Yoga and Meditation

Inner Child Healing Master Course

The objective of the Inner Child Healing guided meditation is to bring back your natural joy, playfulness, and happiness in life. This is done by a systematic, step-by-step process to remove the blockages of the 21 inner child chakras and the 21 inner child energy channels (nadis).

Welcome to the world of transformation that is the Guided Meditation for Healing the Inner Child Master Course. Find balance with the help of the 21 Nadis and 21 Chakras. Start a deep journey of self-discovery and mental renewal as we explore the depths of your inner child’s healing and lead you through the pathways of the 21 nadis and the 21 chakras.

This is a 9-week course, total nine online classes. The course covers how the chakras and the nadis are associated with the cosmic healing of your inner child.

This master course is designed to empower you with the tools, insights, and practices needed to unlock emotional liberation, achieve energetic alignment, and embrace a radiant sense of well-being. This is a chakra based spiritual course that involves repairing the wounds of your past. You will learn inner child healing, inner child playfulness, and inner child joy, and transformation.

It involves understanding and validating your inner child’s experiences, learning to nurture and protect it, and integrating its needs and desires into your life.… Read more..

7 Ways to Cultivate Strong Determination through Your Vajra Nadi and the 114 Chakras

Strong determination is foundation of leadership and successful life.  Among the 72000 energy channels in the body, the Vajra Nadi is associated with mental power and strong determination. There is a systematic meditation process to activate the seven channels of the Vajra Nadi.

In this article, we will explore the seven subtler channels of your Vajra Nadi, along with related exercises to improve your determination and will power. These practices can be seamlessly integrated into your daily life to enhance your determination.

Through these practices, you will unleash the power of your inner resolve and propel yourself towards achieving your goals. Cultivating strong determination is a journey that begins with small, consistent steps. 

In the realm of your 114 chakras and 72000 nadis, the energy of determination flows like a vibrant river. In this enchanting realm, you can explore how you can cultivate and activate strong determination by harnessing the power of the 114 chakras and nadis within your very being.Read More »7 Ways to Cultivate Strong Determination through Your Vajra Nadi and the 114 Chakras

12 Time Management Skills in Spiritual Life

Time management is your key to success in every front of life. If you want to achieve great things of life, then you need disciplines in almost everywhere in life, which includes physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual. It makes things easy for you to handle and, ultimately, brings success to your life.
It is best to practice discipline and time management from the early stages of your life. However, if you are late, you can start now. There is always some scope for improvement in discipline in life.
Discipline can give you the rules to live your life efficiently and effectively, with less wastage of time, effort and energy. The small sacrifices in the present moments can bring a better and comfortable life in the future.

What is Discipline?

Discipline is a way of being honest, hard-working, following some routines, motivated, and encouraged throughout the life. Moreover, time management creates habits, habits make routines, and routines lead to success. It makes the difference between winning and losing, between average and exceptional.

12 Time Management Skills

Time management is the backbone of spiritual life. Prepare the list of jobs that are to be done every morning. Prioritize your tasks.  Set the time to complete each of your tasks.

Time management is also includes your meditation, yoga exercises, food and sleep timings. In fact, the Stomach meridian is at its peak between 7:00 and 9:00am, making this the best time to have breakfast. The last meal of the day should be light and taken at least four hours before going to bed.

12 Time Management Skills

12 Time Management Skills

The 12 time management skills:

  1. Give an early start to the day: Start the day before 6:00 AM.
  2. Always have a to-do list: Make a priority list of three things to do. 
  3. Organize three short goals: Understand your short goals, don’t mix it with long goals. 
  4. Follow a time table: Strictly follow a routine of your 24 hours plan. Keep your food, prayer, yoga and meditation also on priority. 
  5. Do one task at a time: Stop doing multitasking, try to focus on one activity at a time. 
  6. Stay focused: Keep distractions at bay. Keep all destructing persons, thoughts, and activities away. 
  7. Make a habit to say “No”: Learn how to say “No” in many situations. 
  8. Give value to fitness: Do your daily exercises. 
  9. Send sort emails: Do not waste much time on emails. 
  10. Restrict social media involvements: Keep your social media activities under control. 
  11. Keep yourself motivated all the time. 
  12. Get enough sleep: Seven to eight hours of sleep is necessary for your body. Maintain the sleep wake cycle healthy. 

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Yoga Resistance Breathing for Respiratory Muscle Training

Ray Yoga Resistance Breathing for Respiratory Muscle Training

In today’s hyperactive, stressful and hyper-connected world of overstimulation and pollution, keeping respiratory muscles strong, happy and healthy is a major challenge. A great way to establish a healthy body and joyful mind is to strengthen your respiratory muscles optimally with special yoga breathing exercises. 

In this guide, we’ll introduce deep resisted yoga breathing techniques and its various uses and benefits. We’ll then show you several ways you can verify and uses its power. You can use it alongside with your daily yoga exercises,  meditations, and medications.

This is a great way to overcome the difficulties of panic attacks, anxieties and hyperventilation. It has vast array of beneficial effects in the three domains of physical health, mental health and cognitive performance.

What is Respiratory Muscle Yoga Training?

Yoga resistance breathing is different from the traditional yoga breathing techniques. The traditional 15 yoga breathing techniques include: 

  1. Bhastrika Pranayama (Breath of fire)
  2. Kapalabhati Pranayam (Skull shining)
  3. Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
  4. Ujjayi Pranayama (The sound of ocean waves)
  5. Bhramari Pranayama (Humming bee breath)
  6. Surya Bhedana (The solar breath)
  7. Chandra Bhedana (The lunar breath)
  8. Kumbhaka Pranayama (Breath retention)
  9. Sheetli Pranayama (Cooling breath)
  10. Simhasana (Lion’s Breath)
  11. Mrigi Mudra Pranayam (Deer seal breathing)
  12. Dirga Pranayama (Long breath)
  13. Udgeeth pranayama (Chanting breath)
  14. Plavini Pranayama (Floating breath)
  15. Murcha Pranayama (Swooning breath)

However, the Ray respiratory muscle yoga resistance breathing training is a new way to improve strength or endurance of the inspiratory or expiratory muscles.… Read more..

How Your Belief and Intelligence Can Bring You Success

How Your Belief and Intelligence Can Bring You Success

It is often said that belief is the death of intelligence. Sri Amit Ray explains how belief and intelligence can work together for success. He says why you need to transcend your limiting belief systems and develop strong self-belief by reprogramming your subconscious mind. He discussed how you can change your point of view in order to change your core negative beliefs.

Beliefs Intelligence and Success

Nature of Beliefs:

Generally, belief means an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.  For example, we never ponder whether or not the sun will rise. We simply assume the sun will rise.  Self-belief or self-confidence are thought to be the way that you feel about your skills, abilities, looks and behaviors.

Types of Beliefs:

There are two types of beliefs; positive beliefs and negative beliefs. Positive beliefs are the beliefs that gives you energy, motivation and happiness for short term as well as for long term. Self-belief is an example of positive belief. Negative beliefs are the beliefs that drags you down and makes you dependent on something other than your self. Blind faiths are the examples of negative belief. 

Beliefs are driven by very human hopes and dreams and fears. Your beliefs can be a prison system you’ve created for yourself. But the door is not locked. You can come out of that. It never was and you can get escape from your limiting ideas about reality any time you want to open that door. 

Power of Self-Beliefs and Self-Confidence:

What is important is developing belief in yourself.  Self-belief makes you confident, relax, creative and think clearly. Test and experience your own beliefs again and again.  If you believe in yourself, you’ll feel motivated to take positive action and you will remain motivated for longer periods of time. You won’t be upset by mistakes or setbacks. If you believe that you can or you can’t, you’re right. If you don’t think it’s possible forget about success, you can’t even get started.  The only thing standing between you and your success is your inner story – that continuously telling you as to why you can’t achieve it.  

Intelligence and Blind Beliefs:

Intelligence is necessary in life but intelligence alone is not enough to be a successful person.  Self belief and positive-mindset are essential elements of success.  Blind faith, while still practiced, is not a practical approach to resolving the problems of modern life.  In fact blind faith is detrimental to life. It gives a very narrow view of problems and issues. When your beliefs meet reality, reality wins every time if they’re not in sync. Researchers observed that there is a negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief.  Blind belief system often actively deny evidence to fit what they already believe. 

Belief and Intelligence and Success:

Success in life depends on how to meet the challenges in the world of emotions or how we become more creative, how we identify and solve real life problems or how we make better decisions.  The people who achieved great success in life mastered a few fundamental and universal truths better than anyone else. They can easily separate the signal from the noise. Truth must be earned by each individual. It can’t be bought or cheated or even learned without personal dedication and hard work. If you want to get good at anything you have to learn to see your strengths and  weaknesses accurately. If you don’t start with the truth you can’t possibly get anything else right. 

Humans are fear driven animals. We constantly imagine terrible tragedies in order to try to react ahead of them. But the problem is that you spend your whole life reacting to imaginary events instead of the one real one. That is the path to suffering and pain. Positive mindset is the path of success and happiness.

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Art of Accessing Inner World Without Meditation

Day 7: Art of Accessing Inner World Without Meditation

What is the procedure for accessing inner world without meditation? Normally inner world is accessed through Poetry, Narrative. Literature, Music, open-eye-meditation and Visual Art.  Here, I am giving below the thirteen ways to access your Inner World without formal meditation. The 1st Step of accessing the inner world is to understand your nonconscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Inner world is deeply related with who and what we are and what we think and believe and what we feel. Inner world is the world where all creation started. The thirteen ways for accessing your Inner World are:

1. Choose your path according to your nature; Choose your path, based on your nature; all path’s lead to divinity. All paths are divine because you are divine.

2. Help others and do service for the benefits of other:  Try to help others that will bring more meanings to your life. If you think you are trapped in one negative situation of life, helping others will bring you out from the negative situations of life. It is working selflessly for the good of all without any expectation of reward, name, fame or even recognition.

3. Bring perfection on your action. If your focus is on right action, action for the greater good, offering this action without attachment, you will arrive in the light. You are light.

4. Understand Inter connectedness and oneness: To understand the inter connectedness you need to move to the deepest levels of your feelings beyond the physical senses andlearn to stand and act in our own truth.

5. You are more than your physical senses. Simply know that there is so much more, infinitely more, beyond what can be seen, felt, heard by your physical senses. 

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