The 7 Chakras: Significance, Meanings, Colors, Mantras and Powers

There are 114 chakras in the human body. Most of you have only heard of the 7 basic chakras. They are very important, but not sufficient. To work with chakra healing and balancing, you must know all your 114 chakras rather than just the seven chakras.

The 114 chakras work in a hierarchical network. If you want to work with the chakra system, you must know the specific names, locations, and functions of the 114 chakras. The 114 chakras work in a sequential way. You must know the specific path and sequence of awakening the 114 chakras.

You also need to identify the chakras which are active and the chakras which are inactive in your mind-body energy system. In our Ray 114 Chakras advanced meditation course, we cover the details of the 114 chakras, with Sanskrit names, English names, location maps, and functions. 

What are the 7 chakras

In this guide, you will get the details of the 7 basic chakras and their limitations.  Here, you will learn the basic colors, mantras, meanings, foods, stones, names, locations, and functions of the 7 chakras. The chakras are like flowers, each of which has a specific number of petals. Moreover, each petal vibrates at a specific healing frequency.

“At any given moment, each of your 114 chakras is making a tiny magnetic field around you. Your job is to align your 114 chakras with the cosmos and manifest your dreams.” – Sri Guru Amit Ray

What’s great about this post is that you will actually know how to implement the meanings of the seven chakras in your life, which can work for you. Chakra balancing has several benefits. It can improve your total health, intelligence, spiritual experiences, and emotional stability.

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Chakras Meanings

Chakra in Sanskrit means “spinning wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your energy bodies. These energy centers are primarily associated with your mental energy, emotional energy, and intellectual energy. Each chakra  vibrates with a special frequency. If your chakras are not vibrating at the optimal frequencies, they can create problems. However, you can unblock the chakras and activate them with mantras, breathing exercises,  and meditations. 

Just as our thoughts are not visible, the chakras are not visible to ordinary eyes. However, they are visible to spiritual eyes, and they have a direct influence on your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Maintaining proper chakra colors and chakra food habits can improve your emotional stability, and health. Balancing and purifying the 114 chakras is important for past life karma clearing.

The seven chakras are the basic blueprint for your mental and emotional behaviour. The 114 chakras give the total map; they work together to shape your behaviour and healing power. Almost everyone has different information in their chakras, which gives diversity to how people think and act.

What are the Chakras?

There are a lot of ways to understand chakras. Some people think they are just energy vortexes. But in reality, the chakras are divine personalities not just energy centers. 

Each chakra is a self-organized intelligent agent. How many chakras are there? There are total 114 chakras in human body, each has a specific name, meaning, personality, and activation mantra. Each chakra rotates in a particular direction, at specific speed. The direction of the rotation changes at an average interval of 160 minutes.

The speed of the chakras gives the mental and physical strengths. Moreover, if the rotational speed of a chakra is high, then the chakra is overactive. However, if the rotational speed of the chakra is low, it is underactive. Through special meditations and exercises you can control the rotational speeds of the chakras and get the best results for your mind, body and spirit. 

The 114 Chakras Healing and Balancing

The 114 Chakras Healing and Balancing

Power of the Chakras

Chakras have the healing power. Chakras have control over every aspect of your body, behavior, personality, and thoughts. The 114 chakras provide seven types of intelligence to your mind-body system. The seven types of chakra intelligences are:

  1. Bodily Intelligence
  2. General Intelligence 
  3. Linguistic intelligence
  4. Social Intelligence
  5. Emotional Intelligence
  6. Political Intelligence, and
  7. Spiritual Intelligence. 

The degree of intelligence varies based on the locations of the 114 chakras. The 7 chakras framework is the most basic form of the chakra systems.

In 2005, Sri Amit Ray discovered the 114 chakras in human body, in his deep meditation at Himalaya. The Ray 114 chakras are the most advanced form of chakra system. 

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The 114 Chakras list Online course

What are the 112 chakras

The 112 chakras are located within the body; they are linked to your thoughts, emotions, intelligence, concentration, focus, leadership, and physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. The other two chakras of the total 114 chakras are located above your head and connected to the higher spiritual dimensions.

Scientifically speaking, the 112 chakras are sophisticated quantum information processing centers. They exchange information within the body and with the higher realms. They use superposition states of photons or atoms to process, store, and transmit data between different areas of the brain, the rest of the body, and the higher worlds.

Scientists hope that by understanding more about the neuroscience and the neuropsychology [6] of the 112 chakras can develop new treatments, and possibly even cures, for brain diseases and many other disorders that affect the lives of millions . 

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Know your 7 Chakras

It has been used in India for thousands of years. Recently, science has started backing the traditional claims that chakras are helpful for your stress control, emotion management and neuropsychology, and immunity enhancement. These energy points spin like vortexes, pulling the universal energies to your most inner energy bodies. They are useful to bring order and harmony in your physical, psychological, metaphysical and mental systems in and around the body.

There are many major and minor chakras known to us but the seven chakras are most popular. The energies of the chakras range from dense to subtle as we move along upward through the spine. The lowest and most dense and gross level of energy being the Root Chakra at at the base of the spine and the most subtle and refined energy being that of the Crown Chakra, on top of the head. 

Functions of the 7 Chakras

The names and functions of the seven chakras are as follows:

  • Root chakra (Muladhara): safety, security, stress, fear, diversity and inclusion.
  • Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana): teamwork, staying together, abundance, satisfaction, wellbeing, connections with others. 
  • Solar plexus chakra (Manipura): confidence, self-esteem, self-love, anger management, power, independence, and stability.
  • Heart chakra (Anahata): emotional intelligence, leadership, respect, vitality, joy, peace.
  • Throat chakra (Vishuddha): communication and co-ordination, speaking up, processing ideas, self-expression, creativity.
  • Third eye chakra (Ajna): planning and execution, intelligence, goal setting, ethics, integrity, awareness, intuition.
  • Crown chakra (Sahasrara): higher visions, higher purpose, and sense of direction.

Chakra Colors

There are three basic types of chakra colors red, green and blue. They are related to hormone and behavior controller, thought and intelligence controller, and vision and spiritual controller respectively. Accordingly, the chakras are classified in the three groups:

  1. Red chakras – mainly associated with the physical body and hormones.
  2. Green chakras – associated with emotions and thoughts.
  3. Blue chakras  – associated with vision, planning and spirituality.

RGB (red, green, and blue) concepts of the chakras refers to a system for representing the various combinations of hormonal, emotional, and spiritual states of body, mind and spirit. With the RGB concepts of the chakras, it is very easy to understand the deeper layers of the chakras in mental dimensions. 

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The 114 Chakras list Online course

What Are The 7 Chakra Colors?

The seven chakra colors are the same as the rainbow colors in hues and order.

  • Muladhara, the Root Chakra: Color Red.
  • Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra: Color Orange.
  • Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra: Color Yellow.
  • Anahata, the Heart Chakra: Color Green.
  • Vishuddi, the Throat Chakra: Color Blue.
  • Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra: Color Indigo.
  • Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra: Color Purple/Violet

Locations of the 7 Chakras

Chakras are the energy centers of the body. The seven main chakras are located in the astral body, along the spine, starting at its base and running upwards to the crown. The 7 chakras are located in the in the spine, forehead and in the top of the head. The specific locations are as follows:

  1. Root chakra (Muladhara): At the pelvic floor and the base of the spine.
  2. Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana): Three inches below the navel.
  3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura): Navel area below the rib cage.
  4. Heart chakra (Anahata): Near the center of the chest.
  5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha): Throat area.
  6. Third eye chakra (Ajna): Middle of the Forehead.
  7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara): Half inside head and other half above the skull.

Mantras of the 7 chakras

Dr. Ray discovered the 114 mantras for the 114 chakras. Researchers observed that mantra chanting can quieten fears and transcend the mind, thereby helping individuals to cope with hardship [3].  The common mantras of the 7 chakras are: LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM, OM, and Silence. The chakra specific mantras are as follows:

  1. Root Chakra – Root – Muladhara – Red – Earth – LAM.
  2. Sacral Chakra – Sacrum – Swadhisthana – Orange – Water – VAM.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Navel – Manipura – Yellow – Fire – RAM.
  4. Heart Chakra – Heart – Anahata – Green – Air – YAM.
  5. Throat Chakra – Throat – Vishuddha – Light Blue – Space – HAM.
  6. Third Eye Chakra – Brow – Ajna – Indigo – Transcendent – OM.
  7. Crown Chakra – Top of Head – Sahasrara – Purple – Oneness – Silence.

Stones for the 7 chakras

In this section, you will learn about healing stones and crystals and how they correspond to the chakras. You can use these chakra crystals to activate and balance your chakras. The primary crystals of the 7 chakras are: black tourmaline,  orange calcite, citrine, rose quartz, angelite, amethyst, and clear quartz respectively

Chakra stones correspond to the seven energy centers of the body: Black Tourmaline (Root Chakra), Orange Calcite(Sacral Chakra), Golden Quartz, Tigers eye (Solar Plexus), Green Aventurine (Heart Chakra), Lapis Lazuli (Throat Chakra), Amethyst (Third Eye), Clear Quartz(Crown chakra). The list of the chakra stones:

  1. Root Chakra – shungite, black tourmaline.
  2. Sacral Chakra – orange calcite, carnelian.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – tigers eye, citrine.
  4. Heart Chakra – rose quartz, noble green serpentine.
  5. Throat Chakra – angelite, lapis lazuli.
  6. Third Eye Chakra – amethyst, sodalite.
  7. Crown Chakra – clear quartz, selenite, lepidolite.
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The 114 Chakras list Online course

Foods for the 7 chakras

You may know that the color of your food can keep your chakras healthy and balanced. For example, red foods with a strong red pigment can help recharge and balance your root chakra. The foods linked to the 7 chakras include:

  1. Root chakra (Muladhara): beets, parsnips, turnips and radishes.
  2. Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana): orange, carrots, pumpkin.
  3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura): bean soups, yellow split peas, quinoa.
  4. Heart chakra (Anahata): avocado, brussels sprouts.
  5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha): watermelon, cucumbers.
  6. Third eye chakra (Ajna): grapes, eggplant, raisins, purple kale, purple cauliflower.
  7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara): pears, coconut, cabbage, and white bean. 
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Spiritual Vision and Higher World Astral Travel

Frequencies of the 7 chakras

Each chakra rotates at a specific frequency and speed. Human ears are sensitive for frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz. The highest sensitivity in the frequency range used for processing speech signals (200 Hz to 5,000 Hz) [1]. The Solfeggio Frequencies are related to healing and meditation.  These frequencies were chanted by the ancient Gregorian Monks.

Some people believe that the Solfeggio frequencies have positive healing effects on body and mind. These frequencies resonate in harmony with the Schumann resonance of 8 Hz. The Solfeggio frequencies are derived by starting at 8Hz and working up the musical scale octave by octave until the C note is vibrating at the 256 Hz frequency and the A note is vibrating at 432 Hz. The 7 chakras frequencies are: 

  1. Root Chakra – Root – Muladhara – Red – 432 Hz.
  2. Sacral Chakra – Sacrum – Swadhisthana – Orange – 480 Hz.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Naval – Manipura – Yellow – 528 Hz.
  4. Heart Chakra – Heart – Anahata – Green – 594 Hz.
  5. Throat Chakra – Throat – Vishuddha – Light Blue – 672 Hz.
  6. Third Eye Chakra – Brow – Ajna – Indigo – 720 Hz.
  7. Crown Chakra – Top of Head – Sahasrara – Purple – 768 Hz.

For example, evidence-based research suggests that music therapy for over 60 minutes per week is the most effective intervention to alleviate depression and anxiety in older adults [8]. Proper music can bring harmony and balance to the 114 chakras. 

Animals of the chakras

There is a symbolic animal linked to each chakra. They represent the qualities of the energy in the chakra. The associated animals with the 7 chakras are as follows: 

  1. Root Chakra: Elephant
  2. Sacral Chakra: Crocodile
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra: Ram
  4. Heart Chakra: Antelope, Deer or Dove
  5. Throat Chakra: White Elephant with 7 trunks
  6. Third Eye Chakra: White Swan
  7. Crown Chakra: Great Swan

Mudras of the 7 chakras

Mudras indicate a gesture with hands, eyes, and the body. Different formations of the joining of fingertips are also termed mudra. They are used in yoga specialists for energy manipulation and for harmony and healing applications [3].  The hand mudras for the primary chakras are as follows:

  1. Root Chakra: The Muladhara Mudra
  2. Sacral Chakra: The Shakti Mudra
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra: The Rudra Mudra
  4. Heart Chakra: The Padma Mudra
  5. Throat Chakra: The Granthita Mudra
  6. Third-Eye Chakra: The Mudra of the Great Head
  7. Crown Chakra: The Mudra of A Thousand Petals

Limitations of the 7 chakras

The key differences between the 7 chakra system and the 114 chakra system are as follows.

  1. The 7 chakra system follows a non-hierarchical linear model and the meditator is totally ignorant about the movement of the subtle energies in the internal organs, brain, hands and the legs.
  2. The Ray 114 chakra system follows a hierarchical subtle energy network model. Moreover, the meditator is totally aware about the movement of the subtle energies in the internal organs, brain, hands and the legs.
  3. The 7 chakra system has almost minimum link with the 72000 Nadis or the energy channels. The Ray 114 chakra system has a deep connections with the 72000 Nadis.
  4. Often the 7 Chakra based Kundalini Awakening system suffered from imbalances and energy leakages. The 114 Chakra based Kundalini Awakening system is very peaceful and balanced.
  5. The 7 chakra exercises has many energy leakages. However, the 114 chakra system has minimum chances of energy leakage.
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Chakra balancing and your health

There are 114 chakras in human body. Your emotions, thoughts, and feelings reside in the chakras, just as much as they do in the body and mind. The 7 chakras are also associated with the neurotransmitters of your body.  By mobilizing the energies of the chakras,  you can directly or indirectly improve your physiological and psychological health. Chakra balancing can enhance your immunity.

The Chakras are energy hubs in the body.  Human body have an internal biological clock [2]. The chakras are associated with this internal clock.

When you become aware of the chakra and mind relations, you can break up old patterns in the physical tissue, the mind, and the emotions. Moreover, you will feel an overall body and mind healing, bringing a holistic state of health.

Chakras can help you in many ways. Chakra based leadership skill improvement techniques are very effective to improve your emotional intelligence, and leadership qualities.

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How to unblock the chakras

The easy way to unblock and promote balance in a chakra is to create alignment in your mind and body through: 

  • yoga exercises
  • breathing practices to encourage the flow of energy
  • self-awareness
  • meditation to bring about peace of mind
  • aura cleansing meditation
  • Ayurveda herbs
  • listening relaxation music.
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Yoga exercises help to balance chakras and open energy channels (nadis), promoting overall wellness. Modern research has also demonstrated how important exercise is in reducing coronary and cardiovascular disorders [9]. The emphasis of this synergy is on a holistic approach to health, fusing conventional wisdom with newer ideas.

Benefits of chakra activation and balancing

  1. Proper chakra meditation and yoga exercises release Stress, Trauma, Guilt, Fear, and other negative energies.
  2. Chakra energy center activation and purification can develop your Self-awareness, self control, and emotional intelligence.
  3. The mind body connections can improve your delegation, empowerment, listening and communication skills.
  4. Chakra and nadi balancing can improve your team building, adaptability and positive mindset.
  5. Energy channel blockages can improve your Social Intelligence and conflict management skills.
  6. Chakra and nadi activations can improve your resilience, goal setting, empathy and mental clarity skills.

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Raising your vibration frequency high

Proper chakra meditation can raise your vibration frequency. The high vibrations of the chakras can give you certain degrees of extra sensory perception or physic abilities. The law of chakra vibration can activate the Law of Attraction and manifest your dreams. There are seven types of electromagnetic waves: radio waves, microwaves, infrared (IR), visible light, ultraviolet (UV), X-rays, and gamma rays. The law of chakra vibration works in these seven zones. Depending on your needs, you need to activate the chakras and the respective electromagnetic waves. 

Researchers observed that, on one hand, these electromagnetic waves provide immeasurable benefits; on the other hand, they may pose possible risks [3] [4]. Your emotions have a specific frequency that they resonate at.  Such as fear, humiliation, guilt, doubts, and cravings are examples of low-vibrational emotions. You will have a highly contracting life experience as a result of these negative emotions. To overcome these negative low vibrations you need to activate the higher positive vibration chakras. 

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Leadership Development Master Course – Learn the 21 Leadership Chakras and the Nadis

Leaky chakra syndrome

If you are excessively working only on the 7 main chakras in the body and ignoring all the other 107 chakras, it can create imbalances and many energy leakages. Leaky chakra syndrome is a “condition” that occurs when your energy in some chakras are excessively open.

Symptoms of a leaky chakra syndrome can include:

  • Excessive emotional reactivity.
  • In public places, you get emotionally overwhelmed frequently.
  • Having muscle weakness and tremors. 
  • Experiencing anxiety, irritability and nervousness.
  • Having trouble sleeping.
  • Losing or gaining excessive weight.
  • Experiencing forgetfulness.
  • Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body.
  • Feeling sensitive to heat.
  • Overwhelming fatigue.
  • Having vision problems or eye irritation.

You can get rid of the leaky chakra syndrome by balancing all the 114 chakras in the body.

Chakras and the Kundalini Syndrome

Kundalini is the dormant cosmic energy that is within everyone, waiting to sprout. Kundalini is described as a goddess or a sleeping serpent ready to be awakened, resting “coiled potential energy” at the base of the spine near the root chakra area. Working excessively only on the 7 main chakras in the body while ignoring the other 107 chakras can disturb the serpent’s sleep unnaturally. Then the disturbed kundalini generates a tremendous amount of heat in the body. Unnatural awakening of Kundalini with the 7 chakras can disturb the functions of the organs and the glands.

Without prior cleansing of the 72000 nadis and balancing the 114 chakras, it is not only difficult to raise the serpent power (kundalini-shakti) along the spinal pathway but also very dangerous to attempt to do so.

Kundalini syndrome is a “condition” that occurs when your sleeping serpent power is disturbed and awakens incorrectly.  

Symptoms of a kundalini syndrome can include:

  • Intense heat or cold
  • Involuntary bodily movements: jerking, tremors, shaking
  • Headaches, pressures within the skull
  • Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest
  • Digestive system problems
  • Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms
  • Extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue
  • Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating.

When the kundalini awakening is perfect, your body becomes harmonious and beautiful, and emits a pleasant scent, while the voice becomes resonant and your appetite increases. If you have Kundalini syndrome, you need to take a break from your spiritual practice, especially if it involves mantra chanting or traditional 7-chakra meditations. You need to readjust, heal and balance all the 114 chakras in the body. You need to change your mantra system, yoga protocols, breathing techniques, and food system. 

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The 114 Chakras Online course


What are the 7 Chakras

The details of the 7 chakras are as follows:

1. Crown Chakra

  • Position: Top of the head
  • Associated with: Your most direct connection to divine oneness and higher self.
  • Balanced: You commune with divine oneness and receive an understanding of who you are and the mystery of the universe.
  • Imbalanced: Depression or a loss of faith.
  • Color: Violet
  • Mudra: Thousand Petals Mudra

2. Third Eye Chakra

  • Position: Between your eyes
  • Associated with: Allowing you to see both inside yourself and beyond yourself
  • Balanced: Awareness and a truthful vision, which comes from universal knowing
  • Imbalanced: Headaches, migraines, nightmares or eye problems
  • Color: Indigo
  • Mudra: Great Head Mudra

3. Throat Chakra

  • Position: Throat
  • Associated with: Your power of self-expression and creativity.
  • Balanced: You express and share your truth and inspiration.
  • Imbalanced: A sore throat, nervousness, irritated sinuses, thyroid problems, teeth and gum problems, TMJ, jaw pain.
  • Color: Blue
  • Mudra: The Granthita Mudra

4. Heart Chakra

  • Position: Center of chest, just above the heart
  • Associated with: The seat of your beautiful soul.
  • Balanced: You bring forth the essence of your spirit into existence. Love is all we are. It’s in our inherent nature. Love holds the source of divine wisdom.
  • Imbalanced: We lose sight of beauty, empathy, love, and compassion for others and ourselves.
  • Color: Green
  • Mudra: The Padma Mudra

5. Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Position: Your abdomen, above your belly button.
  • Associated with: Holding your will and your power to create in this world.
  • Balanced: You have inner strength, strong instincts, and gut feelings.
  • Imbalanced: Poor memory and concentration or stress.
  • Color: Yellow
  • Mudra: The Rudra Mudra

6. Sacral Chakra

  • Position: Lower abdomen, around 5 centimeters below your belly button.
  • Associated with: The seat of all your creativity, feelings, sexuality and sensuality.
  • Balanced: The ultimate union of body, soul and the divine occurs.
  • Imbalanced: Eating disorders, low self-esteem, addictions, no sex drive and dependency issues.
  • Color: Orange.
  • Mudra: The Shakti Mudra

7. Muladhara Chakra or the Root Chakra

  • Position: At the base of the spine/pelvic floor.
  • Associated with: Security, safety, health and vitality of your physical body.
  • Balanced: You feel safe and function in this world.
  • Imbalanced: Feeling abandoned, depressed, anxious and addictions.
  • Color: Red
  • Mudra: The Muladhara Mudra


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The 114 Chakras Online course


In conclusion, we discussed the meanings of the seven chakras. Meditating upon the energy of the chakras help activate the related chakra and balance your five energy bodies. 

There are many ways you can balance and heal your chakras. First, you focus only on the 7 chakras and understand the meanings, locations and colors of the chakras. Then you go for the advanced 114 chakras. 

But, remember that balancing all the chakras needs time. Building any real, successful healing, balancing and creative intelligence takes time, effort and focus.

Nurturing your spiritual chakras, diligently working on creating and producing quality spiritual and higher divine experiences –all of these tasks require a significant amount of time and focus. 

The 7 chakras framework provides basic tools needed to build deeper meditation models for elevating your consciousness from lower levels to higher levels.  

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