Amit ray teachings

Shreya (Long Term) vs Preya (Short Term) Fulfillment: The Art of Happy Living

Shreya vs Preya: The Art of Happy Living

Here, Sri Amit Ray talks about the wisdom of “shreya vs preya” – the art of happy living in the path of long term fulfillment versus short term pleasure. He explains how skillful behavior patterns can directed us towards Shreya, which brings joy, happiness, love and trust in life.

Our true nature is divine and eternal. Our true purpose of life is to awaken and realize that permanent divinity that is within us. However, in human life there are positive emotions like: joy, trust, happiness and love. There are negative emotions like: anger, fear, anxiety, depression, worry, grief and mistrust. Life is a dynamics of these two types of emotions. How to find the higher purpose and true meanings of life in the midst of these negative turmoils of life is the eternal question. 

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Day 6: Twelve Important Lessons of Life

You need to experience life in order to learn the lessons. Here are twelve important life lessons that have stood the test of time. If you practice them regularly, you don’t need to learn them in a hard way.

Open the window of your mind. Allow the fresh air, new lights and new truths to enter. — Amit Ray

Five lessons to come out from the negative situations of life:

1. Help others and Bring more Meaning to Life

Try to help others that will bring more meanings to your life. If you think you are trapped in one negative situation of life, helping others will bring you out from the negative situations of life.

2. Life is to Radiate positive vibrations:

Kindness has no religionYou need to go back and understand the big picture of your life. Focus your energy to fulfill the the dreams of your life. Life is larger than your job.

3. Rebuild Life from Inside:

You need to stand up and look for joy in everything. If you are broken from the inside, you need to repair it from the inside.

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How To Meditate to Improve Creativity

“Meditation is a creative art. Meditation works in many layers and in many ways in our personality.  Meditation works in our genes, in our DNA.” – Amit Ray

Meditation Art“Meditation works in many layers and in many ways in our personality. 

Meditation works in our genes, in our DNA. Meditation releases blocked energy from the physical, mental and emotional bodies. 

Meditation is a creative art. Great paintings, great sculptures and great discoveries of science are the products of deep meditation. Read More »How To Meditate to Improve Creativity