Quantum AI

Spin-orbit Coupling Qubits for Quantum Computing

Spin-orbit Coupling Qubits for Quantum Computing and AI

The Power of Spin-orbit Coupling Qubits for Quantum Computing

Here, Dr. Amit Ray discusses the power, scope, and challenges of Spin-orbit Coupling Qubits for Quantum Computing with Artificial Intelligence in details. Quantum computing for artificial intelligence is one of the key research project of Compassionate AI Lab. We summarize here some of the recent developments on qubits and spin–orbit coupling  for quantum computing. 

In digital computing, information is processed as ones and zeros, binary digits (or bits). The analogue to these in quantum computing are known as qubits. The qubits are implemented in nanoscale dimensions, such as spintronic, single-electron devices and ultra-cold gas of Bose-Einstein condensate state devices. Manipulation and measurement of the dynamics of the quantum states before decoherence are the primary characteristic of quantum computing. 


Quantum Computing with AI

Involving electron spin  in designing electronic devices with new functionalities, and achieving quantum computing with electron spins is among the most ambitious goals of  compassionate artificial superintelligence – AI 5.0.  Utilizing quantum effects like quantum superposition, entanglement, and quantum tunneling for computation is becoming an emerging research field of quantum computing based artificial intelligence. 

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Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence

Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence

Here, Sri Amit Ray discusses the power, scope, and challenges of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence in details.

In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in quantum computing and artificial intelligence. Quantum computers with artificial intelligence could revolutionize our society and bring many benefits. Big companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft and Intel are all currently racing to build useful quantum computer systems. They have also made tremendous progress in deep learning and machine intelligence.  

Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of science that emphasizes the development of intelligent systems that can work and behave like humans. Quantum computing is essentially using the amazing laws of quantum mechanics to enhance computing power. These two emergent technologies will likely have huge transforming impact on our society in the future. Quantum computing is finding a vital platform in providing speed-ups for machine learning problems, critical to big data analysis, blockchain and IoT. 

The main purpose of this article is to explain some of the basic ideas how quantum computing in the context of the advancements of artificial intelligence; especially quantum deep machine learning algorithms, which can be used for designing compassionate artificial superintelligence.Read More »Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence