Mystery Ayurveda and Sanjivani Vidya
Sri Amit Ray talks about Sanjivani Vidya, Urja Vidya and Ayurveda to enhance your immunity, healing power and spirituality. The eleven key immunity chakras and eleven key healing herbs are discussed. This article is for the students, who have attended the Ray 114 Chakra meditation course.
Sanjivani Vidya gives huge spiritual energy for deep meditation. Sanjivani Vidya is vital for getting up early in the morning especially at 3:45 AM and for deep ishvara pranidhana - realizing the supreme truth. Urja Vidya is necessary for developing concentration, patience, mental clarity, and creativity. Both of them are associated with immunity and mental strength.
Ayurved and Sanjivani Vidya
In ancient oral tradition of Ray Ayurveda, there are seven protocols to improve your immunity, health and spirituality. These seven Ayurveda protocols are the seven ways to study the herbs, human body system, the 114 chakras and 72000 nadis, and the diseases. Among these seven Ayurveda protocols, the following three protocols are very important for immunity, health and healing.
The first one is the traditional vata-pitta-kapha protocol (Dhatu Vidya). The other two vital protocols are Sanjivani pathway protocol (Sanjivani Vidya), and the Urja pathway protocol (Urja Vidya). Today, I will discuss mainly the Sanjivani pathway protocol and the Urja pathway protocols, which are studied to improve immunity in inline with the 114 chakras in human body.