Artificial Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence Issues and Challenges

    Currently, deep learning modules of AI based systems lacks the emotional aspects of human intelligence. However, to fix the subjective issues like relationship, depression, anxiety and emotional issues future artificial intelligence based  systems like cyborgs require deep emotional intelligence modules.   AI is expanding and evolving itself in many technological fronts. It is not only limited by Deep learning algorithms, but expanding its horizons in deeper levels of human consciousness. Modern AI is tremendously successful for pattern recognition, voice recognition, face identification and machine learning. Self-driven cars are already on road in testing phase.  But, in today's world AI is more needed in dealing with emotions like anger, impatience, disappointment, frustration, surprise, happiness, and gratitude. This article covers the scope, issues and challenges of AI for building emotional intelligence.

    Need for Combining Artificial Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence

    Human emotion is deeply associated with motivation, decision, evaluation, learning, character, intelligence, desires, and awareness. Thus, nearly all human psychological activities are subject to emotional influences and excitation. Self-awareness is the significance of the mental activities of a human being. Therefore, it should be one of the core ideas of AI with emotional intelligence.

    Some researchers claims that emotional intelligence accounts for 75 percent of a person's success and perhaps that will be more true for the success of future artificial intelligence based cyborgs and other systems. -- Amit Ray 

    Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to recognize, understand and manage one’s own emotions and to recognize and influence the emotion of others. Obviously, emotional intelligence separates us from the machines. It includes the ability to identify emotions, to recognize their powerful effects, and to use that information to inform and guide behavior. Emotional intelligence includes the ability to influence--to evoke strong emotions in others, with a view to persuading or motivating them. It is more about focusing hard on both the person in front of you and your own emotions and reactions. 

    What is artificial emotional intelligence?

    Artificial emotional intelligence is the ability of the machine to recognize human emotions and then respond appropriately. The recognition and understanding of human emotions is crucial for AI systems to behave in appropriate ways according to the situation and smoothly integrate with all the different aspects of human life.  Currently, smartphones are used to allow voice assistants, like the iPhone’s Siri, to recognize and respond to user emotional concerns with appropriate information and supportive resources.

    Strategies for Artificial Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence

    Presently, AI is increasingly dependent on cloud computing, IoT and big data. Our goal is to model the range of higher human emotions, as well as their dynamics.  There are different frameworks, libraries, applications, toolkits, and datasets in the AI and machine learning world. By creating a direct neural interface with the Internet, humankind will be able to “plug into”  higher intelligence. The five components of AI with emotional intelligence are as follows; deep learning, self-awareness, safety and ethics, external awareness and big data collection and processing modules. Emotions  are essential part of human intelligence. Without emotional intelligence, AI is incomplete. Developing self-awareness of the machine is the first challenge of true AI based systems. 


    Artificial Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence Issues and Challenges


    Using artificial intelligence advances with emotional intelligence, there are several potential barriers to be addressed:

    1. Privacy: Many people feel their emotions are private, and concerns about violations of privacy is genuine. Protective legislation will need to expand to include risks associated with AI, specifically the collection, storage, transfer and use of confidential health information.
    2. Accuracy: AI accuracy in correctly determining emotional intent will need to be confirmed, specifically in regards to system biases or errors, before labeling a person as high or low emotional.
    3. Safety: It is essential to ensure AI programs can appropriately respond to human users, so as to not worsen their emotional state or accidentally facilitate adverse situation.
    4. Responsibility: Response protocols are needed on how to properly handle high risk cases that are flagged by AI technology, and what to do if AI risk assessments differ from human experts opinion.
    5. Lack of understanding: There is a knowledge gap among key users on how AI technology fits into emotional understanding. More education on the topic is needed to address this.


    The criteria for what constitutes an artificial intelligent system has been shifted. Now developing emotional intelligence is one of the primary concern for AI research.  As technology is increasingly applied to situations where it must interact with human emotionally and intelligently. The most widely addressed area of research in automated emotion recognition, and where there has been the most progress, is the recognition of facial expressions. Physiological information has been shown to carry information that changes with different emotions. Handling of emotions, in others as well as in oneself, involves emotional intelligence. Integration of AI with emotional intelligence systems are expected to work alongside humans. The five components AI with emotional framework can provide some guidance in addressing this problem.


    1. Compassionate Artificial Superintelligence (AI-5.0) By Dr. Amit Ray, Inner Light Publishers, 2018. 

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