The Power of 24 Healing Chakras in Your Hand

How to use Your Hand Chakras for Healing and Balancing

There are 24 healing chakras in our hand. They are very subtle and sensitive to the healing energies. You need to activate the hand chakras to use your hidden healing power. Here, you will learn the basics of the 24 healing chakras in your hand.

Chakras are the energy centers in the body. In human body, there are 7 chakras as well as the 114 chakra system. The 24 healing chakras are included in the 114 chakra system of teachings.

The 114 Chakras Maps Course

The 114 Chakras Maps Course

When they are active and balanced you will feel happiness and fulfillment in life. When the chakras are blocked or imbalanced, you will feel depression and negative energies. Through meditation, exercises and mantra you can activate the healing chakras.  When you are aligned with higher energy frequencies through the hand chakras, you will feel like happiness, gratitude, love, and joy. The higher energy will resonate through you.

24 Healing Chakras in your Hand Amit Ray Teachings

Healing Chakras and the Divine Energies

Among these 24 chakras, eight of them are associated with Lord Vishnu, eight of them are related to Lord Shiva and the other eight chakras are linked to the Goddess Parvati. As you know, Lord Shiva removes the toxins and poisons from the system to save the humanity and destroy the evil forces.

Lord Vishnu supports the universe and brings balance and harmony in the systems and maintains its natural and spiritual healthy orders. All the time Lord Vishnu rescued the good and positive forces, and defeats the evil forces. The Goddess Parvati – the universal motherly force nourishes the Universe.  Healing chakras in the hand are related to these divine energies. Unless you activate the healing chakras these divine energies remain in dormant phase. 

Classification of the Healing Chakras

In our Ray 114 Chakra meditation, the 24 healing chakras are classified in the following six groups. Each group is associated with their divine energy locks. Unless you know the keys, you can not open the healing energy systems. 

  1. Power Chakras (Shakti Chakras)
  2. Detoxification Chakras (Sodhan Chakras)
  3. Nourishment Chakras (Pushti Chakras)
  4. Harmony Chakras (Santulan Chakras)
  5. Protection Chakras (Raksha Chakras)
  6. Prosperity Chakras (Shri Chakras)

Five Phases of the Chakra Healing

In our 114 chakras tradition the phases of the blossoming of the healing energy are also classified in five phases. The first one is the dormancy phase. For the most people healing chakras remain in the dormancy phase. Dormancy of the healing energy also depends on the physical structure and hardness of the hand.

Hand chakra detoxification is an ancient healing process. Here, you remove the negative energies from your hand chakras. It is a step-by-step process.

Chakra healing is an extremely dynamic process. The precise mechanism of chakra healing and the meditative states are well explained in our tradition.

In a progressive phase or active growth phase, during which the healing energy grows and aligned at the center of the chakra, and in a regressive phase, during which the divine healing energy starts radiating from the healing chakras.

In between these two phases there are two other balance and control phases. After activating the healing chakras, you need to close the chakras properly.

114 Chakra Meditation Class

Healing Mantras for the Hand Chakras

To activate the healing energies of the hand chakras, you need to tune your mindset with the higher divine healing energies of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and the Goddess Parvati.

There are 24 special mantras to align your consciousness with the higher energies and activate the healing energy centers in the body.  When we talk about Lord Vishnu, we talk about Lord Visnu and Goddess Lakshmi together. Hand chakras are also used for prosperity, wealth, and manifestation. Proper chakra purification and detoxification is a prerequisite for any healing or manifestation process.

Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of abundance, wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty and auspiciousness. Saraswati, is consider as the goddess of knowledge. Parvati or Durga is the supreme mother-goddess. She is also the goddess of power and the consort of Lord Shiva.

Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati are the daughters of Shiva and Parvati. The 24 mantras are associated with Lord Shiva, Lord Visnu, Lord Ganesha, and Goddess Parvati,  Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati. Depending on the healing requirements, the pathways of awareness and the mantra varies. 

Activating the Protective Energies in the Body

To send the healing energy outside of your body, you need to activate the protective energy centers in your body. Unless you know and activate the protective energy centers in your body, you will be vulnerable to the external negative energies.

If you are a very sensitive person, you may find yourself easily affected by other people, situations, and environment. If you do not have enough protection, you may easily feel drained and tired. By activating the healing and protective chakras (Raksha Chakras) in your body, you can seal your sacred energy fields and which can give you many layers of protection shields. 

Learn the Healing Chakras in Your Hand Online

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