Viraja River is a spiritual concept of ancient India. Sri Amit Ray explained how one can transcended the flow of time or arrow of time and enter into the zone of timelessness. He explained it, in the light of modern spirituality and modern quantum physics and modern cosmology.
From my childhood, I heard many stories about the Viraja River. My mother use to say, if one's mind is in perfect equilibrium and emerged into the deep cosmic God consciousness, one would cross the Viraja river even while living in this world. Later I realized the Viraja river can be crossed in deep samadhi especially through deep Om viraja kriya meditation. Through special deep meditation Om Prana Kriya and Om Viraja Kriya meditation one can cross the cosmic mystical Viraja River.
Modern Physics and the Viraja River
Recently, I was reading some articles on how quantum computing can reverse the arrow of time published in the Journal of Physical Review. Viraja River is the ancient concept of Timeless Universe. The researchers of the quantum physics said that the the arrow of time is not an absolute concept; it strongly depends on the choice of initial conditions — so it’s relative. Viraja River is the river of timelessness because time does not exist at the other bank of the cosmic river.
Modern physics suggests that we can look at the entire history of the universe as a single four-dimensional thing. If you were to stand outside the universe—outside both space and time—and look at your own life, you would see your birth, your death and every moment in between laid out as distinct points. From this angle, time does not flow, but is static and fixed.
Viraja River is the boundary between the material dimension of time and the spiritual dimension of timelessness. In deep meditation or after death the souls that exist on the material side of the Viraja are eternally conditioned, and the souls on the spiritual side are eternally liberated. Crossing Viraja river is going outside both time and space. On the other side of the Viraja river is the zone of eternal bliss and light.