
Reticular Activating System for Manifestation and Visualization

How to use the Reticular Activating System part of the brain to improve your manifestation power? Sri Amit Ray talks about the techniques to purify and reprogram your reticular activating system for effective visualization and manifestation.

In this article, we explain how to reprogram your reticular activating system effectively to manifest your dreams.

Success in manifestation and Law of attraction needs clear vision, unshakable determination, and persistent smart work. Smart work means working efficiently with innovative ideas. However, smart work alone is not sufficient, you need to align with higher consciousness. You need to keep your focus consistently on your higher goals. To keep your focus consistently on your higher goals, you need purification of your reticular activating system. 

Here, we discussed the 7 techniques to purify the reticular activating system for higher manifestations.

Reticular Activating System for Manifestation Sri Amit Ray Teachings

Reticular Activating System for Manifestation

Your reticular activating system part of the brain can improve your manifestation and visualization power with mantra and exercises. Before deep-diving into the roles of RAS in manifestation of your dreams, let’s first understand Reticular Activating System in brief.Read More »Reticular Activating System for Manifestation and Visualization

Seven Scientific Benefits of Om Chanting

Seven Scientific Benefits of Om Chanting

Here, Sri Amit Ray explains the scientific aspects of om chanting benefits.

Om chanting is a disciplined and  flexible process to remove tension, anxiety,  fear, depressions, and negativity from life.  It can bring positivity to your life like courage, focus, concentration, happiness, and joy, effortlessly. It can improve your state (short term) as well as trait (long term) health, happiness, joy and well-being. 

Om chanting is a series of step-by-step process. It is a scientific art but it should be learnt properly to get its benefits. Systematic guided Om chanting can change your emotional reactions and responses to external stimuli and internal experiences in a positive way. It can enhance your efficiency, calmness, tranquility, and mental clarity.

Dr. Ray explains how low frequency Om chanting can reduce our daily stress, strain, anxiety and tensions. Om chanting is effective for stress management.  Under various pressure conditions such as before examination, before public speaking, before important sports events and during critical challenges of life Om chanting can enhance confidence and eliminate stress and anxiety.  Om chanting improves the connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex, which is the key component for relaxation, stress control and better decision making. 

Seven Benefits of Om Chanting

Low frequency seven step deep Om chanting increases gamma wave in the brain. The gamma brain waves are known as “feeling of blessings”.  The seven step deep Om chanting and meditation is supposed to be practiced for 20 minutes, two times per day. Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins are the four key hormones generated in the body during low frequency Om meditation and these four hormones have huge impact on regulating both state anxiety as well as trait anxiety.

“As flowers increases the sweetness of the Honey by hearing the humming sounds of the bees, Om chanting increases the sweetness of life.” — Amit Ray

Read More »Seven Scientific Benefits of Om Chanting

Impact of Om Chanting for Stress Reduction and Stress Control

Impact of Om Chanting for Stress Management

Here, Sri Amit Ray explains how Om Chanting can improve our state (short term) and trait (long term) stress management.  Om chanting changes our emotional reactions and responses to external stimuli and internal experiences in a positive way.

Dr. Ray explains how low frequency Om chanting can reduce our daily stress, strain, anxiety and tensions.  Under various pressure conditions such as before examination, before public speaking, before important sports events and during critical challenges of life Om chanting can enhance confidence and eliminate stress and anxiety.  Om chanting improves the connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex is the key to stress control. 

Seven Benefits of Om Chanting

Low frequency seven step deep Om chanting increases gamma wave in the brain. The gamma brain waves are known as “feeling of blessings”.  The seven step deep Om chanting and meditation is supposed to be practiced for 20 minutes, two times per day. Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins are the four key hormones generated in the body during low frequency Om meditation and these four hormones have huge impact on regulating both state anxiety as well as trait anxiety. Om chanting is not simple. It is a series of step-by-step process. Om chanting is a scientific art but it should be learnt properly to get its benefits. The seven main benefits of Om chanting are as follows:Read More »Impact of Om Chanting for Stress Reduction and Stress Control

Neuroscience of Smiling Face in Meditation

Why smiling face is so important during meditation? Soft smiling brings instantaneous joy. It relaxes the mind and the body.  It is not necessary to smile all the time during meditation. However, at the beginning of a meditation session smiling is very important. Smiling is a positive lens through which you can see the world positively.  In this article the basic neuroscience of smiling, during meditation is explained. “Meditation is the way to… Read More »Neuroscience of Smiling Face in Meditation