Vishnu Sahasranamam Namabali | The 1000 Names of Lord Vishnu Meditation

Vishnu Sahasranamam is a revered Hindu hymn consisting of 1,000 names of Lord Vishnu, highlighting His divine attributes and qualities. This sacred text, found in the Mahabharata, is chanted to seek spiritual growth, peace, and divine blessings. Each name reflects a unique aspect of Vishnu, portraying Him as the protector and preserver of the universe.

Vishnu Sahasranamam The 1000 Names of Lord Vishnu

The Vishnu Sahasranamam Namabali is more than just a collection of names; it serves as a profound spiritual meditation practice that captures the essence of devotion, all pervading expansion, and grace in Hinduism. By reciting it, you immerse yourself in the divine qualities of Lord Vishnu, seeking His blessings and striving to embody His virtues in your own life. This timeless hymn remains an inspiration for faith and devotion for millions around the world.

Meditation on the Vishnu Sahasranamam

Meditation on the Vishnu Sahasranamam involves chanting or listening to the thousand names while focusing the mind and heart on the divine attributes they represent. This meditation can help cultivate a sense of peace, enhance spiritual growth, and deepen one’s connection to the divine.

Chanting the Names:

  • Aloud or Silent Recitation: You can chant the names aloud, which helps maintain focus and creates a vibrational effect, or recite them silently in your mind.
  • Listening: Alternatively, you can listen to a recorded version of the Vishnu Sahasranamam, allowing the sound to permeate your being.

Mindful Contemplation:

  • Focus on Each Name: As you chant or listen to each name, focus on its meaning and the divine attribute it represents. For instance, when you recite “Vishvam” (The Universe), visualize the vastness of the cosmos and feel a connection to all that exists.
  • Visualize: You can also visualize Lord Vishnu in your mind’s eye, adorned with his traditional attributes, and imagine his presence surrounding and protecting you.

Benefits of Vishnu Sahasranamam Meditation

  1. Mental Peace and Clarity: The rhythmic chant and focused meditation help calm the mind, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity.
  2. Spiritual Growth: Regular practice deepens one’s spiritual connection, fostering a sense of inner peace and devotion.
  3. Emotional Balance: The positive vibrations and divine attributes invoked through the names help balance emotions and promote a sense of well-being.
  4. Protection and Positivity: Chanting the Vishnu Sahasranamam is believed to invoke the protective energy of Lord Vishnu, dispelling negative influences and attracting positivity.

The 1000 Names of Lord Vishnu : Namabali 

No. Sanskrit Name Transliteration English Mantra Meaning
1 विश्वम् ॐ विश्वस्मै नमः। Om Vishwasmai Namah। The Lord Who is the Universe Itself
2 विष्णु ॐ विष्णवे नमः। Om Vishnave Namah। The Lord Who Pervades Everywhere
3 वषट्कार ॐ वषट्काराय नमः। Om Vashatkaraya Namah। The Lord Who is Invoked for Oblations
4 भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः ॐ भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभवे नमः। Om Bhutabhavyabhavatprabhave Namah। The Lord of Past, Present and Future
5 भूतकृत ॐ भूतकृते नमः। Om Bhutakrite Namah। The Creator of All Creatures
6 भूतभृत ॐ भूतभृते नमः। Om Bhutabhrite Namah। The Lord Who Nourishes All Creatures
7 भाव ॐ भावाय नमः। Om Bhavaya Namah। The Absolute Existence
8 भूतात्मा ॐ भूतात्मने नमः। Om Bhutatmane Namah। The Lord Who is the Soul of Every Being in the Universe
9 भूतभावन ॐ भूतभावनाय नमः। Om Bhutabhavanaya Namah। The Lord Who Nurtures Every Being in the Universe
10 पूतात्मा ॐ पूतात्मने नमः। Om Putatmane Namah। The Lord With an Extremely Pure Essence
11 परमात्मा ॐ परमात्मने नमः। Om Paramatmane Namah। The Supreme Soul
12 मुक्तानां परमागतिः ॐ मुक्तानां परमगतये नमः। Om Muktanam Paramagataye Namah। The Ultimate Range of the Liberated
13 अव्ययः ॐ अव्ययाय नमः। Om Avyayaya Namah। The Lord Who is Always Same
14 पुरुषः ॐ पुरुषाय नमः। Om Purushaya Namah। The Lord Who is Inside Every Body
15 साक्षी ॐ साक्षिणे नमः। Om Sakshine Namah। The Lord Who is the Witness of Everything that Happens
16 क्षेत्रज्ञः ॐ क्षेत्रज्ञाय नमः। Om Kshetrajnaya Namah। The Knower of the Field
17 अक्षर ॐ अक्षराय नमः। Om Aksharaya Namah। The Undecaying
18 योगः ॐ योगाय नमः। Om Yogaya Namah। The Lord Who is Realized Through Yoga
19 योगविदां नेता ॐ योगविदां नेत्रे नमः। Om Yogavidam Netre Namah। The Lord Who is the Leader of All Those Who Know Yoga
20 प्रधानपुरुषेश्वर ॐ प्रधानपुरुषेश्वराय नमः। Om Pradhana-purusheshwaraya Namah। The One Who is the Lord of Nature and Beings
21 नारसिंहवपुः ॐ नारसिंहवपुषे नमः। Om Narasinhavapushe Namah। The Lord Whose Form is Man-Lion
22 श्रीमान् ॐ श्रीमते नमः। Om Shrimate Namah। The Lord Who is Always With Sri (Lakshmi)
23 केशव ॐ केशवाय नमः। Om Keshavaya Namah। The Lord Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair
24 पुरुषोत्तम ॐ पुरुषोत्तमाय नमः। Om Purushottamaya Namah। The Supreme Controller
25 सर्व ॐ सर्वस्मै नमः। Om Sarwasmai Namah। The Lord Who is Everything
26 शर्व ॐ शर्वाय नमः। Om Sharvaya Namah। The Lord Who Destroys Everything When the Deluge comes
27 शिव ॐ शिवाय नमः। Om Shivaya Namah। The Lord Who is Eternally Pure
28 स्थाणु ॐ स्थाणवे नमः। Om Sthanave Namah। The Immovable
29 भूतादि ॐ भूतादये नमः। Om Bhutadaye Namah। The Lord From Whom All the Beings Evolved
30 निधिरव्यय ॐ निधये अव्ययाय नमः। Om Nidhaye Avyayaya Namah। The Imperishable Treasure
31 सम्भव ॐ सम्भवाय नमः। Om Sambhavaya Namah। The One Who is All that Happens
32 भावन ॐ भावनाय नमः। Om Bhavanaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Everything to His Devotees
33 भर्ता ॐ भर्त्रे नमः। Om Bhartre Namah। The Lord Who Governs the Entire Living World
34 प्रभव ॐ प्रभवाय नमः। Om Prabhavaya Namah। The Lord in Whom All Things were Born
35 प्रभु ॐ प्रभवे नमः। Om Prabhave Namah। The Almighty Lord
36 ईश्वर ॐ ईश्वराय नमः। Om Ishwaraya Namah। The Lord Who Controls and Rules All Beings
37 स्वयम्भू ॐ स्वयम्भुवे नमः। Om Swayambhuve Namah। The Lord Who Manifests from Himself
38 शम्भु ॐ शम्भवे नमः। Om Shambhave Namah। The Bestower of Happiness
39 आदित्य ॐ आदित्याय नमः। Om Adityaya Namah। The Sun or The son of Aditi
40 पुष्कराक्ष ॐ पुष्कराक्षाय नमः। Om Pushkarakshaya Namah। The Lord Who has Lotus Like Eyes
41 महास्वन ॐ महास्वनाय नमः। Om Mahaswanaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Thundering Voice
42 अनादिनिधन ॐ अनादिनिधनाय नमः। Om Anadinidhanaya Namah। The Lord Without Origin or End
43 धाता ॐ धात्रे नमः। Om Dhatre Namah। The Lord Who Supports All Fields of Experience
44 विधाता ॐ विधात्रे नमः। Om Vidhatre Namah। The Lord Who Creates All Actions and Their Results
45 धातुरुत्तम ॐ धातुरुत्तमाय नमः। Om Dhaturuttamaya Namah। The Lord Who is Greater than the Creator (Brahma)
46 अप्रमेय ॐ अप्रमेयाय नमः। Om Aprameyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Beyond Rules, Regulations and Definitions
47 हृषीकेश ॐ हृषीकेशाय नमः। Om Hrishikeshaya Namah। The Lord of Senses
48 पद्मनाभ ॐ पद्मनाभाय नमः। Om Padmanabhaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Lotus (From Which the World Evolved) Growing on his Belly
49 अमरप्रभु ॐ अमरप्रभवे नमः। Om Amaraprabhave Namah। The Lord of Immortals
50 विश्वकर्मा ॐ विश्वकर्मणे नमः। Om Vishwakarmane Namah। The Creator of the Universe
51 मनु ॐ मनवे नमः। Om Manave Namah। The Lord Who Thinks (Worries) of Everything
52 त्वष्टा ॐ त्वष्ट्रे नमः। Om Twashtre Namah। The Lord Who Makes Huge Things Small
53 स्थविष्ठ ॐ स्थविष्ठाय नमः। Om Sthavishthaya Namah। The Supremely Gross
54 स्थविरो ध्रुव ॐ स्थविराय ध्रुवाय नमः। Om Sthaviraya Dhruvaya Namah। The Lord Who is Ancient and Permanent
55 अग्राह्य ॐ अग्रह्याय नमः। Om Agrahyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Not Perceived Sensually
56 शाश्वत ॐ शाश्वताय नमः। Om Shashwataya Namah। The Lord Who Always Remains the Same
57 कृष्ण ॐ कृष्णाय नमः। Om Krishnaya Namah। The Lord Whose Complexion is Dark
58 लोहिताक्ष ॐ लोहिताक्षाय नमः। Om Lohitakshaya Namah। The Lord Who has Red Eyes
59 प्रतर्दन ॐ प्रतर्दनाय नमः। Om Pratardanaya Namah। The Destroyer in Deluge
60 प्रभूत ॐ प्रभूताय नमः। Om Prabhutaya Namah। The Lord Who is Full of Wealth and Knowledge
61 त्रिककुब्धाम ॐ त्रिककुब्धाम्ने नमः। Om Trikakubdhamne Namah। The Lord of all Directions
62 पवित्रं ॐ पवित्राय नमः। Om Pavitraya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Purity to the Heart
63 मङ्गलंपरम् ॐ मङ्गलाय परस्मै नमः। Om Mangalaya Parasmai Namah। The Supreme Auspiciousness
64 ईशान ॐ ईशानाय नमः। Om Ishanaya Namah। The Lord Who Rules Over Everything
65 प्राणद ॐ प्राणदाय नमः। Om Pranadaya Namah। The Bestower of Vital Breaths
66 प्राण ॐ प्राणाय नमः। Om Pranaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Soul
67 ज्येष्ठ ॐ ज्येष्ठाय नमः। Om Jyeshthaya Namah। The Lord Who is Elder to All Others
68 श्रेष्ठ ॐ श्रेष्ठाय नमः। Om Shreshthaya Namah। The Lord Who is Better Than All Others
69 प्रजापति ॐ प्रजापतये नमः। Om Prajapataye Namah। The One Who is the Chief of All Human Beings
70 हिरण्यगर्भ ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः। Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah। The Lord Who Dwells in the Womb of the World
71 भूगर्भ ॐ भूगर्भाय नमः। Om Bhugarbhaya Namah। The Lord Who Carries the Earth Within Himself
72 माधव ॐ माधवाय नमः। Om Madhavaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Consort of Lakshmi
73 मधुसूदन ॐ मधुसूदनाय नमः। Om Madhusudanaya Namah। Destroyer of the Demon Madhu
74 ईश्वर ॐ ईश्वराय नमः। Om Ishwaraya Namah। The Contoller
75 विक्रमी ॐ विक्रमिणे नमः। Om Vikramine Namah। The Lord Who has Valour
76 धन्वी ॐ धन्विने नमः। Om Dhanvine Namah। The Lord Who is the Supreme Archer
77 मेधावी ॐ मेधाविने नमः। Om Medhavine Namah। The Lord Who is the Supreme Intelligence
78 विक्रम ॐ विक्रमाय नमः। Om Vikramaya Namah। The Lord Who has Measured the Worlds
79 क्रम ॐ क्रमाय नमः। Om Kramaya Namah। The Lord Who has Spread Everywhere
80 अनुत्तम ॐ अनुत्तमाय नमः। Om Anuttamaya Namah। The Lord Who Does Not Have Anybody Better Than Him
81 दुराधर्ष ॐ दुराधर्षाय नमः। Om Duradharshaya Namah। The Lord Who Cannot be Attacked Successfully
82 कृतज्ञ ॐ कृतज्ञाय नमः। Om Kritajnaya Namah। The Lord Who Knows Good and Bad of All Beings
83 कृति ॐ कृतये नमः। Om Kritaye Namah। The Lord Who Rewards All Our Actions
84 आत्मवान् ॐ आत्मवते नमः। Om Atmavate Namah। The Self in All Beings
85 सुरेश ॐ सुरेशाय नमः। Om Sureshaya Namah। The One Who is the Lord of All Gods
86 शरणम ॐ शरणाय नमः। Om Sharanaya Namah। The Refuge
87 शर्म ॐ शर्मणे नमः। Om Sharmane Namah। The Lord Who is Himself Infinite Bliss
88 विश्वरेता ॐ विश्वरेतसे नमः। Om Vishwaretase Namah। The Lord Who is the Seed of This Universe
89 प्रजाभव ॐ प्रजाभवाय नमः। Om Prajabhavaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Reason for Existence of Human Beings
90 अह ॐ अन्हे नमः। Om Anhe Namah। The Lord Who is as Bright as the Day
91 सम्वत्सर ॐ संवत्सराय नमः। Om Samvatsaraya Namah। The Lord Who is Personification of the Year
92 व्याल ॐ व्यालाय नमः। Om Vyalaya Namah। The Lord Who Cannot be Caught Like the Great Serpent
93 प्रत्यय ॐ प्रत्ययाय नमः। Om Pratyayaya Namah। The Lord Who is Personification of Knowledge
94 सर्वदर्शन ॐ सर्वदर्शनाय नमः। Om Sarvadarshanaya Namah। The Lord Who Sees (Knows) Everything
95 अज ॐ अजाय नमः। Om Ajaya Namah। The Lord Who Does Not Have Birth
96 सर्वेश्वर ॐ सर्वेश्वराय नमः। Om Sarveshwaraya Namah। The Lord of All
97 सिद्ध ॐ सिद्धाय नमः। Om Siddhaya Namah। The Lord Who is Always Everywhere
98 सिद्धि ॐ सिद्धये नमः। Om Siddhaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Desirable Effect of Everything
99 सर्वादि ॐ सर्वादये नमः। Om Sarvadaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Primary Reason for Everything
100 अच्युत ॐ अच्युताय नमः। Om Achyutaya Namah। The Lord Who Does Not Slip
101 वृषाकपि ॐ वृषाकपये नमः। Om Vrishakapaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Personification of Dharma and Varaha
102 अमेयात्मा ॐ अमेयात्मने नमः। Om Ameyatmane Namah। The Lord Whose Stature Cannot be Measured
103 सर्वयोगविनिःसृत ॐ सर्वयोगविनिःसृताय नमः। Om Sarvayogavinihsritaya Namah। The Lord Who is Known by All Yogas
104 वसु ॐ वसवे नमः। Om Vasave Namah। The Lord Who Lives in Every Being
105 वसुमना ॐ वसुमनसे नमः। Om Vasumanase Namah। The Lord Who has a Good Heart
106 सत्य ॐ सत्याय नमः। Om Satyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Truth Personified
107 समात्मा ॐ समात्मने नमः। Om Samatmane Namah। The Lord Who is the Same in All
108 सम्मित ॐ सम्मिताय नमः। Om Sammitaya Namah। The Unlimited in All
109 सम ॐ समाय नमः। Om Samaya Namah। The Lord Who is Unchanging at All Times
110 अमोघ ॐ अमोघाय नमः। Om Amoghaya Namah। Ever Useful
111 पुण्डरीकाक्ष ॐ पुण्डरीकाक्षाय नमः। Om Pundarikakshaya Namah। Pervading the Lotus of the Heart
112 वृषकर्मा ॐ वृषकर्मणे नमः। Om Vrishakarmane Namah। The Lord Whose Every Act is Righteous
113 वृषाकृति ॐ वृषाकृतये नमः। Om Vrishakritaye Namah। The Lord Who is Born to Uphold Dharma
114 रुद्र ॐ रुद्राय नमः। Om Rudraya Namah। The Lord Who Drives Away Sadness and the Reasons for it
115 बहुशिरा ॐ बहुशिरसे नमः। Om Bahushirase Namah। The Lord Who has Many Heads
116 बभ्रु ॐ बभ्रवे नमः। Om Babhrave Namah। The Lord Who Carries the Worlds
117 विश्वयोनि ॐ विश्वयोनये नमः। Om Vishwayonaye Namah। The Source of the Universe
118 शुचिश्रवा ॐ शुचिश्रवसे नमः। Om Shuchishravase Namah। The Lord Who has Beautiful, Sacred Names
119 अमृत ॐ अमृताय नमः। Om Anritaya Namah। The Lord Who is Immortal
120 शाश्वतस्थाणु ॐ शाश्वतस्थाणवे नमः। Om Shashwata-Sthanave Namah। The Lord Who is Permanent and Unmovable
121 वरारोह ॐ वरारोहाय नमः। Om Vararohaya Namah। The Most Glorious Destination
122 महातपा ॐ महातपसे नमः। Om Mahatapase Namah। The Lord Who is Extremely Knowledgeable
123 सर्वग ॐ सर्वगाय नमः। Om Sarvagaya Namah। All pervading
124 सर्वविद्भानु ॐ सर्वविद्भानवे नमः। Om Sarvavidbhanave Namah। All Knowing and Effulgent
125 विश्वक्सेन ॐ विश्वक्सेनाय नमः। Om Vishwaksenaya Namah। The Lord Who Attacks the Armies of Demons from All Directions
126 जनार्दन ॐ जनार्दनाय नमः। Om Janardanaya Namah। The Lord Who Troubles Bad People
127 वेद ॐ वेदाय नमः। Om Vedaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Vedas
128 वेदविद ॐ वेदविदे नमः। Om Vedavide Namah। The Lord Who Knower of the Vedas
129 अव्यङ्ग ॐ अव्यङ्गाय नमः। Om Avyangaya Namah। The Perfect
130 वेदाङ्ग ॐ वेदाङ्गाय नमः। Om Vedangaya Namah। The Lord Whose Limbs are the Vedas
131 वेदवित् ॐ वेदविदे नमः। Om Vedavide Namah। The Lord Who Contemplates Upon the Vedas
132 कवि ॐ कवये नमः। Om Kavaye Namah। The Lord Who Sees (Knows) Everything
133 लोकाध्यक्ष ॐ लोकाध्यक्षाय नमः। Om Lokadhyakshaya Namah। The Lord Who Presides Over the Universe
134 सुराध्यक्ष ॐ सुराध्यक्षाय नमः। Om Suradhyakshaya Namah। The Lord Who Presides Over All Devas
135 धर्माध्यक्ष ॐ धर्माध्यक्षाय नमः। Om Dharmadhyakshaya Namah। The Lord Who Presides Over Darma
136 कृताकृत ॐ कृताकृताय नमः। Om Kritakritaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Means and Result of Everything
137 चतुरात्मा ॐ चतुरात्मने नमः। Om Chaturatmane Namah। The Lord Who is Fourfold in His Nature
138 चतुर्व्यूह ॐ चतुर्व्यूहाय नमः। Om Chaturvyuhaya Namah। The Lord of Four Manifestations
139 चतुर्दंष्ट्र ॐ चतुर्दंष्ट्राय नमः। Om Chaturdamshtraya Namah। The Lord Who has Four Horns
140 चतुर्भुज ॐ चतुर्भुजाय नमः। Om Chaturbhujaya Namah। The Lord Who has Four Hands
141 भ्राजिष्णु ॐ भ्राजिष्णवे नमः। Om Bhrajishnave Namah। The Lord Who is the Radiant
142 भोजनं ॐ भोजनाय नमः। Om Bhojanaya Namah। The Lord Who is in the Form Which can be Enjoyed Like Food
143 भोक्ता ॐ भोक्त्रे नमः। Om Bhoktre Namah। The Lord Who is the consumer of nature
144 सहिष्णु ॐ सहिष्णवे नमः। Om Sahishnave Namah। The Lord Who can Suffer Patiently
145 जगदादिज ॐ जगदादिजाय नमः। Om Jagadadijaya Namah। The Lord Who was Born Before the World
146 अनघ ॐ अनघाय नमः। Om Anaghaya Namah। The Lord Who is Sinless
147 विजय ॐ विजयाय नमः। Om Vijayaya Namah। The Lord Who is Victorious
148 जेता ॐ जेत्रे नमः। Om Jetre Namah। The Lord Who is Ever-Successful
149 विश्वयोनि ॐ विश्वयोनये नमः। Om Vishwayonaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Universal source
150 पुनर्वसु ॐ पुनर्वसवे नमः। Om Punarvasave Namah। The Repeated Dweller in the Bodies
151 उपेन्द्र ॐ उपेन्द्राय नमः। Om Upendraya Namah। The Younger Brother of Indra
152 वामन ॐ वामनाय नमः। Om Vamanaya Namah। The Lord with a Dwarf Body
153 प्रांशु ॐ प्रांशवे नमः। Om Pranshave Namah। The Lord With a Huge Body
154 अमोघ ॐ अमोघाय नमः। Om Amoghaya Namah। The Lord Whose Acts are for a Great Purpose
155 शुचि ॐ शुचये नमः। Om Shuchaye Namah। The Lord Who is Spotlessly Clean
156 उर्जित ॐ उर्जिताय नमः। Om Urjitaya Namah। The Lord Who is Very Powerful
157 अतीन्द्र ॐ अतीन्द्राय नमः। Om Atindraya Namah। The Lord Who is Above Indra
158 संग्रह ॐ सङ्ग्रहाय नमः। Om Sangrahaya Namah। The Lord Who Holds Everything Together
159 सर्ग ॐ सर्गाय नमः। Om Sargaya Namah। The Lord Who Creates the World From Himself
160 धृतात्मा ॐ धृतात्मने नमः। Om Dhritatmane Namah। The Lord Who Established in Himself
161 नियम ॐ नियमाय नमः। Om Niyamaya Namah। The Appointing Authority
162 यम ॐ यमाय नमः। Om Yamaya Namah। The Administrator
163 वेद्य ॐ वेद्याय नमः। Om Vedyaya Namah। The Lord Who can be Known
164 वैद्य ॐ वैद्याय नमः। Om Vaidyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Knower of all Lores
165 सदायोगी ॐ सदायोगिने नमः। Om Sadayogine Namah। The Lord Who is Always in Yoga
166 वीरहा ॐ वीरघ्ने नमः। Om Viraghne Namah। The Lord Who is the Slayer of Valiant Demons
167 माधव ॐ माधवाय नमः। Om Madhavaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Lord of Knowledge
168 मधु ॐ मधवे नमः। Om Madhave Namah। The Lord Who is Like Honey
169 अतीन्द्रिय ॐ अतीन्द्रियाय नमः। Om Atindriyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Beyond the Sense Organs
170 महामाय ॐ महामायाय नमः। Om Mahamayaya Namah। The Great Illusionist
171 महोत्साह ॐ महोत्साहाय नमः। Om Mahotsahaya Namah। The Lord Who has Great Enthusiasm
172 महाबल ॐ महाबलाय नमः। Om Mahabalaya Namah। The Lord Who is Very Strong
173 महाबुद्धि ॐ महाबुधाय नमः। Om Mahabudhaya Namah। The Lord Who has Tremendous Knowledge
174 महावीर्य ॐ महावीराय नमः। Om Mahaviraya Namah। The Lord of Great Energy
175 महाशक्ति ॐ महाशक्तये नमः। Om Mahashaktaye Namah। The Lord of Superior Strength
176 महाद्युति ॐ महाद्युतये नमः। Om Mahadyutaye Namah। The Lord Who has Great Luster
177 अनिर्देश्यवपु ॐ अनिर्देश्यवपुषे नमः। Om Anirdeshyavapushe Namah। The Lord of Indefinable Form
178 श्रीमान ॐ श्रीमते नमः। Om Shrimate Namah। The Lord of All Prosperity
179 अमेयात्मा ॐ अमेयत्मने नमः। Om Ameyatmane Namah। The Lord whose Essence is Immeasurable
180 महाद्रिधृक् ॐ महाद्रिधृशे नमः। Om Mahadridhrishe Namah। The Lord Who Lifted Large Mountains
181 महेष्वास ॐ महेश्वासाय नमः। Om Maheshvasaya Namah। Wielder of Mighty Bow
182 महीभर्ता ॐ महीभर्त्रे नमः। Om Mahibhartre Namah। The Supporter of Earth
183 श्रीनिवास ॐ श्रीनिवासाय नमः। Om Shrinivasaya Namah। The Permanent Abode of Shree
184 सतांगति ॐ सतांगतये नमः। Om Satangataye Namah। The Goal for All Virtuous People
185 अनिरुद्ध ॐ अनिरुद्धाय नमः। Om Aniruddhaya Namah। The Lord Who Cannot be Obstructed
186 सुरानन्द ॐ सुरानन्दाय नमः। Om Suranandaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Out Happiness
187 गोविन्द ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः। Om Govindaya Namah। The Protector of the Cows
188 गोविदांपति ॐ गोविदांपतये नमः। Om Govidampataye Namah। Lord of the Wise
189 मरीचि ॐ मरीचये नमः। Om Marichaye Namah। The Effulgent
190 दमन ॐ दमनाय नमः। Om Damanaya Namah। The Subduer
191 हंस ॐ हंसाय नमः। Om Hansaya Namah। Destroyer of Fear
192 सुपर्ण ॐ सुपर्णाय नमः। Om Suparnaya Namah। The Lord Who has Beautiful Wings
193 भुजगोत्तम ॐ भुजगोत्तमाय नमः। Om Bhujagottamaya Namah। The Lord Who is Excellant Among reptiles
194 हिरण्यनाभ ॐ हिरण्यनाभाय नमः। Om Hiranyanabhaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Golden Navel
195 सुतपा ॐ सुतपसे नमः। Om Sutapase Namah। The Lord Who has done Great Penance
196 पद्मनाभ ॐ पद्मनाभाय नमः। Om Padmanabhaya Namah। The Lord Having a Navel With the Lotus
197 प्रजापति ॐ प्रजापतये नमः। Om Prajapataye Namah। The Lord Who is the Chief of People
198 अमृत्यु ॐ अमृत्यवे नमः। Om Amrityave Namah। The Lord Who does not Have Death
199 सर्वदृक् ॐ सर्वदृशे नमः। Om Sarvadrishe Namah। The Lord Who sees Everything
200 सिंह ॐ सिंहाय नमः। Om Sinhaya Namah। The Destroyer of sins
201 सन्धाता ॐ सन्धाद्ते नमः। Om Sandhadte Namah। The Regulator
202 सन्धिमान् ॐ सन्धिमते नमः। Om Sandhimate Namah। The Lord Who Seems to be Conditioned
203 स्थिर ॐ स्थिराय नमः। Om Sthiraya Namah। The Lord Who is Constant
204 अज ॐ अजाय नमः। Om Ajaya Namah। The Lord Who Takes the Form of Aja, Brahma
205 दुर्मर्षण ॐ दुर्मर्षणाय नमः। Om Durmarshanaya Namah। The Lord Who cannot be vanquished
206 शास्ता ॐ शास्त्रे नमः। Om Shastre Namah। The Lord Who Rules Over the Universe
207 विश्रुतात्मा ॐ विश्रुतात्मने नमः। Om Vishrutatmane Namah। The Lord Who is Called Atma in the Vedas
208 सुरारिहा ॐ सुरारिघ्ने नमः। Om Surarighne Namah। Destroyer of the Enemies of the Devas
209 गुरु ॐ गुरुवे नमः। Om Guruve Namah। The Lord Who is a Teacher of All Knowledge
210 गुरुतम ॐ गुरुतमाय नमः। Om Gurutamaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Teacher of Teachers
211 धाम ॐ धाम्ने नमः। Om Dhamne Namah। Supreme Abode of All
212 सत्य ॐ सत्याय नमः। Om Satyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Himself the Truth
213 सत्यपराक्रम ॐ सत्यपराक्रमाय नमः। Om Satyaparakramaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Truthful Valour
214 निमिष ॐ निमिषाय नमः। Om Nimishaya Namah। The Lord Who has Closed Eyes in Contemplation
215 अनिमिष ॐ अनिमिषाय नमः। Om Animishaya Namah। The Lord Remains Unwinking; Ever Knowing
216 स्रग्वी ॐ स्रग्वीणे नमः। Om Sragvine Namah। The Lord Who Always Wears a Garland of Undecaying Flowers
217 वाचस्पतिउदारधी ॐ वाचस्पतयेउदारधिये नमः। Om Vachaspatayeudaradhiye Namah। The Lord of Eloquent Speech and of Noble Thought
218 अग्रणी ॐ अग्रण्ये नमः। Om Agranye Namah। The Lord Who Guides Us to the Peak
219 ग्रामणी ॐ ग्रामण्ये नमः। Om Gramanye Namah। The Lord Who Leads the Flock
220 श्रीमान् ॐ श्रीमते नमः। Om Shrimate Namah। The possessor of Light, Effulgence, Glory
221 न्याय ॐ न्यायाय नमः। Om Nyayaya Namah। The Lord Who is Justice
222 नेता ॐ नेत्रे नमः। Om Netre Namah। The Lord Who is the Leader of the World
223 समीरण ॐ समीरणाय नमः। Om Samiranaya Namah। The Lord Who in the Form of Wind Makes Beings Move
224 सहस्रमूर्धा ॐ सहस्रमूर्ध्ने नमः। Om Sahasramurdhne Namah। The Lord Who has Countless Heads
225 विश्वात्मा ॐ विश्वात्मने नमः। Om Vishwatmane Namah। The Soul of the Universe
226 सहस्राक्ष ॐ सहस्राक्षाय नमः। Om Sahasrakshaya Namah। The Lord Who has Thousand Eyes
227 सहस्रपात् ॐ सहस्रपदे नमः। Om Sahasrapade Namah। The Lord Who has Thousand Feet
228 आवर्तन ॐ आवर्तनाय नमः। Om Avartanaya Namah। The Lord Who Rotates (the Wheel of Life)
229 निवृत्तात्मा ॐ निवृत्तात्मने नमः। Om Nivrittatmane Namah। The Lord Who is not Attached to Life
230 संवृत ॐ संवृत्ताय नमः। Om Samvrittaya Namah। The Lord Who is enclosed in secrecy
231 संप्रमर्दन ॐ संप्रमर्दनाय नमः। Om Sampramardanaya Namah। The Crusher of Evil Doers
232 अहःसंवर्तक ॐ अहःसंवर्तकाय नमः। Om Ahahsamvartakaya Namah। The Lord Who Makes Day in the Form of Sun
233 वह्नि ॐ वन्हये नमः। Om Vanhaye Namah। The Lord Who is in the Form of Fire
234 अनिल ॐ अनिलाय नमः। Om Anilaya Namah। The Lord Who is in the Form of Air
235 धरणीधर ॐ धरणीधराय नमः। Om Dharanidharaya Namah। The Lord Who Supports the Earth
236 सुप्रसाद ॐ सुप्रसादाय नमः। Om Suprasadaya Namah। The Lord Who is Mercy Personified
237 प्रसन्नात्मा ॐ प्रसन्नात्मने नमः। Om Prasannatmane Namah। The Lord Who is Ever Pure and All-Blissful Self
238 विश्वधृक ॐ विश्वधृषे नमः। Om Vishwadhrishe Namah। The Lord Who Takes Care of the World
239 विश्वभुज ॐ विश्वभुजे नमः। Om Vishwabhuje Namah। Enjoyer of the Universe
240 विभु ॐ विभवे नमः। Om Vibhave Namah। The Lord Who has Many Forms
241 सत्कर्ता ॐ सत्कर्त्रे नमः। Om Satkartre Namah। The Lord Who Adores Good and Wise People
242 सत्कृत ॐ सत्कृताय नमः। Om Satkritaya Namah। The Lord Who is Adored by All Good People
243 साधु ॐ साधवे नमः। Om Sadhave Namah। The Lord Who Walks in the Righteous Path
244 जह्नुनु ॐ जान्हवे नमः। Om Janhave Namah। Leader of Men
245 नारायण ॐ नारायणाय नमः। Om Narayanaya Namah। The Lord Who Resides in All Things that He Creates
246 नर ॐ नराय नमः। Om Naraya Namah। The Leader of Human Beings
247 असंख्येय ॐ असंख्येयाय नमः। Om Asankhyeyaya Namah। The Lord Who has Numberlesss Names and Forms
248 अप्रमेयात्मा ॐ अप्रमेयात्मने नमः। Om Aprameyatmane Namah। The Lord Who is Beyond Knowledge
249 विशिष्ट ॐ विशिष्टाय नमः। Om Vishishtaya Namah। The Lord Who Transcends All in His Glory
250 शिष्टकृत ॐ शिष्टकृते नमः। Om Shishtakrite Namah। The Lord Who is Law-Maker
251 शुचि ॐ शुचये नमः। Om Shuchaye Namah। The Lord Who is Impeccable and Without Blemish
252 सिद्धार्थ ॐ सिद्धार्थाय नमः। Om Siddharthaya Namah। The Lord Who has Gained All that has to be Gained
253 सिद्धसंकल्प ॐ सिद्धसंकल्पाय नमः। Om Siddhasankalpaya Namah। The Lord Who Realizes All that He Wants
254 सिद्धिद ॐ सिद्धिदाय नमः। Om Siddhidaya Namah। The Giver of Benedictions
255 सिद्धिसाधन ॐ सिद्धिसाधाय नमः। Om Siddhisadhaya Namah। The Aid for Success
256 वृषाही ॐ वृषाहिणे नमः। Om Vrishahine Namah। The Lord Who is the Controller of All Actions and the Dispenser of the Results
257 वृषभ ॐ वृषभाय नमः। Om Vrishabhaya Namah। The Lord Who Showers All Dharmas
258 विष्णु ॐ विष्णवे नमः। Om Vishnave Namah। The Occupant of Universe
259 वृषपर्वा ॐ वृषपर्वणे नमः। Om Vrishaparvane Namah। The Ladder Leading to Dharma
260 वृषोदर ॐ वृषोदराय नमः। Om Vrishodaraya Namah। The Lord
261 वर्धन ॐ वर्धनाय नमः। Om Vardhanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Nurturer and Nourisher
262 वर्धमान ॐ वर्धमानाय नमः। Om Vardhamanaya Namah। The Lord Who can Grow Himself into any Dimensions
263 विविक्त ॐ विविक्ताय नमः। Om Viviktaya Namah। Ever Standing Apart From Everything
264 श्रुतिसागर ॐ श्रुतिसागराय नमः। Om Shrutisagaraya Namah। The Ocean for All Scriptures
265 सुभुज ॐ सुभुजाय नमः। Om Subhujaya Namah। The Lord Who has Graceful Arms
266 दुर्धर ॐ दुर्धराय नमः। Om Durdharaya Namah। The Lord Who Cannot be Comprehended Even by Great Yogis
267 वाग्मी ॐ वाग्मिने नमः। Om Vagmine Namah। The Lord Who is Eloquent in Speech
268 महेन्द्र ॐ महेन्द्राय नमः। Om Mahendraya Namah। Lord of the Lords
269 वसुद ॐ वसुदाय नमः। Om Vasudaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Good Pleasures and Wealth
270 वसु ॐ वसवे नमः। Om Vasave Namah। The Lord Who is Wealth
271 नैकरूप ॐ नैकरूपाय नमः। Om Naikarupaya Namah। The Lord Who is of Infinite Forms in His
272 बृहद्रूप ॐ बृहद्रूपाय नमः। Om Brihadrupaya Namah। The Lord Who is Vast, of Infinite Dimensions
273 शिपिविष्ट ॐ शिपिविष्टाय नमः। Om Shipivishtaya Namah। The very Subsistence of Life
274 प्रकाशन ॐ प्रकाशाय नमः। Om Prakashaya Namah। The Lord Who Illuminates Himself as All-Pervading Consciousness
275 ओजस्तेजोद्युतिधर ॐ ओजस्तेजोद्युतिधराय नमः। Om Ojastejodyutidharaya Namah। The Lord Who is the possessor of Vitality, Effulgence and Beauty
276 प्रकाशात्मा ॐ प्रकाशात्मने नमः। Om Prakashatmane Namah। The Effulgent Self
277 प्रतापन ॐ प्रतापनाय नमः। Om Pratapanaya Namah। The Lord Who Emits Heat
278 ऋद्ध ॐ ऋद्धाय नमः। Om Riddhaya Namah। The Lord Who is Ever Full of Prosperity
279 स्पष्टाक्षर ॐ स्पष्टाक्षराय नमः। Om Spashtaksharaya Namah। The Lord Who is Clearly Indicated by the Supreme Sound OM
280 मन्त्र ॐ मंत्राय नमः। Om Mantraya Namah। The Lord Who is Vedic Hymn
281 चन्द्रांशु ॐ चन्द्रांशवे नमः। Om Chandranshave Namah। The Lord Who is as Pleasant as the Ray of Moon
282 भास्करद्युति ॐ भास्करद्युतये नमः। Om Bhaskaradyutaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Effulgence of the Sun
283 अमृतांशूद्भव ॐ अमृतांशूद्भवाय नमः। Om Anritanshudbhavaya Namah। The Lord Who made Moon Appear From the Ocean of Milk
284 भानु ॐ भानवे नमः। Om Bhanave Namah। The Lord Who Shines Himself
285 शशबिन्दु ॐ शशबिन्दवे नमः। Om Shashabindave Namah। The moon Who has a Rabbit-Like Sspot
286 सुरेश्वर ॐ सुरेश्वराय नमः। Om Sureshwaraya Namah। The God of Gods
287 औषधं ॐ औषधाय नमः। Om Aushadhaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Divine Medicine
288 जगतसेतु ॐ जगतहेतवे नमः। Om Jagatahetave Namah। The Lord Who is a Bridge Across the Material Energy
289 सत्यधर्मपराक्रमः ॐ सत्यधर्मपराक्रमाय नमः। Om Satyadharmaparakramaya Namah। The One Who Champions Heroically for Truth and Righteousness
290 भूतभव्यभवन्नाथ ॐ भूतभव्यभवन्नाथाय नमः। Om Bhutabhavyabhavannathaya Namah। The One Who is the Lord of Past, Present and Future
291 पवन ॐ पवनाय नमः। Om Pavanaya Namah। The Air that Fills the Universe
292 पावन ॐ पावनाय नमः। Om Pavanaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives the Life Sustaining Power to the Atmospheric Air
293 अनल ॐ अनलाय नमः। Om Analaya Namah। The Lord Who is in the Form of Fire, and Sustains Life
294 कामहा ॐ कामघ्ने नमः। Om Kamaghne Namah। The Lord Who Destroys All Desires
295 कामकृत् ॐ कामकृते नमः। Om Kamakrite Namah। The Lord Who Fulfils All Desires
296 कान्त ॐ कान्ताय नमः। Om Kantaya Namah। The Lord Who is of Enchanting Form
297 काम ॐ कामाय नमः। Om Kamaya Namah। The Lord Who is Much Desired by the Seekers
298 कामप्रद ॐ कामप्रदाय नमः। Om Kamapradaya Namah। The Lord Who Supplies the Desired Objects
299 प्रभु ॐ प्रभवे नमः। Om Prabhave Namah। The Great Lord
300 युगादिकृत ॐ युगादिकृते नमः। Om Yugadikrite Namah। The Lord Who Created the Divisions of Time
301 युगावर्त ॐ युगावर्ताय नमः। Om Yugavartaya Namah। The Lord Who Makes Time Periods Come Again and Again
302 नैकमाय ॐ नैकमायाय नमः। Om Naikamayaya Namah। The Lord Who Creates Many Illusions
303 महाशन ॐ महाशनाय नमः। Om Mahashanaya Namah। The Lord Who Swallows Everything
304 अदृश्य ॐ अदृश्याय नमः। Om Adrishyaya Namah। The Lord Who is not Visible
305 व्यक्तरूप ॐ व्यक्तरूपाय नमः। Om Vyaktarupaya Namah। The Lord Who is Visible to the Yogis
306 सहस्रजित् ॐ सहस्रजिते नमः। Om Sahasrajite Namah। The Lord Who Vanquishes Thousands
307 अनन्तजित् ॐ अनन्तजिते नमः। Om Anantajite Namah। The Lord Who is Ever-Victorious
308 इष्ट ॐ इष्टाय नमः। Om Ishtaya Namah। The Lord Who is Loved by All
309 अविशिष्ट ॐ विशिष्टाय नमः। Om Vishishtaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Noblest and the Most Sacred
310 शिष्टेष्ट ॐ शिष्टेष्टाय नमः। Om Shishteshtaya Namah। The Lord Who is Dear to the Learned
311 शिखण्डी ॐ शिखंडिने नमः। Om Shikhandine Namah। The Lord Who Wears the Feathers of Peacock
312 नहुष ॐ नहुषाय नमः। Om Nahushaya Namah। The Lord Who Ties Souls by Illusion
313 वृष ॐ वृषाय नमः। Om Vrishaya Namah। The Lord Who Fulfills All Desires Like Rain
314 क्रोधहा ॐ क्रोधाग्ने नमः। Om Krodhagne Namah। The Lord Who Destroys Anger in Sincere Seekers
315 क्रोधकृत्कर्ता ॐ क्रोधकृत्कर्त्रे नमः। Om Krodhakritkartre Namah। The Lord Who Generates Anger Against the Lower Tendency
316 विश्वबाहु ॐ विश्वबाहवे नमः। Om Vishwabahave Namah। The Lord Who has Hands All Over the Universe
317 महीधर ॐ महीधराय नमः। Om Mahidharaya Namah। The Lord Who Supports the Earth
318 अच्युत ॐ अच्युताय नमः। Om Achyutaya Namah। The Lord Who Never Changes
319 प्रथित ॐ प्रथिताय नमः। Om Prathitaya Namah। The Lord Who Exists Pervading All
320 प्राण ॐ प्राणाय नमः। Om Pranaya Namah। The Soul in All Living Creatures
321 प्राणद ॐ प्राणदाय नमः। Om Pranadaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Strength to Everywhere
322 वासवानुज ॐ वासवानुजाय नमः। Om Vasavanujaya Namah। The Younger Brother of Indra
323 अपांनिधि ॐ अपां निधये नमः। Om Apam Nidhaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Ocean
324 अधिष्ठानम ॐ अधिष्ठानाय नमः। Om Adhishthanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Substratum of the Universe
325 अप्रमत्त ॐ अप्रमत्ताय नमः। Om Apramattaya Namah। The Lord Who Never Commits a Mistake in Judgement
326 प्रतिष्ठित ॐ प्रतिष्ठिताय नमः। Om Pratishthitaya Namah। The One Who is Self Established
327 स्कन्द ॐ स्कन्दाय नमः। Om Skandaya Namah। The One Whose Glory is Expressed Through Subrahmanya
328 स्कन्दधर ॐ स्कन्दधराय नमः। Om Skandadharaya Namah। The One Who Establishes the Way of Dharma
329 धुर्य ॐ धुर्याय नमः। Om Dhuryaya Namah। The Lord Who Carries the Weight of the World
330 वरद ॐ वरदाय नमः। Om Varadaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Boons
331 वायुवाहन ॐ वायुवाहनाय नमः। Om Vayuvahanaya Namah। The Lord Who Controls and Regulates the Great Winds
332 वासुदेव ॐ वासुदेवाय नमः। Om Vasudevaya Namah। The Lord Who is in Everything and Plays There
333 बृहद्भानु ॐ बृहद्भानवे नमः। Om Brihadbhanave Namah। The Lord Who has Wide Rays Which Go Everywhere
334 आदिदेव ॐ आदिदेवाय नमः। Om Adidevaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Primary Source of Everything
335 पुरन्दर ॐ पुरन्दराय नमः। Om Purandaraya Namah। The Destroyer of Cities
336 अशोक ॐ अशोकाय नमः। Om Ashokaya Namah। The Lord Who has No Sorrows
337 तारण ॐ तारणाय नमः। Om Taranaya Namah। The Lord Who Enables Others to Cross the Ocean of Samsara
338 तार ॐ ताराय नमः। Om Taraya Namah। The Lord Who Saves from All Sorrows of Birth and Death
339 शूर ॐ शूराय नमः। Om Shuraya Namah। The Lord Who is the Valiant
340 शौरि ॐ शौरये नमः। Om Shauraye Namah। The Lord Who Incarnated in the Dynasty of Shoora
341 जनेश्वर ॐ जनेश्वराय नमः। Om Janeshwaraya Namah। The Lord of the People
342 अनुकूल ॐ अनुकूलाय नमः। Om Anukulaya Namah। Well-Wisher of Everyone
343 शतावर्त ॐ शतावर्ताय नमः। Om Shatavartaya Namah। The Lord Who Takes Infinite Varieties of Forms
344 पद्मी ॐ पद्मिने नमः। Om Padmine Namah। The Lord Who has the Lotus in His Hand
345 पद्मनिभेक्षण ॐ पद्मनिभेक्षणाय नमः। Om Padmanibhekshanaya Namah। The Lord Whose Eyes are as Beautiful as the Lotus
346 पद्मनाभ ॐ पद्मनाभाय नमः। Om Padmanabhaya Namah। The Lord Who has the Lotus in his Navel
347 अरविन्दाक्ष ॐ अरविन्दाय नमः। Om Aravindaya Namah। The Lord Whose Eyes are as Beautiful as Lotus
348 पद्मगर्भ ॐ पद्मगर्भाय नमः। Om Padmagarbhaya Namah। The Lord Who is Being Meditated upon in the Center of Lotus of Heart
349 शरीरभृत् ॐ शरीरभृते नमः। Om Sharirabhrite Namah। The Lord Who Sustains and Nourishes All Bodies
350 महार्दि ॐ महर्धये नमः। Om Mahardhaye Namah। The Lord Who has Great Prosperity
351 ऋद्ध ॐ ऋद्धाय नमः। Om Riddhaya Namah। The Lord Who has Expanded Himself as the Universe
352 वृद्धात्मा ॐ वृद्धात्मने नमः। Om Vriddhatmane Namah। The Ancient Self
353 महाक्ष ॐ महाक्षाय नमः। Om Mahakshaya Namah। The Lord Who has Big Eyes
354 गरुडध्वज ॐ गरुडध्वजाय नमः। Om Garudadhvajaya Namah। The Lord Who has Garuda (Eagle) in his Flag
355 अतुल ॐ अतुलाय नमः। Om Atulaya Namah। The Lord Who is Incomparable
356 शरभ ॐ शरभाय नमः। Om Sharabhaya Namah। The Lord Who Dwells and Shines Forth Through the Bodies
357 भीम ॐ भीमाय नमः। Om Bhimaya Namah। The One Who is All-Inspiring and the Terrible
358 समयज्ञ ॐ समयज्ञाय नमः। Om Samayajnaya Namah। The Lord Whose Worship is Nothing More Than Keeping an Equal Vision of the Mind by the Devotee
359 हविर्हरि ॐ हविर्हरये नमः। Om Havirharaye Namah। The Receiver of All Oblations
360 सर्वलक्षणलक्षण्य ॐ सर्वलक्षणलक्षणाय नमः। Om Sarvalakshanalakshanaya Namah। The Lord Who is Known Through All the Methods of Research
361 लक्ष्मीवान् ॐ लक्ष्मीवते नमः। Om Lakshmivate Namah। The Consort of Laksmi
362 समितिञ्जय ॐ समितिंजयाय नमः। Om Samitinjayaya Namah। Ever-Victorious Lord
363 विक्षर ॐ विक्षराय नमः। Om Viksharaya Namah। The Lord Who is Imperishable
364 रोहित ॐ रोहिताय नमः। Om Rohitaya Namah। The Red-Hued in Matysavatara
365 मार्ग ॐ मार्गाय नमः। Om Margaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Path for Eternal Bliss
366 हेतु ॐ हेतवे नमः। Om Hetave Namah। The Lord Who is the Supreme Cause of this Universe
367 दामोदर ॐ दामोदराय नमः। Om Damodaraya Namah। The Lord Who was Tied by Yashoda in the Stomach
368 सह ॐ सहाय नमः। Om Sahaya Namah। The Lord Who has Patience at Everything
369 महीधर ॐ महीधराय नमः। Om Mahidharaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Supporter or the Bearer of the Earth
370 महाभाग ॐ महाभागाय नमः। Om Mahabhagaya Namah। The Lord Who Receives the Best Share Offered by Devotees in Yajna
371 वेगवान ॐ वेगवते नमः। Om Vegavate Namah। The Lord Who is Fastest in Reaching the Devotee’s Call From the Heart
372 अमिताशन ॐ अमिताशनाय नमः। Om Amitashanaya Namah। The Lord of Endless Appetite
373 उद्भव ॐ उद्भवाय नमः। Om Udbhavaya Namah। The Originator of the Entire Universe
374 क्षोभण ॐ क्षोभनाय नमः। Om Kshobhanaya Namah। The Agitator Who Thrills the World and Makes it so Beautiful With Life
375 देव ॐ देवाय नमः। Om Devaya Namah। The Lord Who Revels (or) The One Whom We Like to Praise
376 श्रीगर्भ ॐ श्रीगर्भाय नमः। Om Shrigarbhaya Namah। The Lord Containing All Glories Within
377 परमेश्वर ॐ परमेश्वराय नमः। Om Parameshwaraya Namah। The Supreme Lord
378 करणं ॐ करणाय नमः। Om Karanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Instrument for Creation of the World
379 कारणं ॐ कारणाय नमः। Om Karanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Cause for Creation of the World
380 कर्ता ॐ कर्त्रे नमः। Om Kartre Namah। The Doer
381 विकर्ता ॐ विकर्त्रे नमः। Om Vikartre Namah। The Creator of the Endless Varieties that Make Up the Universe
382 गहन ॐ गहनाय नमः। Om Gahanaya Namah। The Lord whose Shape, Strength and Actions are Difficult to Know
383 गुह ॐ गुहाय नमः। Om Guhaya Namah। The Lord Who Dwells in the Cave of the Heart
384 व्यवसाय ॐ व्यवसायाय नमः। Om Vyavasayaya Namah। The Lord Who is Resolute
385 व्यवस्थान ॐ व्यवस्थानाय नमः। Om Vyavasthanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Substratum
386 संस्थान ॐ संस्थानाय नमः। Om Sansthanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Ultimate Authority
387 स्थानद ॐ स्थानदाय नमः। Om Sthanadaya Namah। The Lord Who Confers the Right Abode to Each Living Organism
388 ध्रुव ॐ ध्रुवाय नमः। Om Dhruvaya Namah। The Lord Who is Imperishable
389 परर्द्धि ॐ परार्धये नमः। Om Parardhaye Namah। The Lord Who has Supreme Manifestations
390 परमस्पष्ट ॐ परमस्पष्टाय नमः। Om Paramaspashtaya Namah। The Lord Who is Extremely Vivid
391 तुष्ट ॐ तुष्टाय नमः। Om Tushtaya Namah। The Lord Who is Ever-Contented
392 पुष्ट ॐ पुष्टाय नमः। Om Pushtaya Namah। The Lord Who is Ever-Full
393 शुभेक्षण ॐ शुभेक्षणाय नमः। Om Shubhekshanaya Namah। The Lord Whose Very Gaze Brings Auspiciousness to the Devotee
394 राम ॐ रामाय नमः। Om Ramaya Namah। The Lord Who is of Delightful Form
395 विराम ॐ विरामाय नमः। Om Viramaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Ultimate End of Everything
396 विरज ॐ विरजाय नमः। Om Virajaya Namah। The Lord Who is Passionless
397 मार्ग ॐ मार्गाय नमः। Om Margaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Path to Immortality
398 नेय ॐ नेयाय नमः। Om Neyaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Guide for Living Beings
399 नय ॐ नयाय नमः। Om Nayaya Namah। The One Who Leads
400 अनय ॐ अनयाय नमः। Om Anayaya Namah। The Lord Who Cannot be Lead by Anybody
401 वीर ॐ वीरायै नमः। Om Virayai Namah। The Lord Who is Personification of Valor
402 शक्तिमतां श्रेष्ठ ॐ शक्तिमतां श्रेष्ठायै नमः। Om Shaktimatam Shreshthayai Namah। The Best Among the Powerful
403 धर्म ॐ धर्मायै नमः। Om Dharmayai Namah। The Law of Being
404 धर्मविदुत्तम ॐ धर्मविदुत्तमायै नमः। Om Dharmaviduttamayai Namah। The Lord Who is the Best of the knowers of Dharma
405 वैकुण्ठ ॐ वैकुण्ठायै नमः। Om Vaikunthayai Namah। The Lord Who Prevents Beings from Straying on Wrong Paths
406 पुरुष ॐ पुरुषायै नमः। Om Purushayai Namah। The Lord Who Dwells in All Bodies
407 प्राण ॐ प्राणायै नमः। Om Pranayai Namah। The Lord Who is the Soul
408 प्राणद ॐ प्राणदायै नमः। Om Pranadayai Namah। The Lord Who Gives Life
409 प्रणव ॐ प्रणवायै नमः। Om Pranavayai Namah। The Lord Who is Praised by the Gods
410 पृथु ॐ पृथवे नमः। Om Prithave Namah। The Immense
411 हिरण्यगर्भ ॐ हिरण्यगर्भायै नमः। Om Hiranyagarbhayai Namah। The One Who Keeps the Golden Source for All Creations
412 शत्रुघ्न ॐ शत्रुघ्नायै नमः। Om Shatrughnayai Namah। The Destroyer of Enemies
413 व्याप्त ॐ व्याप्तायै नमः। Om Vyaptayai Namah। The Lord Who Pervades in All Beings as the Cause
414 वायु ॐ वायवे नमः। Om Vayave Namah। The Wafter of Fragrance
415 अधोक्षज ॐ अधोक्षजायै नमः। Om Adhokshajayai Namah। The Lord Whose Vitality Never Flows Downwards
416 ऋतु ॐ ऋतवे नमः। Om Ritave Namah। The Lord Who is the Seasons
417 सुदर्शन ॐ सुदर्शनायै नमः। Om Sudarshanayai Namah। The Lord Who can be Easily Seen by His Devotees
418 काल ॐ कालायै नमः। Om Kalayai Namah। The Lord Who is The Reckoner
419 परमेष्ठी ॐ परमेष्ठिने नमः। Om Parameshthine Namah। The Lord Who is Centered in His Glory
420 परिग्रह ॐ परिग्रहाय नमः। Om Parigrahaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Receiver
421 उग्र ॐ उग्राय नमः। Om Ugraya Namah। The Lord Who is Formidable
422 सम्वत्सर ॐ संवत्सराय नमः। Om Samvatsaraya Namah। The Lord Who Makes All Things Reside in Him
423 दक्ष ॐ दक्षाय नमः। Om Dakshaya Namah। The Lord Who Completes All Jobs Quickly
424 विश्राम ॐ विश्रामाय नमः। Om Vishramaya Namah। The Lord Who Provides Rest for Those Who are Tired
425 विश्वदक्षिण ॐ विश्वदक्षिणाय नमः। Om Vishwadakshinaya Namah। The Most Skilful and Efficient
426 विस्तार ॐ विस्ताराय नमः। Om Vistaraya Namah। The Lord Who Makes All the World Broaden in Him
427 स्थावरस्थाणु ॐ स्थावरस्थाणवे नमः। Om Sthavarasthanave Namah। The Lord Who is Firm and Motionless
428 प्रमाणम् ॐ प्रमाणाय नमः। Om Pramanaya Namah। The Lord Who is Personification of Knowledge
429 बीजमव्ययम् ॐ बीजमव्ययाय नमः। Om Bijamavyayaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Immutable Seed
430 अर्थ ॐ अर्थाय नमः। Om Arthaya Namah। The Lord Who is Worshiped by All
431 अनर्थ ॐ अनर्थाय नमः। Om Anarthaya Namah। The One to Whom There is Nothing Yet to be Fulfilled
432 महाकोश ॐ महाकोशाय नमः। Om Mahakoshaya Namah। The Great Treasury
433 महाभोग ॐ महाभोगाय नमः। Om Mahabhogaya Namah। The Lord Who is of the Nature of Enjoyment
434 महाधन ॐ महाधनाय नमः। Om Mahadhanaya Namah। The Lord Who has Great Wealth
435 अनिर्विण्ण ॐ अनिर्विण्णाय नमः। Om Anirvinnaya Namah। The Lord Who has No Discontent
436 स्थविष्ठ ॐ स्थविष्ठाय नमः। Om Sthavishthaya Namah। The Lord Who is Immense
437 अभू ॐ अभुवे नमः। Om Abhuve Namah। The Lord Who has No Birth
438 धर्मयूप ॐ धर्मयूपाय नमः। Om Dharmayupaya Namah। The Post to Which all Dharma is Tied
439 महामख ॐ महामखाय नमः। Om Mahamakhaya Namah। The Great Sacrificer
440 नक्षत्रनेमि ॐ नक्षत्रनेमये नमः। Om Nakshatranemaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Nave of the Stars
441 नक्षत्री ॐ नक्षित्रिणे नमः। Om Nakshitrine Namah। The Lord Who is the Chief of Stars
442 क्षम ॐ क्षमाय नमः। Om Kshamaya Namah। The Lord Who is Perennially Patient
443 क्षाम ॐ क्षामाय नमः। Om Kshamaya Namah। The Lord Who Remains Alone After the Deluge
444 समीहन ॐ समीहनाय नमः। Om Samihanaya Namah। The Lord Whose Desires are Auspicious
445 यज्ञ ॐ यज्ञाय नमः। Om Yajnaya Namah। The Lord Who is Personification of Sacrifice
446 ईज्य ॐ ईज्याय नमः। Om Ijyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Fit to be Invoked Through Yajna
447 महेज्य ॐ महेज्याय नमः। Om Mahejyaya Namah। The Lord Who is to be Most Worshiped by Yajna
448 क्रतु ॐ क्रतवे नमः। Om Kratave Namah। The Sacrificial Ceremony
449 सत्रं ॐ सत्राय नमः। Om Satraya Namah। The Lord Who Protects Good People
450 सतांगति ॐ सतांगतये नमः। Om Satangataye Namah। The Lord Who is the Ultimate Goal of Those Who Seek for Salvation
451 सर्वदर्शी ॐ सर्वदर्शिने नमः। Om Sarvadarshine Namah। The Lord Who Knows Everything Naturally
452 विमुक्तात्मा ॐ विमुक्तात्मने नमः। Om Vimuktatmane Namah। The Lord Who is the Soul Which has Left All its Bondages
453 सर्वज्ञ ॐ सर्वज्ञाय नमः। Om Sarvajnaya Namah। The Lord Who is Omniscient
454 ज्ञानमुत्तमम् ॐ ज्ञानमुत्तमाय नमः। Om Jnanamuttamaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Supreme Knowledge
455 सुव्रत ॐ सुव्रताय नमः। Om Suvrataya Namah। The Lord Who Ever-Performing the Pure Vow
456 सुमुख ॐ सुमुखाय नमः। Om Sumukhaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Charming Face
457 सूक्ष्म ॐ सूक्ष्माय नमः। Om Sukshmaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Smallest Known Thing from Which Everything Came
458 सुघोष ॐ सुघोषाय नमः। Om Sughoshaya Namah। The Lord of Auspicious Sound
459 सुखद ॐ सुखदाय नमः। Om Sukhadaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Giver of Happiness
460 सुहृत् ॐ सुहृदे नमः। Om Suhride Namah। The Lord Who is the Friend and Well Wisher of All Creatures
461 मनोहर ॐ मनोहराय नमः। Om Manoharaya Namah। The Lord Who Captivates the Mind
462 जितक्रोध ॐ जितक्रोधाय नमः। Om Jitakrodhaya Namah। The Lord Who has Conquered Anger
463 वीरबाहु ॐ वीरबाहवे नमः। Om Virabahave Namah। The Lord Who is Having Mighty Arms
464 विदारण ॐ विदारणाय नमः। Om Vidaranaya Namah। The Destroyer of Unrighteous
465 स्वापन ॐ स्वापनाय नमः। Om Svapanaya Namah। The Lord Who Puts People to Sleep
466 स्ववश ॐ स्ववशाय नमः। Om Svavashaya Namah। The Lord Who has Everything under His control
467 व्यापी ॐ व्यापिने नमः। Om Vyapine Namah। The Lord Who has Spread Everywhere
468 नैकात्मा ॐ नैकात्मान नमः। Om Naikatmana Namah। The Lord Who Takes Various Forms Depending on Need
469 नैककर्मकृत् ॐ नैककर्मकृते नमः। Om Naikakarmakrite Namah। The Lord Who Performs Many Actions
470 वत्सर ॐ वत्सराय नमः। Om Vatsaraya Namah। The Lord Who is the Abode of Everything
471 वत्सल ॐ वत्सलाय नमः। Om Vatsalaya Namah। The Lord Who Loves His Devotees
472 वत्सी ॐ वत्सिने नमः। Om Vatsine Namah। The Lord Who is the Protector of the People
473 रत्नगर्भ ॐ रत्नगर्भाय नमः। Om Ratnagarbhaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Ocean Which Keeps Pearls Within Itself
474 धनेश्वर ॐ धनेश्वराय नमः। Om Dhaneshwaraya Namah। The One Who is the God of wealth
475 धर्मगुप ॐ धर्मगुपे नमः। Om Dharmagupe Namah। The Protector of Dharma
476 धर्मकृत् ॐ धर्मकृते नमः। Om Dharmakrite Namah। The Lord Who Acts According to Dharma
477 धर्मी ॐ धर्मिने नमः। Om Dharmine Namah। The Supporter of Dharma
478 सत् ॐ सते नमः। Om Sate Namah। The Lord Who is the Ultimate Permanent Truth
479 असत् ॐ असते नमः। Om Asate Namah। The Lord Who is the Ultimate Truth Which is Hidden by Illusion
480 क्षरम् ॐ क्षराय नमः। Om Ksharaya Namah। The Lord Who Appears to Perish
481 अक्षरम् ॐ अक्षराय नमः। Om Aksharaya Namah। The Lord Who is Imperishable
482 अविज्ञाता ॐ अविज्ञात्रे नमः। Om Avijnatre Namah। The Lord Who is Not One Who Does Not Know
483 सहस्रांशु ॐ सहस्रांशवे नमः। Om Sahasranshave Namah। The Lord Who has Thousand Rays
484 विधाता ॐ विधात्रे नमः। Om Vidhatre Namah। The Lord Who Carries the World
485 कृतलक्षण ॐ कृतलक्षणाय नमः। Om Kritalakshanaya Namah। The One Who is Famous for His Qualities
486 गभस्तिनेमि ॐ गभस्तिनेमये नमः। Om Gabhastinemaye Namah। The Hub of the Universal Wheel
487 सत्त्वस्थ ॐ सत्त्वस्थाय नमः। Om Sattvasthaya Namah। The Lord Who is Situated in Sattva
488 सिंह ॐ सिंहाय नमः। Om Sinhaya Namah। The Lord Who is as Royal as a Lion
489 भूतमहेश्वर ॐ भूतमहेश्वराय नमः। Om Bhutamaheshwaraya Namah। The Lord Who is the First and Ultimate God of All Beings
490 आदिदेव ॐ आदिदेवाय नमः। Om Adidevaya Namah। The First Diety
491 महादेव ॐ महादेवाय नमः। Om Mahadevaya Namah। The Great Diety
492 देवेश ॐ देवेशाय नमः। Om Deveshaya Namah। The Lord Who Appears to Perish
493 देवभृद्गुरु ॐ देवभृद्गुरवे नमः। Om Devabhridgurave Namah। The Lord Who is the Lord of All Devas
494 उत्तर ॐ उत्तराय नमः। Om Uttaraya Namah। The Lord Who Saves All Beings from the Miserable Ocean of Mortal Life
495 गोपति ॐ गोपतये नमः। Om Gopataye Namah। The Lord Who Rears the Cattle
496 गोप्ता ॐ गोप्त्रे नमः। Om Goptre Namah। The Lord Who is the Protector
497 ज्ञानगम्य ॐ ज्ञानगम्याय नमः। Om Jnanagamyaya Namah। The Lord Who can Only be Attained Through Pure Knowledge
498 पुरातन ॐ पुरातनाय नमः। Om Puratanaya Namah। The Lord Who is Very Ancient
499 शरीरभूतभृत् ॐ शरीरभूभृते नमः। Om Sharirabhubhrite Namah। The Lord Who is the Soul of Pancha Bhoothas Which is the Basis of All Beings
500 भोक्ता ॐ भोक्त्रे नमः। Om Bhoktre Namah। The Lord Who Enjoys the Truth in Himself
501 कपीन्द्र ॐ कपीन्द्राय नमः। Om Kapindraya Namah। The Lord Who is Rama, Dear to All Monkeys
502 भूरिदक्षिण ॐ भूरिदक्षिणाय नमः। Om Bhuridakshinaya Namah। The Lord Who Conducts Yajnas and Gives Cash Benefits
503 सोमप ॐ सोमपाय नमः। Om Somapaya Namah। The Lord Who Drinks Soma
504 अमृतप ॐ अमृतपाय नमः। Om Anritapaya Namah। The Lord Who Drinks the Nectar
505 सोम ॐ सोमाय नमः। Om Somaya Namah। The Lord Who in the Form of Moon Helps Plants to Grow
506 पुरुजित ॐ पुरुजिते नमः। Om Purujite Namah। The Lord Who has Conquered Numerous Enemies
507 पुरुसत्तम ॐ पुरुसत्तमाय नमः। Om Purusattamaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Best in Several Forms
508 विनय ॐ विनयाय नमः। Om Vinayaya Namah। The Lord Who Humiliates Those Who are Unrighteous
509 जय ॐ जयाय नमः। Om Jayaya Namah। The Victorious Lord
510 सत्यसंध ॐ सत्यसंधाय नमः। Om Satyasandhaya Namah। The Lord Who is Veracious in Mental Decisions
511 दाशार्ह ॐ दाशार्हाय नमः। Om Dasharhaya Namah। The Lord Who Was Born in the Dasharha Race
512 सात्वतांपति ॐ सात्वतां पतये नमः। Om Satvatam Pataye Namah। The Lord of the Satvatas
513 जीव ॐ जीवाय नमः। Om Jivaya Namah। The Living Being
514 विनयितासाक्षी ॐ विनयितासाक्षिणे नमः। Om Vinayitasakshine Namah। The Witness of Modesty
515 मुकुन्द ॐ मुकुन्दाय नमः। Om Mukundaya Namah। The Giver of Liberation
516 अमितविक्रम ॐ अमितविक्रमाय नमः। Om Amitavikramaya Namah। The Lord of Immeasurable Prowess
517 अम्भोनिधि ॐ अम्भोनिधये नमः। Om Ambhonidhaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Ultimate Sojourn to Devas, Manushyas, Asuras and Pitrs
518 अनन्तात्मा ॐ अनन्तात्मने नमः। Om Anantatmane Namah। The Infinite Self
519 महोदधिशय ॐ महोदधिशयाय नमः। Om Mahodadhishayaya Namah। The Lord Who Rests on the Great Ocean
520 अन्तक ॐ अनन्तकाय नमः। Om Anantakaya Namah। The Lord Who Brings About End of Everything
521 अज ॐ अजाय नमः। Om Ajaya Namah। The One Who Never Takes Birth
522 महार्ह ॐ महार्हाय नमः। Om Maharhaya Namah। The Lord Who Deserves the Highest Worship
523 स्वाभाव्य ॐ स्वाभाव्याय नमः। Om Svabhavyaya Namah। The Lord Who Ever-rooted in the Nature of His Own Self
524 जितामित्र ॐ जितामित्राय नमः। Om Jitamitraya Namah। The Lord Who has Conquered All Enemies
525 प्रमोदन ॐ प्रमोदनाय नमः। Om Pramodanaya Namah। The Lord Who is Always Happy
526 आनन्द ॐ आनन्दाय नमः। Om Anandaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Personification of Happiness
527 नन्दन ॐ नन्दनाय नमः। Om Nandanaya Namah। The Lord Who Makes Others Blissful
528 नन्द ॐ नन्दाय नमः। Om Nandaya Namah। The Lord Who is Free from All Worldly Pleasures
529 सत्यधर्मा ॐ सत्यधर्मणे नमः। Om Satyadharmane Namah। The Lord Who is the Truthful Dharma
530 त्रिविक्रम ॐ त्रिविक्रमाय नमः। Om Trivikramaya Namah। The Lord Who Measured the Worlds in Three Steps
531 महर्षि कपिलाचार्य ॐ महर्षयेकपिलाचार्याय नमः। Om Maharshayekapilacharyaya Namah। The Lord Who Incarnated as Kapila, the Great Sage
532 कृतज्ञ ॐ कृतज्ञाय नमः। Om Kritajnaya Namah। The Knower of the World
533 मेदिनीपति ॐ मेदिनीपतये नमः। Om Medinipataye Namah। The Lord of the Earth
534 त्रिपद ॐ त्रिपदाय नमः। Om Tripadaya Namah। The Lord Who has Taken Three Steps
535 त्रिदशाध्यक्ष ॐ त्रिदशाध्यक्षाय नमः। Om Tridashadhyakshaya Namah। The Lord of Three States of Consciousness – Wakefulness, Sleep and Dream
536 महाशृङ्ग ॐ महाशृङ्गाय नमः। Om Mahashringaya Namah। The Lord has the Great Horn (Matsya Avatar)
537 कृतान्तकृत् ॐ कृतान्तकृते नमः। Om Kritantakrite Namah। The Lord Who Destroys the World Created by Himself
538 महावराह ॐ महावराहाय नमः। Om Mahavarahaya Namah। The Great Boar (Varaha)
539 गोविन्द ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः। Om Govindaya Namah। The Lord Who is Known through Vedanta
540 सुषेण ॐ सुषेणाय नमः। Om Sushenaya Namah। The Lord Who has Magnificent Army
541 कनकाङ्गदी ॐ कनकाङ्गदिने नमः। Om Kanakangadine Namah। The Lord Who has Golden Armlets
542 गुह्य ॐ गुह्याय नमः। Om Guhyaya Namah। The Mysterious
543 गभीर ॐ गभीराय नमः। Om Gabhiraya Namah। The Unfathomable
544 गहन ॐ गहनाय नमः। Om Gahanaya Namah। The Lord Whose Depth Cannot be Measured
545 गुप्त ॐ गुप्ताय नमः। Om Guptaya Namah। The Lord Who is Hidden from Mind and the Words
546 चक्रगदाधर ॐ चक्रगदाधराय नमः। Om Chakragadadharaya Namah। The Lord Who Keeps the Holy Wheel and Holy Mace
547 वेधा ॐ वेधसे नमः। Om Vedhase Namah। The Creator of the Universe
548 स्वाङ्ग ॐ स्वाङ्गाय नमः। Om Svangaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Instrument Reason and Cause for Existence
549 अजित ॐ अजिताय नमः। Om Ajitaya Namah। The Unconquered
550 कृष्ण ॐ कृष्णाय नमः। Om Krishnaya Namah। The Dark-complexioned Lord
551 दृढ ॐ दृढाय नमः। Om Dridhaya Namah। The Lord Who has No Change in Character and Ability
552 संकर्षणोऽच्युत ॐ संकर्षणाच्युताय नमः। Om Sankarshanachyutaya Namah। The Lord Who Withdraw the Beings Within Himself During the Deluge
553 वरुण ॐ वरुणाय नमः। Om Varunaya Namah। The One Who Sets on the Horizon
554 वारुण ॐ वारुणाय नमः। Om Varunaya Namah। The Son of Varuna (Vasishta)
555 वृक्ष ॐ वृक्षाय नमः। Om Vrikshaya Namah। The Lord Who is Firm and Stable like the Tree
556 पुष्कराक्ष ॐ पुष्कराक्षाय नमः। Om Pushkarakshaya Namah। The Lotus Eyed
557 महामना ॐ महामनसे नमः। Om Mahamanase Namah। The Lord Who of Great Mind
558 भगवान् ॐ भगवते नमः। Om Bhagavate Namah। The Lord Who Possesses Six Opulences
559 भगहा ॐ भगघ्ने नमः। Om Bhagaghne Namah। The Lord Who Destroys Wealth During Deluge
560 आनन्दी ॐ आनन्दिने नमः। Om Anandine Namah। The Lord Who Gives Delight
561 वनमाली ॐ वनमालिने नमः। Om Vanamaline Namah। The Lord Who Wears a Garland of Forest Flowers
562 हलायुध ॐ हलायुधाय नमः। Om Halayudhaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Plough as His Weapon
563 आदित्य ॐ आदित्याय नमः। Om Adityaya Namah। The Lord Who was Born of Aditi
564 ज्योतिरादित्य ॐ ज्योतिरादित्याय नमः। Om Jyotiradityaya Namah। The Resplendence of the Sun
565 सहिष्णु ॐ सहिष्णुवे नमः। Om Sahishnuve Namah। The Lord Who Calmly Endures Duality
566 गतिसत्तम ॐ गतिसत्तमाय नमः। Om Gatisattamaya Namah। The Ultimate Refuge for All Devotees
567 सुधन्वा ॐ सुधन्वने नमः। Om Sudhanvane Namah। The Lord Who has the Holy Bow Salled Saranga
568 खण्डपरशु ॐ खण्डपराशवे नमः। Om Khandaparashave Namah। The Lord Who has Axe as a Weapon to Kill Enemies
569 दारुण ॐ दारुणाय नमः। Om Darunaya Namah। Merciless Towards the Unrighteous
570 द्रविणप्रद ॐ द्रविणप्रदाय नमः। Om Dravinapradaya Namah। The Lord Who Lavishly Gives Wealth
571 दिवःस्पृक् ॐ दिवस्पृशे नमः। Om Divasprishe Namah। The Lord Who Touches the Sky
572 सर्वदृग्व्यास ॐ सर्वदृग्व्यासाय नमः। Om Sarvadrigvyasaya Namah। The Lord Who Writes About All Knowledge
573 वाचस्पतिरयोनिज ॐ वाचस्पतये अयोनिजाय नमः। Om Vachaspataye Ayonijaya Namah। The Unborn Lord of Vidyas
574 त्रिसामा ॐ त्रिसाम्ने नमः। Om Trisamne Namah। The Lord Who is Worshipped by the Three Samas
575 सामग ॐ सामगाय नमः। Om Samagaya Namah। The Chanter of Sama Hymns
576 साम ॐ साम्ने नमः। Om Samne Namah। The Lord Who is the Sama Veda
577 निर्वाणं ॐ निर्वाणाय नमः। Om Nirvanaya Namah। Joy of Renunciation
578 भेषजं ॐ भेषजाय नमः। Om Bheshajaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Medicine
579 भिषक् ॐ भिषजे नमः। Om Bhishaje Namah। The Lord Who is The Physician
580 संन्यासकृत ॐ संन्यासकृते नमः। Om Sannyasakrite Namah। The Institutor of Sanyasa
581 शम ॐ शमाय नमः। Om Shamaya Namah। The Lord Who is Calm
582 शान्त ॐ शान्ताय नमः। Om Shantaya Namah। The Lord Who is Peaceful
583 निष्ठा ॐ निष्ठायै नमः। Om Nishthayai Namah। The Abode of All Beings
584 शान्ति ॐ शान्त्यै नमः। Om Shantyai Namah। The Lord Whose Very Nature is Peace
585 परायणम् ॐ पराय्णाय नमः। Om Paraynaya Namah। The way to Liberation
586 शुभाङ्ग ॐ शुभाङ्गाय नमः। Om Shubhangaya Namah। The Lord Who has the Most Beautiful Form
587 शान्तिद ॐ शान्तिदाय नमः। Om Shantidaya Namah। The Giver of Peace
588 स्रष्टा ॐ स्रष्ट्रे नमः। Om Srashtre Namah। The Creator of all Beings
589 कुमुद ॐ कुमुदाय नमः। Om Kumudaya Namah। The Lord Who Delights in the Earth
590 कुवलेशय ॐ कुवलेशाय नमः। Om Kuvaleshaya Namah। The Lord Who Reclines in the Waters
591 गोहित ॐ गोहिताय नमः। Om Gohitaya Namah। The Lord Who does Welfare for Cows
592 गोपति ॐ गोपतये नमः। Om Gopataye Namah। The One Who is Lord of the Earth
593 गोप्ता ॐ गोप्त्रे नमः। Om Goptre Namah। The Lord Who is the Protector of the Universe
594 वृषभाक्ष ॐ वृषभाक्षाय नमः। Om Vrishabhakshaya Namah। The Lord Whose Merciful Eyes Showers Whatever is Prayed for
595 वृषप्रिय ॐ वृषप्रियाय नमः। Om Vrishapriyaya Namah। The Lord Who Delights in Dharma
596 अनिवर्ती ॐ अनिवर्तिने नमः। Om Anivartine Namah। The Lord Who Never Retreats
597 निवृत्तात्मा ॐ निवृत्तात्मने नमः। Om Nivrittatmane Namah। The Lord Who is Fully Restrained from All Sense Indulgences
598 संक्षेप्ता ॐ संक्षेप्त्रे नमः। Om Sanksheptre Namah। The Condensor During Pralaya
599 क्षेमकृत् ॐ क्षेमकृते नमः। Om Kshemakrite Namah। The Preserver of Welfare
600 शिव ॐ शिवाय नमः। Om Shivaya Namah। The Lord Who is Eternally Pure
601 श्रीवत्सवक्षा ॐ श्रीवत्सवक्षे नमः। Om Shrivatsavakshe Namah। The Lord Who has Shrivatsa on His Chest
602 श्रीवास ॐ श्रीवासाय नमः। Om Shrivasaya Namah। The Lord in Whom Goddess Lakshmi Lives
603 श्रीपति ॐ श्रीपतये नमः। Om Shripataye Namah। The One Who is the Lord of Goddess Lakshmi
604 श्रीमतां वर ॐ श्रीमतां वराय नमः। Om Shrimatam Varaya Namah। The Best Among Glorious
605 श्रीद ॐ श्रीदाय नमः। Om Shridaya Namah। The Giver of Opulence
606 श्रीश ॐ श्रीशाय नमः। Om Shrishaya Namah। The Lord of Shri (Goddess of Fortune)
607 श्रीनिवास ॐ श्रीनिवासाय नमः। Om Shrinivasaya Namah। The Lord in Whom Goddess Lakshmi Lives
608 श्रीनिधि ॐ श्रीनिधये नमः। Om Shrinidhaye Namah। The Treasure of Shri
609 श्रीविभावन ॐ श्रीविभावनाय नमः। Om Shrivibhavanaya Namah। The Distributor of Wealth
610 श्रीधर ॐ श्रीधराय नमः। Om Shridharaya Namah। The Bearer of Shri
611 श्रीकर ॐ श्रीकराय नमः। Om Shrikaraya Namah। The Lord Who Gives All Wealth to His Devotees
612 श्रेय ॐ श्रेयसे नमः। Om Shreyase Namah। The Lord Who is the Personification of Perennial Happiness
613 श्रीमान ॐ श्रीमते नमः। Om Shrimate Namah। The Professor of Shri
614 लोकत्रयाश्रय ॐ लोकत्रयाश्राय नमः। Om Lokatrayashraya Namah। The Refuge of the Three Worlds
615 स्वक्ष ॐ स्वक्षाय नमः। Om Svakshaya Namah। The Beautiful Eyed Lord
616 स्वङ्ग ॐ स्वङ्गाय नमः। Om Svangaya Namah। The Lord Who has Beautiful Limbs
617 शतानन्द ॐ शतानन्दाय नमः। Om Shatanandaya Namah। The Lord of Infinite Varieties and Joys
618 नन्दि ॐ नन्द्ये नमः। Om Nandye Namah। The Lord Who is Personification of Supreme Happiness
619 ज्योतिर्गणेश्वर ॐ ज्योतिर्गणेश्वराय नमः। Om Jyotirganeshwaraya Namah। The Lord of the Luminaries in the Cosmos
620 विजितात्मा ॐ विजितात्मने नमः। Om Vijitatmane Namah। The Lord Who has Conquered the Sense Organs
621 अविधेयात्मा ॐ विधेयात्मने नमः। Om Vidheyatmane Namah। The Lord Who is not Under the Control of Anybody
622 सत्कीर्ति ॐ सत्कीर्तये नमः। Om Satkirtaye Namah। The Lord Who has True Fame
623 छिन्नसंशय ॐ छिन्नसंशयाय नमः। Om Chhinnasanshayaya Namah। The Lord Who is Cleared of All Doubts
624 उदीर्ण ॐ उदीर्णाय नमः। Om Udirnaya Namah। The Lord Who is Greater than All Beings
625 सर्वतश्चक्षु ॐ सर्वतचक्षुसे नमः। Om Sarvatachakshuse Namah। The Lord Who Sees Everything Everywhere
626 अनीश ॐ अनीशाय नमः। Om Anishaya Namah। The One Who does not Have Any God Above Him
627 शाश्वतस्थिर ॐ शाश्वतस्थिराय नमः। Om Shashvatasthiraya Namah। The Lord Who is Eternal and Stable
628 भूशय ॐ भूशयाय नमः। Om Bhushayaya Namah। The Lord Who Rested on the Ground
629 भूषण ॐ भूषणाय नमः। Om Bhushanaya Namah। The Lord Who Adorns the World
630 भूति ॐ भूतये नमः। Om Bhutaye Namah। The Lord Who has Pure Existence
631 विशोक ॐ विशोकाय नमः। Om Vishokaya Namah। The Lord Who is Sorrowless
632 शोकनाशन ॐ शोकनाशनाय नमः। Om Shokanashanaya Namah। The Lord Who Destroys Sadness of His Devotees
633 अर्चिष्मान ॐ अर्चिष्मते नमः। Om Archishmate Namah। The Effulgent
634 अर्चित ॐ अर्चिताय नमः। Om Architaya Namah। The Lord Who is Constantly Worshipped by His Devotees
635 कुम्भ ॐ कुम्भाय नमः। Om Kumbhaya Namah। The Pot Within Whom Everything is Contained
636 विशुद्धात्मा ॐ विशुद्धात्मने नमः। Om Vishuddhatmane Namah। The One Who has the Purest Soul
637 विशोधन ॐ विशोधनाय नमः। Om Vishodhanaya Namah। The Great Purifier
638 अनिरुद्ध ॐ अनिरुद्धाय नमः। Om Aniruddhaya Namah। The Lord Who is Invincible by Any Enemy
639 अप्रतिरथ ॐ अप्रतिरथाय नमः। Om Apratirathaya Namah। The Lord Who has no Enemies to Threaten Him
640 प्रद्युम्न ॐ प्रद्युम्नाय नमः। Om Pradyumnaya Namah। The Lord Who has Great Wealth
641 अमितविक्रम ॐ अमितविक्रमाय नमः। Om Amitavikramaya Namah। The Lord Who has Immeasurable Prowess
642 कालनेमिनिहा ॐ कालनेमिनिघ्ने नमः। Om Kalaneminighne Namah। The Slayer of Kalanemi
643 वीर ॐ वीराय नमः। Om Viraya Namah। The Lord Who is Valorous
644 शौरि ॐ शौरये नमः। Om Shauraye Namah। The Lord Who was Born in the Sura Dynasty
645 शूरजनेश्वर ॐ शूरजनेश्वराय नमः। Om Shurajaneshwaraya Namah। Lord of the Valiant
646 त्रिलोकात्मा ॐ त्रिलोकात्मने नमः। Om Trilokatmane Namah। The Soul of the Three Worlds
647 त्रिलोकेश ॐ त्रिलोकेशाय नमः। Om Trilokeshaya Namah। The Lord of the Three Worlds
648 केशव ॐ केशवाय नमः। Om Keshavaya Namah। The Lord Whose Rays Illumine the Cosmos
649 केशिहा ॐ केशिघ्ने नमः। Om Keshighne Namah। The Slayer of Demon Kesi
650 हरि ॐ हरये नमः। Om Haraye Namah। Destroyer of the Cycle of Birth
651 कामदेव ॐ कामदेवाय नमः। Om Kamadevaya Namah। The One Who is Passionately Loved by His Devotees
652 कामपाल ॐ कामपालाय नमः। Om Kamapalaya Namah। The Lord Who Takes Care of Desires
653 कामी ॐ कामिने नमः। Om Kamine Namah। The Lord of Fulfilled Desires
654 कान्त ॐ कान्ताय नमः। Om Kantaya Namah। The Lord of Enchanting Form
655 कृतागम ॐ कृतागमाय नमः। Om Kritagamaya Namah। The Author of the Agama Scriptures
656 अनिर्देश्यवपु ॐ अनिर्देश्यवपुषे नमः। Om Anirdeshyavapushe Namah। The Lord Whose Forms Cannot be Defined
657 विष्णु ॐ विष्णवे नमः। Om Vishnave Namah। All-Pervading Lord
658 वीर ॐ वीराय नमः। Om Viraya Namah। The Courageous
659 अनन्त ॐ अनन्ताय नमः। Om Anantaya Namah। The Lord Who is Endless
660 धनंजय ॐ धनंजयाय नमः। Om Dhananjayaya Namah। The Lord Who Gained Wealth Through Conquest
661 ब्रह्मण्य ॐ ब्रह्मण्याय नमः। Om Brahmanyaya Namah। Patron of Brahman
662 ब्रह्मकृत ॐ ब्रह्मकृते नमः। Om Brahmakrite Namah। The Lord Who Acts in Brahman
663 ब्रह्मा ॐ ब्रह्मणे नमः। Om Brahmane Namah। The Creator
664 ब्रह्म ॐ ब्राह्मणे नमः। Om Brahmane Namah। The Lord Who is Brahmam
665 ब्रह्मविवर्धन ॐ ब्रह्मविवर्धनाय नमः। Om Brahmavivardhanaya Namah। The Promoter of Brahma Vidya
666 ब्रह्मवित ॐ ब्रह्मविदे नमः। Om Brahmavide Namah। The Lord Who Knows Brahman
667 ब्राह्मण ॐ ब्राह्मणाय नमः। Om Brahmanaya Namah। The Lord Who in the Form of Brahmins Teaches Vedas
668 ब्रह्मी ॐ ब्रह्मिणे नमः। Om Brahmine Namah। The Lord Who Controls All that is Denoted by Brahma
669 ब्रह्मज्ञ ॐ ब्रह्मज्ञाय नमः। Om Brahmajnaya Namah। The Lord Who Knows Vedas as Himself
670 ब्राह्मणप्रिय ॐ ब्राह्मणप्रियाय नमः। Om Brahmanapriyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Dear to the Brahmanas
671 महाक्रम ॐ महाक्रमाय नमः। Om Mahakramaya Namah। The Lord Who Takes Gig Steps
672 महाकर्मा ॐ महाकर्मणे नमः। Om Mahakarmane Namah। The Lord Who Performs Great Deeds
673 महातेजा ॐ महातेजसे नमः। Om Mahatejase Namah। The Lord of Great Resplendence
674 महोरग ॐ महोरगाय नमः। Om Mahoragaya Namah। The Lord Who has the Form of the Great Serpent
675 महाक्रतु ॐ महाक्रत्वे नमः। Om Mahakratve Namah। The Great Sacrifice
676 महायज्वा ॐ महायज्वने नमः। Om Mahayajvane Namah। The Lord Who Performed Great Yajnas
677 महायज्ञ ॐ महायज्ञाय नमः। Om Mahayajnaya Namah। The Great Yajna
678 महाहवि ॐ महाहविषे नमः। Om Mahahavishe Namah। The Greatest Sacrificial Offering in the Yajna
679 स्तव्य ॐ स्तव्याय नमः। Om Stavyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Being Praised by Everybody
680 स्तवप्रिय ॐ स्तवप्रियाय नमः। Om Stavapriyaya Namah। The Lord Who Likes Being Praised
681 स्तोत्रं ॐ स्तोत्राय नमः। Om Stotraya Namah। The Hymn Itself
682 स्तुति ॐ स्तुतये नमः। Om Stutaye Namah। The Act of Praise
683 स्तोता ॐ स्तोत्रे नमः। Om Stotre Namah। The Lord Who Adores or Praises
684 रणप्रिय ॐ रणप्रियाय नमः। Om Ranapriyaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Lover of Battles
685 पूर्ण ॐ पूर्णाय नमः। Om Purnaya Namah। The Lord Who is Complete
686 पूरयिता ॐ पूरयित्रे नमः। Om Purayitre Namah। The Lord Who Fulfills the Wishes of His Devotees
687 पुण्य ॐ पुण्याय नमः। Om Punyaya Namah। The Truly Holy
688 पुण्यकीर्ति ॐ पुण्यकीर्तये नमः। Om Punyakirtaye Namah। The Lord of Holy Fame
689 अनामय ॐ अनामयाय नमः। Om Anamayaya Namah। The Lord Who Never Becomes Ill
690 मनोजव ॐ मनोजवाय नमः। Om Manojavaya Namah। The Lord Who is Swift as the Mind
691 तीर्थकर ॐ तीर्थकराय नमः। Om Tirthakaraya Namah। The Lord Who Created Methods for Salvation of All Beings in the World
692 वसुरेता ॐ वसुरेतसे नमः। Om Vasuretase Namah। The Lord Whose Essence is Golden
693 वसुप्रद ॐ वसुप्रदाय नमः। Om Vasupradaya Namah। The Bestower of Wealth
694 वसुप्रद ॐ वासुप्रदाय नमः। Om Vasupradaya Namah। The Lord Who Leads His Devotees to Salvation
695 वासुदेव ॐ वासुदेवाय नमः। Om Vasudevaya Namah। The Lord Who was Born as Son of Vasudeva
696 वसु ॐ वसवे नमः। Om Vasave Namah। The Refuge for All Beings
697 वसुमना ॐ वसुमनसे नमः। Om Vasumanase Namah। The Lord of Great Mind
698 हवि ॐ हविषे नमः। Om Havishe Namah। The Lord Who is the Sacrificial Offering in the Yajnas
699 सद्गति ॐ सद्गतये नमः। Om Sadgataye Namah। The Lord Who is Attained by Good People
700 सत्कृति ॐ सत्कृतये नमः। Om Satkritaye Namah। The Lord Who is Full of Good Actions
701 सत्ता ॐ सत्तायै नमः। Om Sattayai Namah। The Lord Who is Personification of Non Differential Knowledge
702 सद्भूति ॐ सद्भूतये नमः। Om Sadbhutaye Namah। The Lord Who is Undenied Being
703 सत्परायण ॐ सत्परायणाय नमः। Om Satparayanaya Namah। The Supreme Goal of the Good
704 शूरसेन ॐ शूरसेनाय नमः। Om Shurasenaya Namah। The Lord Who has Heroic and Valiant Armies
705 यदुश्रेष्ठ ॐ यदुश्रेष्ठाय नमः। Om Yadushreshthaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Greatest Among Yadus
706 सन्निवास ॐ सन्निवासाय नमः। Om Sannivasaya Namah। The One Who is the Ultimate Place Where Scholars Go
707 सुयामुन ॐ सूयामुनाय नमः। Om Suyamunaya Namah। The One Who is Attended by the People Dwelling on the Banks of Yamuna
708 भूतावास ॐ भूतावासाय नमः। Om Bhutavasaya Namah। The Dwelling Place of the Elements
709 वासुदेव ॐ वासुदेवाय नमः। Om Vasudevaya Namah। The Lord Who Envelops the Universe by Illusion
710 सर्वासुनिलय ॐ सर्वासुनिलयाय नमः। Om Sarvasunilayaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Shelter of All Living Beings
711 अनल ॐ अनलाय नमः। Om Analaya Namah। The Lord of Unlimited Wealth, Power and Glory
712 दर्पहा ॐ दर्पघ्ने नमः। Om Darpaghne Namah। The Destroyer of Pride in Evil-Minded People
713 दर्पद ॐ दर्पदाय नमः। Om Darpadaya Namah। The Giver of Pride to Those Who Walks on the Path of Dharma
714 दृप्त ॐ दृप्ताय नमः। Om Driptaya Namah। The Lord Who Never Gets Proud of His Strength
715 दुर्धर ॐ दुर्धराय नमः। Om Durdharaya Namah। The Lord Who can be Brought to the Mind with Difficulty
716 अपराजित ॐ अपराजिताय नमः। Om Aparajitaya Namah। The Unvanquished
717 विश्वमूर्ति ॐ विश्वमूर्तये नमः। Om Vishwamurtaye Namah। The Universe Personified
718 महामूर्ति ॐ महामूर्तये नमः। Om Mahamurtaye Namah। The Lord Who is Monumental in Form
719 दीप्तमूर्ति ॐ दीप्तमूर्तये नमः। Om Diptamurtaye Namah। The Lord Of Resplendent Form
720 अमूर्तिमान् ॐ अमूर्तिमते नमः। Om Amurtimate Namah। The Lord Who is Formless
721 अनेकमूर्ति ॐ अनेकमूर्तये नमः। Om Anekamurtaye Namah। The Lord of Multi Form
722 अव्यक्त ॐ अव्यक्ताय नमः। Om Avyaktaya Namah। The Lord Who is Unmanifested
723 शतमूर्ति ॐ शतमूर्तये नमः। Om Shatamurtaye Namah। The Lord Who has Several Forms
724 शतानन ॐ शताननाय नमः। Om Shatananaya Namah। The Lord Who has Several Faces
725 एक ॐ एकैस्मै नमः। Om Ekaismai Namah। The Lord Who is The One
726 नैक ॐ नैकस्मै नमः। Om Naikasmai Namah। The Lord Who Appears as in Different Forms by Illusion
727 सव ॐ सवाय नमः। Om Savaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Personification of Soma Yajna
728 कः ॐ काय नमः। Om Kaya Namah। The Lord Who is Worshipped as ‘Ka’ Indicating Pleasures
729 किं ॐ कस्मै नमः। Om Kasmai Namah। The One to be Inquired
730 यत् ॐ यस्मै नमः। Om Yasmai Namah। The Lord Who is Indicated by ‘yat’ (Which)
731 तत् ॐ तस्मै नमः। Om Tasmai Namah। The Lord Who is Indicated by the Word ‘That’
732 पदमनुत्तमम् ॐ पदमनुत्तमाय नमः। Om Padamanuttamaya Namah। The Unequalled State of Perfection
733 लोकबन्धु ॐ लोकबन्धवे नमः। Om Lokabandhave Namah। The Kinsman of the Universe
734 लोकनाथ ॐ लोकनाथाय नमः। Om Lokanathaya Namah। Lord of the Universe
735 माधव ॐ माधवाय नमः। Om Madhavaya Namah। The Lord Who Born in the Family of Madhu
736 भक्तवत्सल ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः। Om Bhaktavatsalaya Namah। The Lord Who Loves His Devotees
737 सुवर्णवर्ण ॐ सुवर्णवर्णाय नमः। Om Suvarnavarnaya Namah। The Lord Who is of a Golden Colour
738 हेमाङ्ग ॐ हेमाङ्गाय नमः। Om Hemangaya Namah। The Lord Who has Limbs of Gold
739 वराङ्ग ॐ वराङ्गाय नमः। Om Varangaya Namah। The Lord with Beautiful Limbs
740 चन्दनाङ्गदी ॐ चन्दनाङ्गदिने नमः। Om Chandanangadine Namah। The Lord Who has Attractive Armlets
741 वीरहा ॐ वीरघ्ने नमः। Om Viraghne Namah। The Slayer of the Valiant Foes
742 विषम ॐ विषमाय नमः। Om Vishamaya Namah। The Lord Who Cannot be Compared to Anyone Else
743 शून्य ॐ शून्याय नमः। Om Shunyaya Namah। The Void
744 घृताशी ॐ घृताशीशाय नमः। Om Ghritashishaya Namah। The Lord Who has No Need for Good Wishes
745 अचल ॐ अचलाय नमः। Om Achalaya Namah। The Lord Who is Supremely Stable
746 चल ॐ चलाय नमः। Om Chalaya Namah। The Lord Who is Moving
747 अमानी ॐ अमानिने नमः। Om Amanine Namah। The Lord Who Does Not have Pride and Willing to be Anything
748 मानद ॐ मानदाय नमः। Om Manadaya Namah। The Lord Who Generates Egoistic Conciousness
749 मान्य ॐ मान्याय नमः। Om Manyaya Namah। The Lord Who is to be Honoured
750 लोकस्वामी ॐ लोकस्वामिने नमः। Om Lokasvamine Namah। The Lord of the World
751 त्रिलोकधृक् ॐ त्रिलोकधृषे नमः। Om Trilokadhrishe Namah। The Lord Who Carries the Three Worlds
752 सुमेधा ॐ सुमेधसे नमः। Om Sumedhase Namah। The Lord Who has Pure Intelligence
753 मेधज ॐ मेधजाय नमः। Om Medhajaya Namah। The Lord Who is Born Out of Sacrifices
754 धन्य ॐ धन्याय नमः। Om Dhanyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Fortunate
755 सत्यमेधा ॐ सत्यमेधसे नमः। Om Satyamedhase Namah। The Lord Whose Intelligence Never Fails
756 धराधर ॐ धराधराय नमः। Om Dharadharaya Namah। The Sole Support of the Earth
757 तेजोवृष ॐ तेजोवृषाय नमः। Om Tejovrishaya Namah। The Lord Who Showers Radiance
758 द्युतिधर ॐ द्युतिधराय नमः। Om Dyutidharaya Namah। The Lord Who Bears an Effulgent Form
759 सर्वशस्त्रभृतांवर ॐ सर्वशस्त्रभृतांवराय नमः। Om Sarvashastrabhritamvaraya Namah। The Best Among Those Who Wield Weapons
760 प्रग्रह ॐ प्रग्रहाय नमः। Om Pragrahaya Namah। The Receiver of the Humblest Gifts
761 निग्रह ॐ निग्रहाय नमः। Om Nigrahaya Namah। The Lord Who Keeps Every Thing Within Himself
762 व्यग्र ॐ व्यग्राय नमः। Om Vyagraya Namah। The Lord Who is Ever Engaged in Fulfilling the Devotee’s Desires
763 नैकशृङ्ग ॐ नैकशृङ्गाय नमः। Om Naikashringaya Namah। The Lord Who has Several Horns
764 गदाग्रज ॐ गदाग्रजाय नमः। Om Gadagrajaya Namah। The Lord Who is Invoked Through Mantra
765 चतुर्मूर्ति ॐ चतुर्मूर्तये नमः। Om Chaturmurtaye Namah। The Lord Who has Four Forms
766 चतुर्बाहु ॐ चतुर्बाहवे नमः। Om Chaturbahave Namah। The Lord Who has Four Arms
767 चतुर्व्यूह ॐ चतुर्व्यूहाय नमः। Om Chaturvyuhaya Namah। The Lord Who Expresses Himself as the Dynamic Centre in the Four Vyoohas
768 चतुर्गति ॐ चतुर्गतये नमः। Om Chaturgataye Namah। The Ultimate Goal of All Four Varnas and Asramas
769 चतुरात्मा ॐ चतुरात्मने नमः। Om Chaturatmane Namah। The Lord Who is Clear Minded
770 चतुर्भाव ॐ चतुर्भावाय नमः। Om Chaturbhavaya Namah। The Source of the Four Purushartas
771 चतुर्वेदवित् ॐ चतुर्वेदविदे नमः। Om Chaturvedavide Namah। The Knower of Four Vedas
772 एकपात् ॐ एकपदे नमः। Om Ekapade Namah। The Lord of One Foot
773 समावर्त ॐ समावर्ताय नमः। Om Samavartaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Skillfull Turner
774 अनिवृत्तात्मा ॐ अनिवृत्तात्मने नमः। Om Anivrittatmane Namah। The Lord Who is Always Available Everywhere
775 दुर्जय ॐ दुर्जयाय नमः। Om Durjayaya Namah। The Unconquered
776 दुरतिक्रम ॐ दुरतिक्रमाय नमः। Om Duratikramaya Namah। The Lord Whose Orders Can Never be Disobeyed
777 दुर्लभ ॐ दुर्लभाय नमः। Om Durlabhaya Namah। The Lord Who Obtained with Effort
778 दुर्गम ॐ दुर्गमाय नमः। Om Durgamaya Namah। The Lord Who is Realised with Great Effort
779 दुर्ग ॐ दुर्गाय नमः। Om Durgaya Namah। The Lord Who is Not Easily Attained
780 दुरावासा ॐ दुरावासाय नमः। Om Duravasaya Namah। The Lord Who can be Kept
781 दुरारिहा ॐ दुरारिघ्ने नमः। Om Durarighne Namah। The Slayer of the Demons
782 शुभाङ्ग ॐ शुभाङ्गाय नमः। Om Shubhangaya Namah। The One with Enchanting Limbs
783 लोकसारङ्ग ॐ लोकसारङ्गाय नमः। Om Lokasarangaya Namah। The Lord Who Understands the Essence of the World
784 सुतन्तु ॐ सुतन्तवे नमः। Om Sutantave Namah। The Lord Who has Expanded this Universe Starting From Himself
785 तन्तुवर्धन ॐ तन्तुवर्धनाय नमः। Om Tantuvardhanaya Namah। The Lord Who Broadens the World
786 इन्द्रकर्मा ॐ इन्द्रकर्मणे नमः। Om Indrakarmane Namah। The Lord Who Resembling Indra in his Glorious Actions
787 महाकर्मा ॐ महाकर्मणे नमः। Om Mahakarmane Namah। The Lord Who Accomplishes Great Acts
788 कृतकर्मा ॐ कृतकर्मणे नमः। Om Kritakarmane Namah। The Lord Who has Fulfilled His Acts
789 कृतागम ॐ कृतागमाय नमः। Om Kritagamaya Namah। The Author of Vedas
790 उद्भव ॐ उद्भवाय नमः। Om Udbhavaya Namah। The Lord Who Attains Great Births
791 सुन्दर ॐ सुन्दराय नमः। Om Sundaraya Namah। The Lord Who is the Epitome of Beauty
792 सुन्द ॐ सुन्दाय नमः। Om Sundaya Namah। The Lord of Great Mercy
793 रत्ननाभ ॐ रत्ननाभाय नमः। Om Ratnanabhaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Beautiful Navel
794 सुलोचन ॐ सुलोचनाय नमः। Om Sulochanaya Namah। The Lord Who has the Most Enchanting Eyes
795 अर्क ॐ अर्काय नमः। Om Arkaya Namah। The Lord Who is Suitable to be Worshipped by All Great Gods
796 वाजसन ॐ वाजसनाय नमः। Om Vajasanaya Namah। The Giver of Food
797 शृङ्गी ॐ शृङ्गिने नमः। Om Shringine Namah। The Lord Who was Born as a Fish with Horn
798 जयन्त ॐ जयन्ताय नमः। Om Jayantaya Namah। The Conqueror of All Enemies
799 सर्वविज्जयी ॐ सर्वविज्जयिने नमः। Om Sarvavijjayine Namah। The Lord Who is at Once Omniscient and Victorious
800 सुवर्णबिन्दु ॐ सुवर्णबिन्दवे नमः। Om Suvarnabindave Namah। The Lord Who has Limbs Radiant Like Gold
801 अक्षोभ्य ॐ अक्षोभ्याय नमः। Om Akshobhyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Ever Unruffled
802 सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वर ॐ सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वराय नमः। Om Sarvavagishvareshwaraya Namah। The One Who is the Chief Among Gods Who Speak
803 महाह्रद ॐ महाहृदाय नमः। Om Mahahridaya Namah। The Lord Whose Heart is Full of the Eternal Water of Happiness
804 महागर्त ॐ महागर्ताय नमः। Om Mahagartaya Namah। The Great Chasm
805 महाभूत ॐ महाभूताय नमः। Om Mahabhutaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Great Being
806 महानिधि ॐ महानिधये नमः। Om Mahanidhaye Namah। The Lord in Whom All Wealth is Saved
807 कुमुद ॐ कुमुदाय नमः। Om Kumudaya Namah। The Lord Who Makes the Earth Happy
808 कुन्दर ॐ कुन्दराय नमः। Om Kundaraya Namah। The Lord Who Recognizes Results of Good Deeds
809 कुन्द ॐ कुन्दाय नमः। Om Kundaya Namah। The Lord Who is as Attractive as Kunda (Jasmine) Flowers
810 पर्जन्य ॐ पर्जन्याय नमः। Om Parjanyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Similar to Rain-Bearing Clouds
811 पावन ॐ पावनाय नमः। Om Pavanaya Namah। The One Who Ever Purifies
812 अनिल ॐ अनिलाय नमः। Om Anilaya Namah। The Lord Who Never Slips
813 अमृतांश ॐ अमृतांशाय नमः। Om Anritanshaya Namah। The Drinker of Nectar
814 अमृतवपु ॐ अमृतवपुषे नमः। Om Anritavapushe Namah। The Lord Whose Form is Immortal
815 सर्वज्ञ ॐ सर्वज्ञाय नमः। Om Sarvajnaya Namah। The Lord Who is Omniscient
816 सर्वतोमुख ॐ सर्वतोमुखाय नमः। Om Sarvatomukhaya Namah। The Lord Who has Faces Everywhere
817 सुलभ ॐ सुलभाय नमः। Om Sulabhaya Namah। The Lord Who can be Easily Attained
818 सुव्रत ॐ सुव्रताय नमः। Om Suvrataya Namah। The Lord Who has Accepts Good Vows
819 सिद्ध ॐ सिद्धाय नमः। Om Siddhaya Namah। The Lord Who is Perfection
820 शत्रुजित ॐ शत्रुजिते नमः। Om Shatrujite Namah। The Lord Who is Ever Victorious Over Foes
821 शत्रुतापन ॐ शत्रुतापनाय नमः। Om Shatrutapanaya Namah। The Lord Who Makes his Enemies Suffer
822 न्यग्रोध ॐ न्यग्रोधाय नमः। Om Nyagrodhaya Namah। The Lord is Above All Beings in the Worlds
823 उदुम्बर ॐ उदुम्बराय नमः। Om Udumbaraya Namah। Nourishment of All Living Creatures
824 अश्वत्थ ॐ अश्वत्थाय नमः। Om Ashvatthaya Namah। The Impermanent Tree
825 चाणूरान्ध्रनिषूदन ॐ चाणूरान्ध्रनिषूदनाय नमः। Om Chanurandhranishudanaya Namah। The Slayer of Chanura Demon
826 सहस्रार्चि ॐ सहस्रार्चिषे नमः। Om Sahasrarchishe Namah। The Lord Who has Thousands of Rays
827 सप्तजिह्व ॐ सप्तजिह्वाय नमः। Om Saptajihvaya Namah। The Lord Who Expresses Himself as the Seven Tongues of Fire
828 सप्तैधा ॐ सप्तैधसे नमः। Om Saptaidhase Namah। The Lord Who has Seven Flames
829 सप्तवाहन ॐ सप्तवाहनाय नमः। Om Saptavahanaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Vehicle of Seven Horses
830 अमूर्ति ॐ अमूर्तये नमः। Om Amurtaye Namah। The Lord Who Does Not Have Shape
831 अनघ ॐ अनघाय नमः। Om Anaghaya Namah। The Lord Who is Sinless
832 अचिन्त्य ॐ अचिन्त्याय नमः। Om Achintyaya Namah। The Inconceivable
833 भयकृत ॐ भयकृते नमः। Om Bhayakrite Namah। The Lord Who Creates Fear in Bad People
834 भयनाशन ॐ भयनाशनाय नमः। Om Bhayanashanaya Namah। The Lord Who Destroys Fear in Good People
835 अणु ॐ अणवे नमः। Om Anave Namah। The Lord Who is Subtle and Minute
836 बृहत ॐ बृहते नमः। Om Brihate Namah। The Lord Who is Extremely Big
837 कृश ॐ कृशाय नमः। Om Krishaya Namah। The Lord Who is Slender
838 स्थूल ॐ स्थूलाय नमः। Om Sthulaya Namah। The Lord Who is Stout
839 गुणभृत ॐ गुणभृते नमः। Om Gunabhrite Namah। The Bearer of Attributes
840 निर्गुण ॐ निर्गुणाय नमः। Om Nirgunaya Namah। The Lord Who does not have Any Properties
841 महान् ॐ महते नमः। Om Mahate Namah। The Mighty
842 अधृत ॐ अधृताय नमः। Om Adhritaya Namah। The Lord Who is not Carried by Anything
843 स्वधृत ॐ स्वधृताय नमः। Om Svadhritaya Namah। The Lord Who Carries Himself
844 स्वास्य ॐ स्वास्याय नमः। Om Svasyaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Beautiful Face
845 प्राग्वंश ॐ प्राग्वंशाय नमः। Om Pragvanshaya Namah। The Lord Who Belongs to the First Dynasty
846 वंशवर्धन ॐ वंशवर्धनाय नमः। Om Vanshavardhanaya Namah। The Lord Who Makes Dynasties Grow
847 भारभृत् ॐ भारभृते नमः। Om Bharabhrite Namah। The Lord Who Carries the Load of the Universe
848 कथित ॐ कथिताय नमः। Om Kathitaya Namah। The Lord Who is Glorified in All Scriptures
849 योगी ॐ योगिने नमः। Om Yogine Namah। The Lord Who can be Realised Through Yoga
850 योगीश ॐ योगीशाय नमः। Om Yogishaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Greatest Among Yogis
851 सर्वकामद ॐ सर्वकामदाय नमः। Om Sarvakamadaya Namah। The Lord Who Fulfills All Desires
852 आश्रम ॐ आश्रमाय नमः। Om Ashramaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Place Where Beings can Relax
853 श्रमण ॐ श्रमणाय नमः। Om Shramanaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Sorrow to Sinners
854 क्षाम ॐ क्षामाय नमः। Om Kshamaya Namah। The Lord Who Destroys Everything During Deluge
855 सुपर्ण ॐ सुपर्णाय नमः। Om Suparnaya Namah। The Lord Who is Having Vedas as Leaves
856 वायुवाहन ॐ वायुवाहनाय नमः। Om Vayuvahanaya Namah। The Lord Who Makes Winds Move
857 धनुर्धर ॐ धनुर्धराय नमः। Om Dhanurdharaya Namah। The Wielder of the Bow
858 धनुर्वेद ॐ धनुर्वेदाय नमः। Om Dhanurvedaya Namah। The Lord Who Knows the Science of Archery
859 दण्ड ॐ दण्डाय नमः। Om Dandaya Namah। The Lord Who Punishes the Wicked
860 दमयिता ॐ दमयित्रे नमः। Om Damayitre Namah। The Lord Who Controls and Rules People
861 दम ॐ दमाय नमः। Om Damaya Namah। The Lord Who is Also the Patience When Being Ruled
862 अपराजित ॐ अपराजिताय नमः। Om Aparajitaya Namah। The Lord Who Cannot be Defeated
863 सर्वसह ॐ सर्वसहाय नमः। Om Sarvasahaya Namah। The One That Tolerates All
864 नियन्ता ॐ नियन्त्रे नमः। Om Niyantre Namah। The Lord Who Makes People Obey Pules
865 अनियम ॐ अनियमाय नमः। Om Aniyamaya Namah। The Lord Who is not Subject to Any Rules
866 अयम ॐ अयमाय नमः। Om Ayamaya Namah। The Lord Who is Deathless
867 सत्त्ववान् ॐ सत्त्ववते नमः। Om Sattvavate Namah। The Lord Who is Full of Exploits and Courage
868 सात्त्विक ॐ सात्त्विकाय नमः। Om Sattvikaya Namah। The Lord Who is Full of Satvic Qualities
869 सत्य ॐ सत्याय नमः। Om Satyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Truth
870 सत्यधर्मपरायण ॐ सत्यधर्मपरायणाय नमः। Om Satyadharmaparayanaya Namah। The One Who is Devoted to Truth and Dharma
871 अभिप्राय ॐ अभिप्रायाय नमः। Om Abhiprayaya Namah। The One Who is Approached by Seekers of Salvation
872 प्रियार्ह ॐ प्रियार्हाय नमः। Om Priyarhaya Namah। The One Who Deserves All our Love
873 अर्ह ॐ अर्हाय नमः। Om Arhaya Namah। The One Who s Most Appropriate for Worship
874 प्रियकृत् ॐ प्रियकृते नमः। Om Priyakrite Namah। The Fulfiller of Desires
875 प्रीतिवर्धन ॐ प्रीतिवर्धनाय नमः। Om Pritivardhanaya Namah। The One Who Increases Joy in the Devotee’s Heart
876 विहायसगति ॐ विहायसगतये नमः। Om Vihayasagataye Namah। The One Who Travels in Space
877 ज्योति ॐ ज्योतिषे नमः। Om Jyotishe Namah। The One Who is Self-Effulgent
878 सुरुचि ॐ सुरुचये नमः। Om Suruchaye Namah। The One Who Shines Beautifully
879 हुतभुक ॐ हुतभुजे नमः। Om Hutabhuje Namah। The One Who Enjoys All that is Offered in Yajna
880 विभु ॐ विभवे नमः। Om Vibhave Namah। All-Pervading Lord
881 रवि ॐ रवये नमः। Om Ravaye Namah। The One Who Dries up Everything
882 विरोचन ॐ विरोचनाय नमः। Om Virochanaya Namah। The One Who Shines in Different Forms
883 सूर्य ॐ सूर्याय नमः। Om Suryaya Namah। The One Source From Where Everything is Born
884 सविता ॐ सवित्रे नमः। Om Savitre Namah। The One Who Brings Forth the Universe from Himself
885 रविलोचन ॐ रविलोचनाय नमः। Om Ravilochanaya Namah। The One Who has the Sun for His Eyes
886 अनन्त ॐ अनन्ताय नमः। Om Anantaya Namah। The One Who is Endless
887 हुतभुक ॐ हुतभुजे नमः। Om Hutabhuje Namah। The One Who Accepts Oblations
888 भोक्ता ॐ भोक्त्रे नमः। Om Bhoktre Namah। The One Who is the Consumer of Nature
889 सुखद ॐ सुखदाय नमः। Om Sukhadaya Namah। The Giver of Bliss to those Who are Liberated
890 नैकज ॐ नैकजाय नमः। Om Naikajaya Namah। The One Who is Born Many Times
891 अग्रज ॐ अग्रजाय नमः। Om Agrajaya Namah। The One Who is First-Born
892 अनिर्विण्ण ॐ अनिर्विण्णाय नमः। Om Anirvinnaya Namah। The One Who Feels No Disappointment
893 सदामर्षी ॐ सदामर्षिणे नमः। Om Sadamarshine Namah। The Lord Who Forgives the Mistakes Committed by His Devotees
894 लोकाधिष्ठानाम् ॐ लोकाधिष्ठानाय नमः। Om Lokadhishthanaya Namah। The One Who is the Basis of the World
895 अद्भूत ॐ अद्भूताय नमः। Om Adbhutaya Namah। The One Who is the Wonder
896 सनात् ॐ सनातनाय नमः। Om Sanatanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Beginningless and Endless Factor
897 सनातनतम ॐ सनातनतमाय नमः। Om Sanatanatamaya Namah। The One Who is Most Ancient
898 कपिल ॐ कपिलाय नमः। Om Kapilaya Namah। The Great Sage Kapila
899 कपि ॐ कपये नमः। Om Kapaye Namah। The One Who is the Sun
900 अव्यय ॐ अव्ययाय नमः। Om Avyayaya Namah। The One in Whom All Disappear During the Deluge
901 स्वस्तिद ॐ स्वस्तिदाय नमः। Om Svastidaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives All Good Things to His Devotees
902 स्वस्तिकृत् ॐ स्वस्तिकृते नमः। Om Svastikrite Namah। The Lord Who does Good
903 स्वस्ति ॐ स्वस्तये नमः। Om Svastaye Namah। The Lord Who is the Source of All Auspiciouness
904 स्वस्तिभुक ॐ स्वस्तिभुजे नमः। Om Svastibhuje Namah। The Lord Who Constantly Enjoys Auspiciousness
905 स्वस्तिदक्षिण ॐ स्वस्तिदक्षिणाय नमः। Om Svastidakshinaya Namah। The Distributor of Auspiciousness
906 अरौद्र ॐ अरौद्राय नमः। Om Araudraya Namah। The Lord Who is Never Cruel
907 कुण्डली ॐ कुण्डलिने नमः। Om Kundaline Namah। The Lord Who Wears Shining Ear Globes
908 चक्री ॐ चक्रिणे नमः। Om Chakrine Namah। The Holder of Chakra
909 विक्रमी ॐ विक्रमिणे नमः। Om Vikramine Namah। The Most Daring
910 उर्जितशासन ॐ उर्जितशासनाय नमः। Om Urjitashasanaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Firm Orders
911 शब्दातिग ॐ शब्दातिगाय नमः। Om Shabdatigaya Namah। The Lord Who Transcends All Words
912 शब्दसह ॐ शब्दसहाय नमः। Om Shabdasahaya Namah। The Lord Who Allows Himself to be Invoked by Vedic Declarations
913 शिशिर ॐ शिशिराय नमः। Om Shishiraya Namah। The Lord Who is Cool Like Winter
914 शर्वरीकर ॐ शर्वरीकराय नमः। Om Sharvarikaraya Namah। The Creator of Darkness
915 अक्रूर ॐ अक्रूराय नमः। Om Akruraya Namah। The Lord Who is not Cruel
916 पेशल ॐ पेशलाय नमः। Om Peshalaya Namah। The Lord Who is Supremely Soft
917 दक्ष ॐ दक्षाय नमः। Om Dakshaya Namah। The Lord Who is Clever
918 दक्षिण ॐ दक्षिणाय नमः। Om Dakshinaya Namah। The Most Liberal
919 क्षमिणां वर ॐ क्षमिणां वराय नमः। Om Kshaminam Varaya Namah। The One with the Greatest of Forgiving Powers
920 विद्वत्तम ॐ विद्वत्तमाय नमः। Om Vidvattamaya Namah। The Lord Who has the Greatest Wisdom
921 वीतभय ॐ वीतभयाय नमः। Om Vitabhayaya Namah। The Lord Who has No Fear
922 पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तन ॐ पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तनाय नमः। Om Punyashravanakirtanaya Namah। The Lord Who Increases Boons to Those Who Sing About Him
923 उत्तारण ॐ उत्तारणाय नमः। Om Uttaranaya Namah। The Lord Who Lifts Us Out of the Ocean of Change
924 दुष्कृतिहा ॐ दुष्कृतिघ्ने नमः। Om Dushkritighne Namah। The Destroyer of Bad Actions
925 पुण्य ॐ पुण्याय नमः। Om Punyaya Namah। The Lord Who is Supremely Pure
926 दुःस्वप्ननाशन ॐ दुस्वप्ननाशाय नमः। Om Dusvapnanashaya Namah। The Lord Who Destroys All Bad Dreams
927 वीरहा ॐ वीरघ्ने नमः। Om Viraghne Namah। The Slayer of the Valiant Foes
928 रक्षण ॐ रक्षणाय नमः। Om Rakshanaya Namah। The Protector of the Universe
929 सन्त ॐ सदभ्यो नमः। Om Sadabhyo Namah। The Lord Who is Expressed Through Saintly Men
930 जीवन ॐ जीवनाय नमः। Om Jivanaya Namah। The Life Spark in All Creatures
931 पर्यवस्थित ॐ पर्यवस्थिताय नमः। Om Paryavasthitaya Namah। The Lord Who Dwells Everywhere
932 अनन्तरूप ॐ अनन्तरूपाय नमः। Om Anantarupaya Namah। The Lord Who has Countless Forms
933 अनन्तश्री ॐ अनन्तश्रिये नमः। Om Anantashriye Namah। The Lord Full of Infinite Glories
934 जितमन्यु ॐ जितमन्यवे नमः। Om Jitamanyave Namah। The Lord Who has won over anger
935 भयापह ॐ भयापहाय नमः। Om Bhayapahaya Namah। The Lord Who Destroys All Fears
936 चतुरश्र ॐ चतुरश्राय नमः। Om Chaturashraya Namah। The Lord Who Deals Squarely
937 गभीरात्म ॐ गभीरात्मने नमः। Om Gabhiratmane Namah। The Lord of Deep and Profound Nature
938 विदिश ॐ विदिशाय नमः। Om Vidishaya Namah। The Lord Who is Unique in His Giving
939 व्यादिश ॐ व्यादिशाय नमः। Om Vyadishaya Namah। The Lord Who is Unique in His Commanding Power
940 दिश ॐ दिशाय नमः। Om Dishaya Namah। The Lord Who Advises and Gives Knowledge
941 अनादि ॐ अनादये नमः। Om Anadaye Namah। The Lord Who has No Beginning
942 भुवोभुव ॐ भुवोभुवे नमः। Om Bhuvobhuve Namah। The One Who Exists in Himself Without Any Other Support
943 लक्ष्मी ॐ लक्ष्मै नमः। Om Lakshmai Namah। The Lord Who is the Abode of All Wealth
944 सुवीर ॐ सुवीराय नमः। Om Suviraya Namah। The Lord Who Moves with Great and Divine Glories
945 रुचिराङ्गद ॐ रुचिराङ्गदाय नमः। Om Ruchirangadaya Namah। The Lord Who Wears Resplendent Shoulder Caps
946 जनन ॐ जननाय नमः। Om Jananaya Namah। The Lord Who Delivers All Living Creatures
947 जनजन्मादि ॐ जनजन्मादये नमः। Om Janajanmadaye Namah। The One Who is the Cause of the Birth of All Creatures
948 भीम ॐ भीमाय नमः। Om Bhimaya Namah। The One Who is of Fearful Form
949 भीमपराक्रम ॐ भीमपराक्रमाय नमः। Om Bhimaparakramaya Namah। The Oen Whose Prowess is Fearful to His Enemies
950 आधारनिलय ॐ आधारनिलयाय नमः। Om Adharanilayaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Fundamental Sustainer
951 अधाता ॐ धात्रे नमः। Om Dhatre Namah। The One Who has No Authority Above Him to Give Him Directions
952 पुष्पहास ॐ पुष्पहासाय नमः। Om Pushpahasaya Namah। The Lord Who Opens Like a Flower at the Time of Primal Creation
953 प्रजागर ॐ प्रजागराय नमः। Om Prajagaraya Namah। The Lord Who is Always Awake
954 ऊर्ध्वग ॐ उर्ध्वगाय नमः। Om Urdhvagaya Namah। The Lord Who is on Top of Everything
955 सद्पथाचार ॐ सत्पथाचाराय नमः। Om Satpathacharaya Namah। The Lord Who Moves Only in the Path of Truth
956 प्राणद ॐ प्राणदाय नमः। Om Pranadaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives Life to the Physical Body
957 प्रणव ॐ प्रणवाय नमः। Om Pranavaya Namah। The Lord Who is Omkara Which Denotes the Supreme Truth
958 पण ॐ पणाय नमः। Om Panaya Namah। The Supreme Universal Manager
959 प्रमाणम् ॐ प्रमाणाय नमः। Om Pramanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Basis of All Scriptures
960 प्राणनिलय ॐ प्राणनिलयाय नमः। Om Prananilayaya Namah। The Lord in Whom All Life Exists
961 प्राणभृत् ॐ प्राणभृते नमः। Om Pranabhrite Namah। The Lord Who Controls and Rules All Activities of Life
962 प्राणजीवन ॐ प्राणजीवनाय नमः। Om Pranajivanaya Namah। The Lord Who Gives the Breath of Life to the Living Creatures
963 तत्त्वं ॐ तत्त्वाय नमः। Om Tattvaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Real and Only Truth
964 तत्त्ववित् ॐ तत्त्वविदे नमः। Om Tattvavide Namah। The Lord Who Manifests as the Knowledge of the Supreme Truth
965 एकात्मा ॐ एकात्मने नमः। Om Ekatmane Namah। The Lord Who is the One and Only One Soul
966 जन्ममृत्युजरातिग ॐ जन्ममृत्युजरातिगाय नमः। Om Janmanrityujaratigaya Namah। The Lord Who has No Birth, No Death and is Not Affected by Time
967 भूर्भुव:स्वस्तरु ॐ भुर्भुवः स्वस्तरवे नमः। Om Bhurbhuvah Svastarave Namah। The Lord Who Nourishes the Tree (of Bhoo, Bhuvah and sva) of Life
968 तार ॐ ताराय नमः। Om Taraya Namah। The Lord Who Helps to Get Across the Ocean of Life
969 सविता ॐ सवित्रे नमः। Om Savitre Namah। The Father of the Universe
970 प्रपितामह ॐ प्रपितामहाय नमः। Om Prapitamahaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Great Old Grand Father of the Universe
971 यज्ञ ॐ यज्ञाय नमः। Om Yajnaya Namah। The Lord Who has the Form of Sincere and Peaceful Co-Existence
972 यज्ञपति ॐ यज्ञपतये नमः। Om Yajnapataye Namah। The Lord of All Yajnas
973 यज्वा ॐ यज्वने नमः। Om Yajvane Namah। The Lord Who Performs Yajna
974 यज्ञाङ्ग ॐ यज्ञाङ्गाय नमः। Om Yajnangaya Namah। The Lord Whose Limbs are the Things Employed in Yajna
975 यज्ञवाहन ॐ यज्ञवाहनाय नमः। Om Yajnavahanaya Namah। The Lord Who Fulfils Yajnas in Complete
976 यज्ञभृत् ॐ यज्ञभृते नमः। Om Yajnabhrite Namah। The Lord Who Accepts Yajna
977 यज्ञकृत् ॐ यज्ञकृते नमः। Om Yajnakrite Namah। The Lord Who Created Yajna
978 यज्ञी ॐ यज्ञिने नमः। Om Yajnine Namah। The Enjoyer of Yajnas
979 यज्ञभुक ॐ यज्ञभुजे नमः। Om Yajnabhuje Namah। The Receiver of All that is Offered
980 यज्ञसाधन ॐ यज्ञसाधनाय नमः। Om Yajnasadhanaya Namah। The Lord Who Fulfils All Yajnas
981 यज्ञान्तकृत् ॐ यज्ञान्तकृते नमः। Om Yajnantakrite Namah। The Lord Who Performs the Concluding Act of the Yajna
982 यज्ञगुह्यम् ॐ यज्ञगुह्याय नमः। Om Yajnaguhyaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Secret of Yajna
983 अन्नं ॐ अन्नाय नमः। Om Annaya Namah। The Lord Who is Food
984 अन्नाद ॐ अन्नादाय नमः। Om Annadaya Namah। The Lord Who Eats Food
985 आत्मयोनि ॐ आत्मयोनये नमः। Om Atmayonaye Namah। The Lord Who has No Cause or Source Except Himself
986 स्वयंजात ॐ स्वयंजाताय नमः। Om Svayanjataya Namah। The Lord Who is the Cause of His Own Birth
987 वैखान ॐ वैखानाय नमः। Om Vaikhanaya Namah। The One Who Dug the Earth as a Boar (Varaha)
988 सामगायन ॐ सामगायनाय नमः। Om Samagayanaya Namah। The One Who Chants the Sama Veda
989 देवकीनन्दन ॐ देवकीनन्दनाय नमः। Om Devakinandanaya Namah। The Lord Who is the Son of Devaki
990 सृष्टा ॐ स्रष्ट्रे नमः। Om Srashtre Namah। The One Who Creates the World
991 क्षितीश ॐ क्षितीशाय नमः। Om Kshitishaya Namah। The Lord of the Earth
992 पापनाशन ॐ पापनाशनाय नमः। Om Papanashanaya Namah। Destroyer of All Sins
993 शङ्खभृत् ॐ शंखभृते नमः। Om Shankhabhrite Namah। The Lord Who Carries and Blows the Shell Named ‘Panchajanya’
994 नन्दकी ॐ नन्दकिने नमः। Om Nandakine Namah। The Lord Who Holds the ‘Nandaka’ Sword
995 चक्री ॐ चक्रिणे नमः। Om Chakrine Namah। The Lord Who Carries the Wheel Called Sudarshana
996 शार्ङ्गधन्वा ॐ शार्ङ्गधन्वने नमः। Om Sharngadhanvane Namah। The Lord Who has the Bow Called Saranga
997 गदाधर ॐ गदाधराय नमः। Om Gadadharaya Namah। The Lord Who has a Mace Called Kaumodaki
998 रथाङ्गपाणि ॐ रथाङ्गपाणये नमः। Om Rathangapanaye Namah। The Lord Who Keeps the Wheel called Sudarshana in his Hand
999 अक्षोभ्य ॐ अक्षोभ्याय नमः। Om Akshobhyaya Namah। The Lord Who Cannot be Annoyed by Anyone
1000 सर्वप्रहरणायुध ॐ सर्वप्रहरणायुधाय नमः। Om Sarvapraharanayudhaya Namah। The Lord Who has All Implements for All Kinds of Assault and Fight

Meditation on Vishnu Sahasranamam involves the recitation or listening of these 1,000 names with focused attention. By chanting or listening, you align yourself with the divine attributes of Vishnu, fostering inner peace and spiritual connection. The practice typically begins with a moment of relaxation, followed by the rhythmic recitation of the names, and concludes with silent reflection and gratitude. This meditation helps you cultivate a deeper sense of devotion, balance, and protection in your life.