More »Maya and Vidya: The Dance of Illusion, Knowledge and Enlightenment

Shreya (Long Term) vs Preya (Short Term) Fulfillment: The Art of Happy Living

Shreya vs Preya: The Art of Happy Living

Here, Sri Amit Ray talks about the wisdom of “shreya vs preya” – the art of happy living in the path of long term fulfillment versus short term pleasure. He explains how skillful behavior patterns can directed us towards Shreya, which brings joy, happiness, love and trust in life.

Our true nature is divine and eternal. Our true purpose of life is to awaken and realize that permanent divinity that is within us. However, in human life there are positive emotions like: joy, trust, happiness and love. There are negative emotions like: anger, fear, anxiety, depression, worry, grief and mistrust. Life is a dynamics of these two types of emotions. How to find the higher purpose and true meanings of life in the midst of these negative turmoils of life is the eternal question. 

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