

Best view of life Amit Ray Meditation Quotes

To get the Best View of Life

To get the best view of life, you have to reach heights above the life. — Amit Ray

In life you cannot judge everything from the ground. Not all good photographs are taken from the eye level. Your ‘point of view’ is most vital in life. If you’re looking for a new perspective on your life, the best thing to do is get up high. You may need more aerial views. Sometimes, if you’re looking for a deeper truth, you may need a microscopic view of life. Truth always remain the same only view points changes.

Best view of life Amit Ray Meditation Quotes

Best View of Life

Detachment is the key to meditation and detachments come when you see objects from different prospective, different orientations, and different view points.

In every field there is a point of view – such as spiritual point of view, political point of view, and scientific point of view. Generally, point of view usually refers to one’s personal values or beliefs, or what you can see or understand that another person may not, based on your unique perspective or orientation. There is a difference between angle of view and field of view – deals with angle and the linear distance. In 114 chakras meditation techniques, you observe the chakras from different angles, different distance, different prespectives and then the underline beauty and the truth of your divinity blossoms. Read more..

Yoga Breathing to Fight Against COVID-19

Yoga Breathing to Fight Against COVID-19

This article explains the yoga breathing and yoga respiratory cleaning techniques to fight against COVID-19 viruses and to build a strong respiratory system.

The COVID virus moves in two ways in the body. The virus moves downward along the respiratory tract;  nose – mouth – throat, and to the lungs.   In the severe cases of COVID-19, the virus moves upward to the brain through the nose and reach the olfactory bulb of the brain and then the respiratory center in the brainstem areas.

To stop the downward movement of the virus we have discussed the Ayurveda techniques earlier. This article explained how yoga breathing techniques like kurma breathing, alternate nostril breathing and yoga cleaning techniques like jal neti, can help us to improve our immunity and fighting capability against COVID-19 viruses. Several studies suggested that practice of proper yoga breathing exercises for a short duration (3 months) of time can significantly improve respiratory muscle strength.  Social distancing, hand washing, wearing face-masks and improving immunity are the key tools to fight against Coronaviruses. Here, we will also review the yoga breathing techniques with respect to COVID challenge.

Psychological stress of COVID Patients

The most common cause of hyperventilation in COVID patients is extreme psychological stress.… Read more..

Sri Amit Ray Teachings on Sanjivani Vidya and Urja Vidya for Immunity and Spirituality

How Sanjivani Vidya and Ayurveda can Boost your Immunity and Spirituality

Mystery Ayurveda and Sanjivani Vidya

Sri Amit Ray talks about Sanjivani Vidya, Urja Vidya  and Ayurveda to enhance your immunity, healing power and spirituality.  The eleven key immunity chakras and eleven key healing herbs are discussed. This article is for the students, who have attended the Ray 114 Chakra meditation course


Sanjivani Vidya and Urja Vidya for Immunity and Spirituality Amit Ray Teachings

Sanjivani Vidya gives huge spiritual energy for deep meditation. Sanjivani Vidya is vital for getting up early in the morning especially at 3:45 AM and for deep  ishvara pranidhana – realizing the supreme truth.  Urja Vidya is necessary for developing concentration, patience, mental clarity, and creativity.  Both of them are associated with immunity and mental strength. 

Ayurved and Sanjivani Vidya

In ancient oral tradition of Ray Ayurveda, there are seven protocols to improve your immunity, health and spirituality. These seven Ayurveda protocols are the seven ways to study the herbs, human body system, the 114 chakras and 72000 nadis, and the diseases.  Among these seven Ayurveda protocols, the following three protocols are very important for immunity, health and healing. 

The first one is the traditional vata-pitta-kapha protocol (Dhatu Vidya). The other two vital protocols are Sanjivani pathway protocol (Sanjivani Vidya), and the Urja pathway protocol (Urja Vidya). Today, I will discuss mainly the Sanjivani pathway protocol and the Urja pathway protocols, which are studied to improve immunity in inline with the 114 chakras in human body.Read More »How Sanjivani Vidya and Ayurveda can Boost your Immunity and Spirituality

How to Stop Overthinking 10 Powerful Techniques

Are you thinking excessively and want to stop that? Here is ten simple techniques to stop overthinking. You should also know the neuroscience of overthinking. 

in this article, we explain ten most popular techniques to overcome overthinking.

Overthinking and negative thought patterns drains away the positive energy from life. What is most important for healthy, happy and successful life is to learn to cut-off the negative thought patterns from the source (the triggers) as early as possible. 

The mind does not like to change its thought patterns. Normally, human subconscious mind is a habit mind. It repeats the same habits over and over again. Unhealthy thought patterns create stress and stress creates unhealthy biological reactions, and prolonged stress can lead to both physical and mental health problems. Fortunately there are many ways to come out of the unhealthy thought patterns and overthinking.

Neuroscience for Overthinking:

Generally, your overthinking habit patterns mostly develop from the behavior of our parents, teachers, spouse, friends, relatives, office colleague and children. If you work under stress, fear and insecurity for long time an area in your brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) became hyperactive. The dlPFC is involved in things like thinking, planning, memory,  reasoning and higher executive function.… Read more..

Herbs to Boost your Immunity

Herbs that Can Boost Your Immunity During COVID-19 Lockdown

To fight against COVID-19 viruses, immunity boosting is must. It is most important to increase the normal immunity of our body. It does not require medication, our body can automatically prevent many bacterial and viral infections. And to increase that immunity, we need to eat a few wild herbs on a regular basis. Because, various studies have shown that those herbs increase the normal immunity of our body. So now we need to know what are the herbs that increase our immunity. This is because, as the body’s immune system weakens, our risk of contracting any bacteria or virus increases.

1. Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)

Giloy is also known as Gulancha. It is very useful to enhance immunity. Giloy has been used in various Ayurvedic medicines in India for a long time. These help our body get rid of toxins. Purifies the blood. It can fight hard against bacteria and viruses. Giloy increases our digestion and immunity. Health remains good. You should wake up every morning with 15 to 30 millilitres of Giloy juice in a glass and eat it on an empty stomach.

2. Ajwain (Carom seeds)

Carom seeds are also packed with antibacterial properties that help shield you against the seasonal infections.… Read more..

How to Stop Negative Thinking

How to Stop Negative Thoughts During COVID-19 Crisis

Covid-19 is one of the most critical crisis humanity is facing. But human spirit has incredible power to come out from any critical situation. What is important is patience, courage, self-discipline, adaptability, understandings, love and above all positive mindset. Our brains have a huge capacity to learn and adapt. Humanity has special power because we have the capabilities to learn and adapt to address each problem both individually and collectively. We have the power to grow by feeling about others and supporting others. Here, we discussed seven key techniques to stop the negative thoughts and cultivate positive thoughts. The techniques are as follows:

1. Spread positive energy in the Universe

“In this moment, world needs huge positive energy of peace, joy and happiness. Be positive and stop negative thinking. And the key to stop negative thinking in this hour of crisis of COVID-19, is to spread your love and positive energy in every direction for the well-being of the whole humanity.” — Amit Ray

For your personal health you need to strictly follow the standard coronavirus safety protocols of: hand washing, wearing face-masks, maintaining strict physical distancing, social distancing, maintaining overall hygiene of foods, clothes, environment, gloves, gown, respirator protection, and eye protections.… Read more..

Fight Against Coronavirus COVID-19: Five Key Ayurveda Techniques

Fight Against Coronavirus COVID-19: Five Key Ayurveda Techniques

In this article we reviewed five key Ayurveda techniques to fight against Coronaviruses. The global COVID-19 pandemic is killing hundreds of people across the world. Modern medicine is in search of proper COVID-19 vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but it will take at least a year to develop the vaccine. Hence, social distancing, hand washing, wearing face-masks and improving immunity are the key tools to fight against Coronaviruses. Here, we discusses the top five Ayurveda techniques to improve immunity, repairing and strengthening the throat tissues and fight against COIVD-19.
The Life Cycle of Coronavirus Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2

Life Cycle Analysis of Coronavirus (COVID-19) – The SARS-CoV-2 Virus

This article describes the life cycle of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in six simple steps. It also discusses the role of spike (S) protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the role of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors of the host cell in spreading the viruses. This understanding can help to develop suitable drugs and antibodies to counter the viruses.  

How the Virus Spread

Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spreads primarily through droplets (respiratory secretions) and close person-to-person contact. When a person talks, coughs or sneezes, there are droplets. These droplets spread the virus. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. Study found that people touched surfaces and their mouth or nose 3 to 4 times per hour. Hence, hand washing is really vital to stop coronavirus. 

Life Cycle of COVID-19 (SAS-CoV-2)

After the virus enters into the body, it binds to primary target cells that express abundant virus receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), including pneumocytes and enterocytes in the respiratory system, lung, intestine, kidney, and blood vessels. The virus enters and replicates in these cells. The matured virions are then released to infect new target cells.… Read more..

Meditation to Reconnect with your Soul

When you are connected with your soul, you cope well with your emotions. You become grounded, balanced and self-aware, have clarity and a good sense of your values, and feel a purpose in life. When you are intensely connected with your ego, you activate your emotional pain body and you become disconnected from your soul- the inner being. The more you are disconnected from your soul, the greater the conflict and disharmony in your life.

Soul re-connection meditation is a special type of meditation technique where you can identify and detach yourself from your pain body and connect yourself with your bliss body and the higher healing energy and higher consciousness. 

Pain Body and your Emotions

Generally, unconscious mind is attached to the emotional pain body. Your depressions, fear, anxiety, anger, and other negative emotional states are attached to the emotional pain body. Emotional pains can be very personal to you, inherited from your family, or part of the collective unconscious pain body. As you feel pain, it is an enjoyment for the unconscious mind. Pain body creates fragmented mindsets. Soul re-connection is a special type of meditation, where you can isolate your pain body and negative emotions from your true self.… Read more..