
“Da Da Da”: The Timeless Wisdom of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

The Upanishads, ancient philosophical scriptures forming the core of Indian spiritual thought, have been guiding seekers of truth for millennia. Among them, the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad stands as one of the oldest and most profound. It addresses fundamental questions about the nature of reality, the self, and ethics. One of the most celebrated sections of this Upanishad is the teaching commonly referred to as the “Da Da Da” or the Triple… Read More »“Da Da Da”: The Timeless Wisdom of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Maya and Vidya: The Dance of Illusion, Knowledge and Enlightenment

The concepts of Maya and Vidya have been central to the spiritual and philosophical discourse of many ancient traditions, particularly in the Vedantic and Tantric schools of thought. These two opposing forces shape the nature of reality as perceived by human beings: while Māyā, or illusion, blinds us to the truth, Vidyā, or knowledge, helps us see beyond the illusory nature of the world and reveals the ultimate truth. This duality forms… Read More »Maya and Vidya: The Dance of Illusion, Knowledge and Enlightenment

The Sama Veda Mantra Chanting: Melody and Rhythms

The Sama Veda is one of the four Vedas, ancient sacred texts of Hinduism. The word “Sama” itself means “song” or “melody,” highlighting the musical nature of this Veda. The key aspect of the Sama Veda is the Sapta svara and its association with awakening the seven chakras in the human body. The Samaveda is known as the Veda of melodies and chants. These melodies of vedic manta chanting often akwaen and balance some of your 114 chakras

The word Sar means to go or to move softly, and the word Svara or Swara means to go faster and in a rhythmic style. By emphasizing seven notes (Sapta svara), rhythmic cycles, and accentuations, it transforms ritualistic recitation into an aesthetic experience.

The Sama Veda Mantra Chanting Melody and Rhythms

The Sama Veda Mantra Chanting Melody and Rhythms

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Ray 35 Upanishadic Meditations Master Course

This 9-week Upanisadic meditation course is designed to assist you on your deep spiritual journey. The Upanishads are the most ancient literature of meditation. Understanding and applying them to your life will help you choose between listening to your ego’s voice and learning to listen to the voice of your divine higher Self The goal of this course is to spread the TRUE teachings of the Upanishads in their entirety,… Read More »Ray 35 Upanishadic Meditations Master Course