

Navaratri and Durga Mantras for Adoring the Divine Cosmic Power

Navaratri and Durga Mantras for Adoring the Divine Cosmic Power

Sri Amit Ray explains the significance of Navarati and the Ya devi sarvabhuteshu, Durga mantra. These are the ways to transform the negative energies into positive energies and bringing happiness and prosperity in life. 

Navarati is the nine nights festival, celebrated in the autumn every year across India. Goddess Durga is worshiped during these nine days.  The celebration starts on the new moon day around autumn equinox in the month of September-October and it continued for nine nights (ten days). In this year it is starting from toady. It is the time to adore, to connect and to awaken the divine cosmic energy.  

Navratri and Durga Puja Mantras

Durga the Goddess of Positive Energy

Devi Durga is the Goddess of self-confidence, enthusiasm and positive energy.  Goddess Durga is the combined energy of MahaParvati, MahaLakshmi and MahaSaraswati. Here the word Maha means greatest. Prvati means daughter of mountain. Like mountain, Goddess Durga is the giver of strength – physical strength, mental strength and spiritual strength. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, good luck, abundance and prosperity. Goddess Durga is the giver of wealth, abundance and good luck.  Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, music, art, wisdom and learning. Goddess Durga is the giver of  wisdom, knowledge and high culture. 

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Who Am I Meditation to Realize your true Potential the Cosmic Self

Who Am I meditation is the journey to realize the pure Cosmic Self. Many people think, who Am I meditation is just chanting the mantra “I am not the mind”, “I am not the body”. But in reality it is far away from that.  Here, Sri Amit Ray explains the steps of Who Am I meditation. He explained the steps, pitfalls and destination of Who Am I meditation.  

Who Am I Meditation Sri Amit Ray

Who AM I meditation is a way of penetrating and exploring the inner realms so as to achieve silence, spiritual wisdom and communion with the higher Self. It is a way to move into the inner world. The self can be realized by the Self alone with pure intention, love and intellect. Who AM I meditation is gradual process of dis-identifying from your body, mind, and the feelings. The Who Am I meditations has seven steps to settle your mind in peace and realize the deeper Divine Self. 

“Who Am I meditation is allowing the mind to drop and settle in the inner being like a falling leaf of a tall tree. It is like observing the full moon in a silent lake, where there is no ripple, no thoughts.” — Amit Ray 
Meditation on cosmic Self, is the best way to align with the cosmos. Individual self is incomplete without its deep connection with the cosmic Self.  Our Who Am I and  Cosmic Self meditation techniques aim to reunify the individual with cosmos. 

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Quantum Computer with Superconductivity at Room Temperature

Quantum Computer with Superconductivity at Room Temperature

Quantum computer with superconductivity at room temperature is going to change the landscape of artificial intelligence. In the earlier article we have discussed quantum computing algorithms for artificial intelligence.  In this article we reviewed the implication of superconductivity at room temperature on quantum computation and its impact on artificial intelligence.   

Long coherence time (synchronized), low error rate and high scalability are the three prime requirements for quantum computing.  To overcome these problems, presently, quantum computer needs complex infrastructure involving high-cooling and ultra-high vacuum. This is to keep atomic movement close to zero and contain the entangled particles, both of which reduce the likelihood of decoherence. The availability of superconductivity at room temperature will provide the quantum jump in quantum computer. 

Quantum Computer with Superconductivity at Room Temperature

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Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence

Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Amit Ray explains the quantum annealing, Quantum Monte Carlo Tree Search, Quantum algorithms for traveling salesman problems, and Quantum algorithms  for gradient descent problems in depth.

This tutorial is for the researchers, developers, students and the volunteers of the quantum computing team of the  Sri Amit Ray Compassionate AI Lab. Many of our researchers and students asked me to explain the quantum computing algorithms in a very simplistic term.  The purpose of this article is to explain that.

Quantum Computing Algorithms for AI By Amit Ray

Earlier we have discussed Spin-orbit Coupling Qubits for Quantum Computing and the foundations of  Quantum computing and artificial intelligence.  This article is to explain the foundation quantum computing algorithms in depth in a simplistic way. Here we explained the concepts of quantum annealing, Quantum Monte Carlo Tree Search, quantum algorithms for traveling salesman problem and Quantum algorithms for gradient descent problems. Read More »Quantum Computing Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence

Five Greatest Shiva Mantras to Chant and Meditate

The five most powerful mantras of Lord Shiva are discussed here. These are to sing the glory of Lord Shiva – the supreme consciousness. Shiva – the supreme consciousness can be accessed in many ways. Shiva is the God as well as the purest vibration of the soul. With these vibrations of the five mantra you can tune with the ultimate power and truth. You can select any one of these mantra and chant according to your convenience. There is not much rules or restrictions for chanting these mantra. Only these mantra should be chanted for peace and the benefit of the humanity and the world. 

Five Greatest Shiva Mantras

It is said that a devotee who sings it with full devotion after taking bath and wearing clean clothes, and worship  Shiva – the divine cosmic truth and beauty with Flowers, Rice, Fruits, Bel leaves, Sandalwood,  etc…and most importantly, a pure heart, Shiva blesses them with immense strength, wealth and light and they get through all problems and  removes the obstacles of life. You can chant these mantras or you can do meditation on those mantras.

1. Shiva Main Mantra

ॐ नमः शिवाय॥
Om Namah Shivaya॥

Meaning of the Om Namah Shivaya Mantra:

Om namah Shivaya is one of the most beloved mantra of Lord Shiva.… Read more..

Crossing the Viraja River and Entering into the Timeless Universe

Viraja River is a spiritual concept of ancient India. Sri Amit Ray explained how one can transcended the flow of time or arrow of time and enter into the zone of timelessness. He explained it, in the light of modern spirituality and modern quantum physics and modern cosmology.

Crossing the Viraja River and Entering into the Timeless Dimensions

From my childhood, I heard many stories about the Viraja River. My mother use to say, if one’s mind is in perfect equilibrium and emerged into the deep cosmic God consciousness, one would cross the Viraja river even while living in this world. Later I realized the Viraja river can be crossed in deep samadhi especially through deep Om viraja kriya meditation.  Through special deep meditation Om Prana Kriya and Om Viraja Kriya meditation one can cross the cosmic mystical Viraja River. 

Modern Physics and the Viraja River

Recently, I was reading some articles on how quantum computing can reverse the arrow of time  published in the Journal of Physical ReviewViraja River is the ancient concept of Timeless Universe. The researchers of the quantum physics said that the the arrow of time is not an absolute concept; it strongly depends on the choice of initial conditions — so it’s relative. Viraja River is the river of timelessness because time does not exist at the other bank of the cosmic river.

Modern physics suggests that we can look at the entire history of the universe as a single four-dimensional thing. If you were to stand outside the universe—outside both space and time—and look at your own life, you would see your birth, your death and every moment in between laid out as distinct points. From this angle, time does not flow, but is static and fixed.  

Viraja River is the boundary between the material dimension of time and the spiritual dimension of timelessness. In deep meditation or after death the souls that exist on the material side of the Viraja are eternally conditioned, and the souls on the spiritual side are eternally liberated. Crossing Viraja river is going outside both time and space. On the other side of the Viraja river is the zone of eternal bliss and light.Read More »Crossing the Viraja River and Entering into the Timeless Universe

Deep Om Meditation Class by Amit Ray

Deep OM Meditation for Success and Positive Energy

Deep Om Meditation for success and positive energy is a systematic seven step OM meditation program. OM meditation is not a mechanical process. It is interacting with the living cosmic phenomenon.  It enhances happiness, mental clarity and positive energy in life.  This Deep Om Meditation techniques are revealed to Sri Amit Ray, is a simple, easy and effortless meditation technique which can be practiced almost any time during the day that will take you beyond highs and lows of life to truly embody the spiritual light that you are. These seven Om meditation techniques combines time-tested ancient techniques along with modern science-backed practices. 

The Om mantra is actually a deeply secret code well hidden in our DNA. Even those who chant it daily often do not understand and grasp these hidden coded mysteries. Om mantra needs proper initiation, without which it may not work. Once decoded with proper training, mantra initiation, the mysteries would reveal to anyone, regardless of religion, ethnicity, caste, creed, race, gender or lifestyle. 

Deep Om Meditation class by Sri Amit Ray

Connection with Cosmic OM

In this Skype class, you will be initiated into Dr. Ray’s teachings and practices of cosmic OM, where you will learn how to awaken and uncover your self-effulgent inner Sun and absorb its luminosity and Energy in your being. … Read more..

Artificial Intelligence to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Artificial Intelligence to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Artificial Intelligence to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Artificial Intelligence to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria – tools, techniques, models, scopes and challenges are discussed. Antibiotic resistance bacteria is one of the key research area of our Compassionate AI Lab. Dr. Amit Ray explains how artificial intelligence can be used in combating these superbugs. Antibiotic resistance bacteria is becoming world’s biggest health crisis. We discussed here multi-agent deep reinforcement learning models for predicting behavior of bacteria and phages in multi-drug environments.  We call this model as DeepCombat. 

Artificial Intelligence to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic resistant bacteria are bacteria that are not controlled or killed by antibiotics. They are able to survive and even multiply in the presence of an antibiotic.  These bacteria currently kill an estimated 700,000 people globally each year – a death toll which could rise to 10 million a year by 2050 if we don’t act [1]. The main difficulty is that the bacteria are changing fast. They changing faster than we can change the drugs in response.

 Artificial intelligence is showing alternative means of fighting these deadly infections and killer bacteria. Multi-drug-resistant bacterial infections annually result in millions of hospital days, billions in healthcare costs, and, most importantly, thousands of lives lost. Artificial Intelligence for healthcare is progressing at an exponential rate.  We are evaluating here, the role of artificial intelligence in fighting these superbugs.  Especially, the use of AI for intelligent Phage therapy.Read More »Artificial Intelligence to Combat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for Precision Medicine

Here, we discussed the scopes and implementation issues of artificial intelligence and blockchain for precision medicine. Evidence-based medicine is gradually shifting from therapy to prevention and towards individually tailored precision medicine systems. Where, artificial intelligence can be used to automatically detect problems and threats to patient safety, such as patterns of sub-optimal care or outbreaks of hospital-acquired illness. Artificial intelligence can be used to prevent the issues like drug-interaction, over-diagnosis, over-treatment and under-treatment. It can be used more effectively to solve the problems of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Artificial Intelligence in Radiology for X-Ray and CT-Scan

Artificial Intelligence in Radiology for X-Ray and CT-Scan Image Analysis 

Dr. Amit Ray
Compassionate AI Lab, Radiology Division

With artificial intelligence it is possible to analyze and interpret large amounts of radiological images efficiently. Late detection of disease significantly increases treatment costs and reduces survival rates. Often visual human interpretation of an isolated image are time-consuming, difficult and expensive. Artificial intelligence in healthcare especially in radiology has tremendous scope. Recently, AI for radiology uses deep learning, reinforcement learning, and other machine learning algorithms to systematically assess x-ray, CT Scan and MRI images of and instantly provide detailed reports on their findings.

Artificial Intelligence in Radiology

AI algorithms read medical images like a radiologist, they identify the hidden patterns in the image and relate them with medical data. The AI systems are trained using vast numbers of images like CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound or nuclear imaging. New AI tools that excel at medical image analysis can automatically detect complex anomalous patterns in radiological images and provide quantitative information on disease [4].

Studies have shown that computer aided screening can decrease false negatives by ~45% [1]. The AI machines reading radiology studies correctly, reaching around 95 percent accuracy [2]. The AI tools can rapidly review a number of images, prior images, patient history and other medical data, and then extract the most meaningful insights, which can then be verified by the radiologist.… Read more..