
Inner Child Healing Master Course

The objective of the Inner Child Healing guided meditation is to bring back your natural joy, playfulness, and happiness in life. This is done by a systematic, step-by-step process to remove the blockages of the 21 inner child chakras and the 21 inner child energy channels (nadis).

Welcome to the world of transformation that is the Guided Meditation for Healing the Inner Child Master Course. Find balance with the help of the 21 Nadis and 21 Chakras. Start a deep journey of self-discovery and mental renewal as we explore the depths of your inner child’s healing and lead you through the pathways of the 21 nadis and the 21 chakras.

This is a 9-week course, total nine online classes. The course covers how the chakras and the nadis are associated with the cosmic healing of your inner child.

This master course is designed to empower you with the tools, insights, and practices needed to unlock emotional liberation, achieve energetic alignment, and embrace a radiant sense of well-being. This is a chakra based spiritual course that involves repairing the wounds of your past. You will learn inner child healing, inner child playfulness, and inner child joy, and transformation.

It involves understanding and validating your inner child’s experiences, learning to nurture and protect it, and integrating its needs and desires into your life.… Read more..

Life is a Dance. Mindfulness is Witnessing that Dance – Sri Amit Ray

Life has so many dances. The dances of breath, experiences of joy and sorrow, praise and criticism—”dance” is a magical term. It has so many meanings. Dance is everywhere. Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance symbolizes the essence of existence. Dance of the birds, dances of the tiny cells in the body. All are the signatures of divinity.

Mindfulness is recognizing the beauty of the universe’s pulses in our own heartbeats. Within the dance of higher spirituality, we find communion with the cosmos, uniting our individual rhythms with the heartbeat of the universe.

Imagine you are simply observing the rhythm of your breath. It has enormous capacity to rewire your brain. Imagine a peaceful moment in which you become a mute observer of your breath’s rhythmic dance. An extraordinary force takes root in this simple yet profound act of mindful witnessing. The gentle rise and fall of your breath has the extraordinary ability to rewire the intricate neural pathways in your brain, resulting in a profound inner transformation.Read More »Life is a Dance. Mindfulness is Witnessing that Dance – Sri Amit Ray

How to Protect Your 114 Chakras from Light Pollution: Sleep, Brain Health, and Hormones

Protecting your 114 chakras from light pollution is vital for nurturing your spirituality, vitality, manifestation, and total well-being. Light pollution, the excessive presence of artificial light in our surroundings, can have a profound effect on the balance and well-being of your 114 chakras. These energy centers within your body play a crucial role in your spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

Like noise pollution and air pollution, light pollution has lots of detrimental effects on health, chakras, and the energy body.

In this article, we explore practical strategies to overcome light pollution and safeguard the integrity of your 114 chakras, and your total wellbeing. We also discussed the impacts of light pollution on your sleep, brain health, and hormones. Read More »How to Protect Your 114 Chakras from Light Pollution: Sleep, Brain Health, and Hormones

The Neuroscience of a Winning Mindset: The Brain’s Blueprint for Success

A winning mindset is the most important factor for success, not only in sports but in every dimension of life. By learning the neuroscience behind having a winning attitude, you can improve your thoughts and actions and reach your full success potential.

This article explores the intricate connection between neuroscience and a winning mindset, shedding light on the brain’s blueprint for success.

The Neuroscience of a Winning Mindset -The Brain's Blueprint for Success

The Neuroscience of a Winning Mindset

Neuroscience is an interesting field that has taught us a lot about how the brain works on the inside, revealing the neural processes that add to a winning mindset. Neuroscience has shed light on the complicated systems that fuel achievement and push individuals to achieve amazing feats via cutting-edge research and revolutionary discoveries.

As we explore the depths of the mind, we discover the remarkable neural processes that contribute to a winning mindset. Prepare to unlock your mind’s full potential as we venture into the fascinating world of neuroscience and uncover the astounding science behind a winning mindset.Read More »The Neuroscience of a Winning Mindset: The Brain’s Blueprint for Success

7 Ways to Cultivate Strong Determination through Your Vajra Nadi and the 114 Chakras

Strong determination is foundation of leadership and successful life.  Among the 72000 energy channels in the body, the Vajra Nadi is associated with mental power and strong determination. There is a systematic meditation process to activate the seven channels of the Vajra Nadi.

In this article, we will explore the seven subtler channels of your Vajra Nadi, along with related exercises to improve your determination and will power. These practices can be seamlessly integrated into your daily life to enhance your determination.

Through these practices, you will unleash the power of your inner resolve and propel yourself towards achieving your goals. Cultivating strong determination is a journey that begins with small, consistent steps. 

In the realm of your 114 chakras and 72000 nadis, the energy of determination flows like a vibrant river. In this enchanting realm, you can explore how you can cultivate and activate strong determination by harnessing the power of the 114 chakras and nadis within your very being.Read More »7 Ways to Cultivate Strong Determination through Your Vajra Nadi and the 114 Chakras

Hormones, Endocrine System, and Your Seven Chakras: Balancing Your Body Mind and Spirit

Have you ever thought about how your body and mind stays balanced and in tune? The complex relationship between hormones and the endocrine system is a key part of how the body works. In addition to being important for our bodies, hormones also have a big effect on our energy regions, which are called chakras.

In this article, you will learn the relationship between hormones, the endocrine system, and your seven chakras, and practices for balancing and harmonizing We’ll also talk about how important they are to your overall health.

The Seven Chakras and Your Glands and Hormones

The Seven Chakras and Your Glands and Hormones

By adopting these healthy lifestyle practices and exploring holistic approaches to wellness, you can create a supportive environment for both hormone balance and chakra vitality, promoting overall physical, emotional, and energetic well-being.

Read More »Hormones, Endocrine System, and Your Seven Chakras: Balancing Your Body Mind and Spirit

Humbleness and enthusiasm for Leadership and 114 Chakras

Enthusiasm and Humbleness for Leadership: The Power of 114 Chakras

Enthusiasm and humbleness are two critical qualities that can greatly enhance your leadership skills. Both of these traits are linked to specific chakras in the body, which can be balanced and strengthened through various practices. 

In this article, you will learn how to cultivate enthusiasm and humbleness for leadership with your chakras and get practical tips for enhancing these qualities in your leadership style.  

Enthusiasm and Humbleness for Leadership and the 114 Chakras Map

Enthusiasm and Humbleness for Leadership and the 114 Chakras Map

There are 114 chakras in the body, each with their own unique qualities and significance. You can use the power of the 114 chakras to cultivate enthusiasm and humbleness for leadership and to bring balance between them.

The 114 Chakras names Online course

The 114 Chakras Names Online course

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The 84 Healing Herbs of Ayurveda Master Course

In this 9-week course you will learn the details of 84 healing herbs and the 36 herbal combinations of different healing traditions. This course combines the wisdom of ancient oral healing traditions, family healing traditions, traditional Ayurveda scriptures,  and the modern scientific researches on healing herbs. 

The 84 Healing Herbs of Ayurveda Master Course

A 9-Weeks Guided Course 

Sri Amit Ray Meditation Center 

The word Ayurveda means “the knowledge of long life.” You will learn the basic philosophy of Ayurveda. You will also learn the key concepts of the Ayurveda doshas, herbs, lifestyle, seven dhatus, and the five elements. In this course, you will learn the details of 84 herbs and the 36 herbal combinations of different healing traditions.

The 84 Healing Herbs of Ayurveda Course

The Course Contents

The general content of the NINE modules of the course are as follows:

Module 1: The  Four Pillars of Ayurveda are:

1. TriDosha – The three basic bio-energies – Vata (space and air), Pitta (fire and water) and Kapha (water and earth) in the body. 

2. TriGuna – Three basic properties – Sattva (the pure), Rajas (the dynamic), and Tamas (the inert).

3. Five Mahabhutas – Five basic elements – Earth, water, fire, air, and space.

4. Chorashi OusodhiThe 84 main herbs.… Read more..

Visualization Techniques for Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Success

Visualization techniques have become increasingly popular in the world of sports psychology as athletes strive to improve their performance and overcome challenges. By creating mental images of successful performances, athletes can improve their focus, reduce anxiety, and boost their confidence.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of visualization techniques in sports and provide tips on how you can incorporate this technique into your training. We also discussed how you can improve the power of visualization by incorporating the 114 chakras in your visualization techniques. Awakening the third-eye chakra is the key for success in visualization.

Meditate, visualize, and create your own reality.

“Meditate, visualize, and create your own reality, and the universe will simply reflect back to you.” – Sri Amit Ray

Read More »Visualization Techniques for Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Success

Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind – Sri Amit Ray

“Beauty”, is a divine term. It has many meanings. In this quote, I emphasize the importance of beauty for peace, tranquility, happiness, and the purification of the mind. Depending on your mindset and context, the meaning of beauty can differ. The word “beauty” can include kindness, good words, polite behavior, good appearance, positive thoughts, natural beauty, and higher spirituality.

In this article, I discuss how you can incorporate beauty into your life by following the top 21 practices, exploring the neuroscience of beauty, understanding the spirituality of beauty, and reciting the mantra of beauty, omnipresence, and truth – Satyam Shivam Sundaram.

Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind - Sri Amit Ray

The mind is often cluttered with negative thoughts, worries, and fears, and this can lead to stress and anxiety. However, when you take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you, it can help you clear your mind of negative thoughts. You will also experience a sense of calm and peace. In this article, we explore the significance of beauty in your lives and how it can help purify your mind.Read More »Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind – Sri Amit Ray